
Model Code

This section is a technical documentation of the microWELT model. It is organized module by module, the modules being grouped by types (see below). The documentation is generated automatically from the most recent version of the model code. Each module documentation contains a text description, followed by the model code.

Welcome to microWELT Version 1.22. This is the model version used in the studies of the final WELTRANSIM Work Package 2 report. It is also the model version available for download at the project website. microWELT Version 1.22. consolidates all previous modelling steps.

microWELT is highly modular. Modules can be classified into five groups:

  • The simulation engine comprising modules implementing the base functionality of an interacting population, continuous-time, dynamic microsimulation model. These modules are highly generic and typically do not require any changes when implementing a concrete model of this type.
  • Actor core modules: these modules introduce model actors like persons or the welfare state. It contains code specific to the actor, but not corresponding to a specific bahaviour.
  • Behavioural modules: these are the modules implementing specific processes and events like fertility, mortality, partnership formations and dissolutions, and education careers.
  • Accounting modules: these modules implement the accounting framework of the model. The accounting modules of microWELT implement the framework of National Transfer Accounts (NTAs) capturing the system of national accounts broken down by age, gender, education, and family type.
  • Output modules: These modules produce the rich table and micro-data output of the model.

microWELT is implemented in Modgen, a freely available generic microsimulation programming language developed and maintained at Statistics Canada. Each module corresponds to a .mpp code file containing its own documentation. Full model documentation is also available from the help menu of the microWELT application.

The Simulation Engine


This module contains general model settings and key elements of the simulation engine of the model. Developers typically are not required to modify or understand its code. Model-specific code includes:

  • The creation of Observation actors reading the starting population file.
  • The calculation of integer weights corresponding with the selected number of simulated actors.
  • The creation of a starting population of equal weight Person actors.
  • The removal of all Observation actors as they are not used anymore after the starting population was built.
  • The creation if immigrants.

// General Model Settings

model_type time_based, just_in_time;        // The model type
options packing_level = 2;                  // Reduces memory use at the expense of speed
time_type double;                           // The data type used to represent time

// Other data types
real_type               float;
counter_type    ushort;
integer_type    short;
index_type              ulong;

languages                                   // Supported languages
    EN // English

// Simulation() is called by the simulation framework to simulate a replicate

void Simulation()
    extern void LogSimulationStart();
    extern void SimulateEvents();
    LogSimulationStart();                   // Write simulation start message to log

    // Start of the model-specific part of the simulation engine      //

    // Create and open the input data file
    input_csv in_csv;

    // Create the Clock
    auto prClock = new Clock();

    // Create the Actor Globals
    auto prGlobals = new Globals();

    // Create the State
    auto prState = new State();

    // Create observations
    for (long nJ = 0; nJ < MicroDataInputFileSize; nJ++)
        auto paObservation = new Observation();

    // Set sample weights (obs_weight) in the observations to represent the (integer) number of
    // persons to be created out of each observation
    double dSumWeights = 0.0;

    for (long nJ = 0; nJ < MicroDataInputFileSize; nJ++)
        dSumWeights = dSumWeights + asObservationAll->Item(nJ)->pmc[PMC_WEIGHT];

    for (long nJ = 0; nJ < MicroDataInputFileSize; nJ++)
        double  dWeight = asObservationAll->Item(nJ)->pmc[PMC_WEIGHT]
                    * StartPopSampleSize / dSumWeights;
        int     nWeight = (int)dWeight;
        if (RandUniform(1) < dWeight - nWeight) nWeight++;
        asObservationAll->Item(nJ)->obs_weight = nWeight;

    // Calculate exact person weight: A small correction as all family members eventually inherit
    // the weight of the head which can be different from the integer weights assigned above
    long SumSimActors = 0.0;
    for (long nH = 0; nH < asObservationHeads->Count(); nH++)
        // Number family members
        int nFamSize = 1 + asObservationNonHeads[asObservationHeads->Item(nH)->fam_id]->Count();
        // sum of person weights in family with all having same weight as head
        SumSimActors = SumSimActors + nFamSize * asObservationHeads->Item(nH)->obs_weight;
    asGlobals->Item(0)->person_weight = StartPopSize/ SumSimActors;

    // Create the starting population
    while (asObservationHeads->Count() > 0)
        // First create the head
        auto paObservation = asObservationHeads->Item(0);
        auto paPerson = new Person();
        paPerson->Start(paObservation, NULL, TIME_INFINITE);
        // And now all other members of this family
        for (int nJ = 0; nJ < asObservationNonHeads[paObservation->fam_id]->Count(); nJ++)
            auto paOtherPerson = new Person();
            paOtherPerson->Start(asObservationNonHeads[paObservation->fam_id]->Item(nJ), paPerson, TIME_INFINITE);

    // Delete all observation actors
    while (asObservationAll->Count() > 0) asObservationAll->Item(0)->Finish();

    // Create Immigrants
    if (ModelImmigration || ModelNetMigration)
                for (int nYear = MIN(SIM_YEAR_RANGE); nYear < int(SIMULATION_END()); nYear++)
                        int nCohortSize = int(MgImmigrationTotal[RANGE_POS(SIM_YEAR_RANGE, nYear)] / (asGlobals->Item(0)->person_weight));
                        double dCohortSize = MgImmigrationTotal[RANGE_POS(SIM_YEAR_RANGE, nYear)] / (asGlobals->Item(0)->person_weight);
                        if (RandUniform(42) < dCohortSize - nCohortSize) nCohortSize++;
                        for (int nIndex = 0; nIndex < nCohortSize; nIndex++)
                                auto prPerson = new Person();
                                prPerson->Start(NULL, NULL, RandUniform(43) + nYear);

    // Close the microdata input file

    //   End of the model-specific part of the simulation engine      //

    SimulateEvents();                       // Simulate events until there are no more.


This module implements core global functions for time-based Mogen models. It also includes some string constants of the graphical user interface. This module is part of the simulation engine, and it should not be necessary to modify any code.

// Some String Contants used in the User-Interface

string S_MODEL_FINISH;              //EN Finish
string S_MODEL_REPLICATE;           //EN Replicate
string S_MODEL_SIMULATION;          //EN Simulation
string S_MODEL_START;               //EN Start

// SimulateEvents() simulates all events for all entities in the simulation.

void SimulateEvents()
    // Buffer for messages
    const size_t nBufSize = 255;
    TCHAR szBuffer[nBufSize];

    // Simulation member ordinal for progress reporting
    int nSimulationMember = GetReplicate();

    _stprintf_s(szBuffer, nBufSize, _T("%s %d: %s"), (LPCTSTR)ModelString("S_MODEL_REPLICATE"),
        nSimulationMember, (LPCTSTR)ModelString("S_MODEL_SIMULATION"));
    ProgressMessage( szBuffer );

    double dCurrentTime = TIME_INFINITE;
    double dStartTime = TIME_INFINITE;

    int nLastProgressPercent = -1;
    int nThisProgressPercent = -1;

    while ( !gpoEventQueue->Empty() )

        // get the time of next event, verify against the simulation end
        dCurrentTime = gpoEventQueue->NextEvent();

        // Note the start time (time of first event) for progress indicator
        if ( dStartTime == TIME_INFINITE )
            dStartTime = dCurrentTime;

        if ( dCurrentTime > SIMULATION_END() || gbInterrupted || gbCancelled || gbErrors )
            if (dCurrentTime > SIMULATION_END())
                // age all actors to the simulation end time
                gpoEventQueue->WaitUntilAllActors( SIMULATION_END() );

            _stprintf_s(szBuffer, nBufSize, _T("%s %d: %s"),
                nSimulationMember, (LPCTSTR)ModelString("S_MODEL_FINISH"));
            ProgressMessage( szBuffer );

            // age all actors to the time of next event
            gpoEventQueue->WaitUntil( dCurrentTime );

            // implement the next event

        // Update progress indicator only if the integer percentage complete changes
        // (updates to the progress bar at every event are expensive).
        nThisProgressPercent = (int)( 100 * ( dCurrentTime - dStartTime ) /
                                            ( SIMULATION_END() - dStartTime ) );

        if ( nThisProgressPercent > nLastProgressPercent )
            TimeReport( dCurrentTime );    // update simulation progress
            nLastProgressPercent = nThisProgressPercent;

// LogSimulationStart() writes a start message for the simulation member in the log.

void LogSimulationStart()
    // Buffer for messages
    const size_t nBufSize = 255;
    TCHAR szBuffer[nBufSize];

    // Simulation member ordinal for progress reporting
    int nSimulationMember = GetReplicate();

    _stprintf_s(szBuffer, nBufSize, _T("%s %d: %s"), (LPCTSTR)ModelString("S_MODEL_REPLICATE"),
        nSimulationMember, (LPCTSTR)ModelString("S_MODEL_START"));
    ProgressMessage( szBuffer );


This module contains country and starting year specific code. This is the only place to be adapded when porting the model to a new country or when changing the starting year of the simulation.

// Country / Context:  2010

range ALL_YEAR_RANGE { 1899, 2150 };            //EN All calendar years
range SIM_YEAR_RANGE { 2010, 2150 };            //EN Projected calendar years
range YOB_EDUC_PROG1{ 1990, 2050 };             //EN Year of birth
range YOB_EDUC_PROG2{ 1980, 2050 };             //EN Year of birth
range YOB_BIRTH1 { 1960, 2050 };                //EN Year of birth
range YOB_START15{ 1900, 1994 };                //EN Year of birth (in startpop age 15+)
range YOB_START50{ 1900, 1959 };                //EN Year of birth (in startpop age 50+)
range YOB_MALEFERT{ 1920, 2050 };               //EN Year of birth
range YOB_CHECK_SCHOOL{ 1980,1990 };            //EN Yob school status to be checked

Actor Core Modules


This module introduces the main actor of the model: Person. It contains the core functionality and general states of the actor Person. Essential functions of this module are the Start() and Finish() functions of the actor. Start() is called when an actor is created and initializes all states. It is the only place where the automatically provided states “age” and “time” can be set.

// Dimensions

classification SEX                              //EN Sex
    FEMALE,                                     //EN Female
    MALE                                        //EN Male

classification PERSON_TYPE                      //EN Person Type
    PT_START,                                   //EN Person from Starting Population
    PT_CHILD,                                   //EN Person born in simulation
    PT_IMMIGRANT                                //EN Immigrant

// Actor sets

actor_set Person asAllPersons filter is_alive;  //EN Entire population

// Actor states and functions

/*      NOTE(Person, EN)
    The actors Person are the main actors of the simulation. All persons have the
    same weight and together represent the population.

actor Person
    PERSON_TYPE     person_type = { PT_START };                     //EN Person type
    double          time_of_birth = { 1900 };                       //EN Time of birth
    ALL_YEAR_RANGE  year_of_birth = int(time_of_birth);             //EN Year of birth
    SEX             sex = { FEMALE };                               //EN Sex
        void                Finish();                                                                           //EN Finishes the actor
    logical         ever_resident = { TRUE };                       //EN Ever Resident
    logical         is_alive = { FALSE };                           //EN Person is alive
    double          time_set_alive = { TIME_INFINITE };             //EN Time setting actor alive
    event           timeSetAliveEvent, SetAliveEvent;               //EN Set Alive

    Person          *peHHead;                                       //EN Pointer to household head

    //EN Starts the actor
    void Start(Observation *peObservation, Person *pePers, TIME dTimeOfImmigration);

    //EN The simulation has entered the projected time
    logical in_projected_time = (calendar_year >= MIN(SIM_YEAR_RANGE));

// Implementation

/*      NOTE(Person.Start, EN)
    The Start() function initializes all states of an actor right at the moment of creation.
    The function has two parameters, namely pointers to an observation actor and to the household
    head. If the pointer to an observation is not NULL, the Person comes from the starting
    population (rather than being born or immigrating in the simulation). The pointer is used to
    access all states of the observation. The pointer to the househod head is used to establish a
    link to the family head which can be a parent or a spouse. If the parameter is NULL, the Person
    is a family head herself.

void Person::Start(Observation *peObservation, Person *pePers,  TIME dTimeOfImmigration)
    // Setting the actor weight

    // Determine the person type
    if (peObservation == NULL && pePers != NULL ) person_type = PT_CHILD;   // Born in simulation
    else if (peObservation != NULL ) person_type = PT_START;                // From Starting Pop
    else person_type = PT_IMMIGRANT;                                        // Immigrant

    // Initialize states
    if (person_type == PT_START) // Person comes from starting population
        // (A) States from Starting population file
        time                = peObservation->pmc[PMC_BIRTH] + RandUniform(2);
        sex                 = (SEX)(int)peObservation->pmc[PMC_SEX];
        family_role         = (FAM_ROLE)( int )peObservation->pmc[PMC_ROLE];
        educ_startpop       = (EDUC_LEVEL3)(int)peObservation->pmc[PMC_EDUC];
        in_school_startpop  = (bool)(int)peObservation->pmc[PMC_INSCHOOL];

        // (B) Other states
        time_of_birth       = time;
        calendar_year       = (int)time_of_birth;

        // (C) Links to head resp. spouse
        if (pePers) peHHead = pePers;

    else if (person_type == PT_CHILD) // Person born in simulation
        // (A) States corresponding to Starting population file variables
        if (RandUniform(4) < 100.0 / (100.0 + SexRatio[RANGE_POS(SIM_YEAR_RANGE, calendar_year)]))
            sex = FEMALE;
        else sex = MALE;
        time = pePers->time;
        family_role = FR_CHILD;

        // (B) Other states
        time_of_birth = time;
        calendar_year = ( int )time_of_birth;

        // (C) Links to head resp. spouse
        peHHead = pePers;

    else // Person is an immigrant
                is_resident = FALSE;
                ever_resident = FALSE;
                time_of_immigration = dTimeOfImmigration;
                year_of_immigration = (int)dTimeOfImmigration;
                family_role = FR_HEAD;

                int nSex, nAge, nNation;
        Lookup_MgImmigrationAgeSexAll(RandUniform(41),RANGE_POS(SIM_YEAR_RANGE,year_of_immigration),&nSex, &nAge);

                sex = (SEX)nSex;
                time = dTimeOfImmigration - nAge - RandUniform(44);

                time_of_birth = time;
                calendar_year = (int)time_of_birth;
    time_set_alive = WAIT(0);

/*  NOTE(Person.SetAliveEvent, EN)
    This function is called with waiting time 0 immediately after the Start of a Person actor.
    For people of the starting population the date of birth is only known after getting this
    information from the corresponding person record, thus after the person actor is created.
    The SetAliveEvent Event ensures that no person is visible and counted before its actual
    birth date.

TIME Person::timeSetAliveEvent() { return time_set_alive; }
void Person::SetAliveEvent()
    lClock         = asTheClock->Item(0);       // link the person to the clock
    lGlobals       = asGlobals->Item(0);        // link the person to globals

    is_alive       = TRUE;                      // set the Person alive
    time_set_alive = TIME_INFINITE;             // ensure the event does not happen again


    if (person_type == PT_IMMIGRANT)
        if (FindImmigrantMother()) family_role = FR_CHILD;

    peHHead = NULL;

/*      NOTE(Person.Finish, EN)
    Finish is a function to be called when an actor is to be destroyed. Modgen automatically
    performs memory clean-up routines. Code added here is the last thing executed before an actor
    is destroyed. Typical uses are the handling of inheritances and accounting routines.
void Person::Finish(){}


This module introduces the welfare state actor ‘State’. Various accounting modules use the actor in connection with the modelling of transfers.

actor State                                         //EN State Actor
    void    Start();                                //EN Start Function
    int     state_year = lClock->clock_year;        //EN Calendar year
    void    StateYearStart();                       //EN Year End Function

link State.lClock Clock.lState;                     //EN Link State to Clock
actor_set State asState;                            //EN The State Actor Set

void State::Start()
    // Setting the actor weight

    lClock = asTheClock->Item(0);
    time = lClock->time;

    lStateToGlobals = lClock->lClockToGlobals;


This module introduces a Clock actor which handles calendar clock events like calendar year changes and mid-year events. This avoids inefficiencies as otherwise, all Person actors would have to schedule these regular events individually. Instead of that, the Clock announces these clock events to all Person actors.

// Links and actor sets

link Person.lClock Clock.mlPersons[];       //EN Clock to person link
actor_set Clock asClock;                    //EN Actor set to make the clock easyly accessible

// Actor sets

actor_set Clock asTheClock;                 //EN Actor Set Clock Actor

// Clock Actor

actor Clock                                                 //EN Clock Actor
    void    Start();                                        //EN Start Clock
    void    Finish();                                       //EN Finish
    int     clock_year = { 2000 };                          //EN Calendar Year
    int     next_clock_year_end = { TIME_INFINITE };        //EN Next end year clock tick
    int     next_clock_year_start = { TIME_INFINITE };      //EN Next start year clock tick
    event   timeStartYearClock, StartYearClock;             //EN Start year function of clock
    event   timeEndYearClock, EndYearClock;                 //EN End year function of clock
    TIME    time_midyear_clock = { TIME_INFINITE };         //EN Next midyear clock event
    event   timeMidYearClockEvent, MidYearClockEvent;       //EN Mid year clock event

// Implementation

TIME Clock::timeMidYearClockEvent() { return time_midyear_clock; }
void Clock::MidYearClockEvent() { time_midyear_clock = WAIT(1.0); }

void Clock::Start()
    time = MIN(ALL_YEAR_RANGE);
    clock_year = MIN(ALL_YEAR_RANGE);
    next_clock_year_end = WAIT(1);
    time_midyear_clock = WAIT(0.5);

void Clock::Finish() {}

/*      NOTE( Clock.EndYearClock, EN)
    The function EndYearClock creates an end of year event. It calls all other actors to announce
    that the year has ended so that all actors can perform their own end of year routines

TIME Clock::timeEndYearClock() { return next_clock_year_end; }
void Clock::EndYearClock()
    long nPopSize = asAllPersons->Count();
    for (long nIndex = 0; nIndex < nPopSize; nIndex++)
        auto prPerson = asAllPersons->Item(nIndex);
    next_clock_year_start = WAIT(0);
    next_clock_year_end = WAIT(1);

/*      NOTE( Clock.StartYearClock, EN)
    The function StartYearClock creates a new year event. It calls all other actors to announce
    that a new year has started so that all actors can call their own new year routines

TIME Clock::timeStartYearClock() { return next_clock_year_start; }
void Clock::StartYearClock()
    long nPopSize = asAllPersons->Count();
    for (long nIndex = 0; nIndex < nPopSize; nIndex++)
        auto prPerson = asAllPersons->Item(nIndex);
    next_clock_year_start = TIME_INFINITE;


This module introduces an actor named ‘Observation’. Each Observation actor corresponds with a record of the starting population file and is created by the simulation engine before Person actors are created. Observations are weighted. According to the size of the simulated population selected by the user, the simulation engine creates integer-weights for each observation by rescaling the original weights and random-rounding. The simulation engine then uses the new observation weights to decide if and how often an observation is used when creating Person actors (which clone the observation characteristics). Note that the weight of the household head is used for all members of a family. After being used for creating the starting population, the observation actors are destroyed to free up the memory space.

Model developers typically are not required to modify – or understand – the code of this module. The exception is adding new variables to the starting population file, which is a frequent requirement in model development:

How to add a new variable to the starting population:

  • Add a new column to the CSV micro-data file.
  • In this module, extend the list of fields in the classification ‘PERSON_MICRODATA_COLUMNS’ by a NEW_FIELD. No more coding is required, and the variable is read in automatically.
  • The new variable will typically be used in the Start() function of the Person actor to initialize a corresponding state. Its value is accessible in the array pmc[NEW_FIELD].

// Dimensions

classification PERSON_MICRODATA_COLUMNS         //EN List of Starting population variables
    PMC_HHID,                                   //EN Household ID
    PMC_WEIGHT,                                 //EN Weight
    PMC_BIRTH,                                  //EN Time of birth
    PMC_SEX,                                    //EN Sex
    PMC_EDUC,                                   //EN Education level
    PMC_ROLE,                                   //EN Role in family
    PMC_INSCHOOL                                //EN Currently attending school

range FAM_ID{ 0,220000 };                       //EN Range of Family IDs

// Parameters

    file    MicroDataInputFile;                 //EN File name of starting population
    long    MicroDataInputFileSize;             //EN File size of starting population
    double  StartPopSampleSize;                 //EN Simulated sample size of starting population
    double  StartPopSize;                       //EN Real population size

parameter_group P0_ModelSettings                //EN Starting population
    MicroDataInputFile, MicroDataInputFileSize,
    StartPopSampleSize, StartPopSize

// Actor-Sets

//EN Actor-set of all family heads in Observations
actor_set Observation asObservationHeads filter fam_role == FR_HEAD && obs_weight > 0;

//EN Actor-set of all family members (without heatds) by family ID
actor_set Observation asObservationNonHeads[fam_id] filter fam_role != FR_HEAD;

//EN All observations
actor_set Observation asObservationAll;

// Actor states and functions

/*  NOTE(Observation, EN)
    The Actor Observation is created as internal representation of the starting population file
    records. It is used to create Person actors of the starting population which can be smaller or
    larger as the starting population file. The weights of observations are used for determining if
    and how often a single observation is represented in the starting population.

actor Observation                               //EN Actor Observations
    double      pmc[PERSON_MICRODATA_COLUMNS];  //EN Person micro record columns
    integer     obs_weight = { 1 };             //EN Observation integer weight
    FAM_ID      fam_id = { 0 };                 //EN Family ID
    FAM_ROLE    fam_role = { FR_HEAD };         //EN Role in family

    void        Start(const input_csv& input);  //EN Function starting the actor
    void        Finish();                       //EN Function destroying the actor

// Implementation

void Observation::Start(const input_csv& in_csv)
    for (int nJ = 0; nJ < SIZE(PERSON_MICRODATA_COLUMNS); nJ++)
        pmc[nJ] = in_csv[nJ];
    fam_id      = (int)pmc[PMC_HHID];
    fam_role    = (FAM_ROLE)(int)pmc[PMC_ROLE];

void Observation::Finish(){};


This module introduces an actor Globals which handles global variables and constants which are calculated or changed after the pre-simulation phase. All persons are linked to the actor Globals and can access its states. The actor is used to store information which applies to all Person actors avoiding redundancies. This functionality is typically used to store alignment factors calculated and updated after the simulation has been started.

// Actor Sets and linkages

actor_set Globals asGlobals;                                    //EN Globals (Actor Set)

link Person.lGlobals Globals.mlPerson[];                                //EN Link Person to to Globals
link Globals.lGlobalsToClock Clock.lClockToGlobals;             //EN Link between Clock and Globals
link Globals.lGlobalsToState State.lStateToGlobals;             //EN Link between State and Globals

actor_set Person MaleResidentsEducAgePartner[educ_fate][integer_age][has_partner]
    filter is_resident&& sex == MALE;

// Actor States

actor Globals                                                   //EN Actor Globals
    double  person_weight = { 1.0 };                            //EN Person weight

    //EN Table of proportion singles is initialized
    logical is_initialized_prob_single_men = { FALSE };

    //EN Initialize table of proportion singles
    event   timeInitPropSingleMenEvent, InitPropSingleMenEvent;

    //EN Proportion single men
    double  prob_single_men[AGE_RANGE][EDUC_LEVEL3];

    //EN Groups of men unavailable for partnership
    logical blocked_single_men[AGE_RANGE][EDUC_LEVEL3];

    //EN Update groups of men unavailable for partnership
    void UpdateBlockedSingleMen();

    int global_year = lGlobalsToClock->clock_year;              //EN Calendar Year
    void Start();                                               //EN Start Function

    //EN Calendar Year
    SIM_YEAR_RANGE global_tab_sim_year = COERCE(SIM_YEAR_RANGE, global_year);

    //EN In projected time
    logical globals_in_projected_time = (global_year >= MIN(SIM_YEAR_RANGE));

// Implementation

void Globals::Start()
    lGlobalsToClock = asTheClock->Item(0);
    time = lGlobalsToClock->time;

TIME Globals::timeInitPropSingleMenEvent()
    if (!is_initialized_prob_single_men && globals_in_projected_time) return WAIT(0);
    else return TIME_INFINITE;

void Globals::InitPropSingleMenEvent()
    for (int nAge = 0; nAge < MAX(AGE_RANGE); nAge++)
        for (int nEduc = 0; nEduc < SIZE(EDUC_LEVEL3); nEduc++)
            double dAll = MaleResidentsEducAgePartner[nEduc][nAge][FALSE]->Count() + MaleResidentsEducAgePartner[nEduc][nAge][TRUE]->Count();
            if (dAll > 0)
                prob_single_men[nAge][nEduc] = MaleResidentsEducAgePartner[nEduc][nAge][FALSE]->Count() / dAll;
            else prob_single_men[nAge][nEduc] = 0.05; // some low value
    is_initialized_prob_single_men = TRUE;

void Globals::UpdateBlockedSingleMen()
    for (int nAge = 0; nAge < MAX(AGE_RANGE); nAge++)
        for (int nEduc = 0; nEduc < SIZE(EDUC_LEVEL3); nEduc++)
            double dAll = MaleResidentsEducAgePartner[nEduc][nAge][FALSE]->Count() + MaleResidentsEducAgePartner[nEduc][nAge][TRUE]->Count();
            double dProp = MaleResidentsEducAgePartner[nEduc][nAge][FALSE]->Count() / dAll;
            if (dAll > 0 && dProp < prob_single_men[nAge][nEduc]) blocked_single_men[nAge][nEduc] = TRUE;
            else blocked_single_men[nAge][nEduc] = FALSE;

Behavioural Modules


This module implements fertility based on age-specific fertility rates. This module is a microsimulation implementation of a typical cohort component model based on published population projection data.

The model is prepared for being complemented or over-ridden by an alternative refined fertility model. This is done by three logical states:

  • The state use_base_fertility_model is initialized as TRUE; it indicates that the base model is to be used. When adding another model choice, this flag can be changed in another module.
  • The state use_base_fertility_for_alignment is initialized with FALSE; it indicates if another model is to be aligned to the fertility outcome of this base model.
  • The state baby_looking_for_mother is set to TRUE at a birth event if the base model is used for alignment only, and the actual birth has to be assigned to another person of the population.

// Types

range FERTILE_AGE_RANGE { 15, 49 };                                 //EN Fertile age range

// Parameters

    //EN Age specific fertility rates
    double  AgeSpecificFertility[FERTILE_AGE_RANGE][SIM_YEAR_RANGE];

    //EN Sex ratio (male per 100 female)
    double  SexRatio[SIM_YEAR_RANGE];

parameter_group PG03a_Fertility_Model_A  //EN Fertility Base Model
    AgeSpecificFertility, SexRatio

// Actor declarations

actor Person
    logical use_base_fertility_model = { TRUE };            //EN Use the base model
    logical use_base_fertility_for_alignment = { FALSE };   //EN Use the model for alignment
    logical baby_looking_for_mother = { FALSE };            //EN A birth is still to be created

    //EN Indicator that perion is a potential mother
    logical is_potential_mother = (sex == FEMALE && WITHIN(FERTILE_AGE_RANGE, integer_age)
    && in_projected_time && ever_resident) ? TRUE : FALSE;

    int     parity = { 0 };                                 //EN Parity
    event       timeBirthEvent, BirthEvent;                     //EN Birth event

// Event Implementations

TIME Person::timeBirthEvent()
    double dEventTime = TIME_INFINITE;
    double dHazard = 0.0;

    if (is_potential_mother && (use_base_fertility_model || use_base_fertility_for_alignment))
        dHazard = AgeSpecificFertility[RANGE_POS(FERTILE_AGE_RANGE, integer_age)]
                [RANGE_POS(SIM_YEAR_RANGE, calendar_year)];
        if (dHazard > 0.0) dEventTime = WAIT(-TIME(log(RandUniform(3)) / dHazard));
    return dEventTime;

void Person::BirthEvent()
    // event applies to individual without alignment
    if (use_base_fertility_model)
    else if (use_base_fertility_for_alignment)
        baby_looking_for_mother = TRUE;


This module is an extension of the base fertility model allowing to control for educational differences in first births, both concerning the timing and outcome, i.e. it allows to model childlessness by education, which is an essential variable for various model applications. Users can select to use or not to use the module by a selection parameter. Aggregate outcomes (births by age) are identical as in the base model. Besides the on/off switch, the model has two parameters, namely

  • Cohort first birth rates by education for birth cohorts in reproductive age.
  • Childlessness by education for older birth cohorts.

If the module is switched on, the algorithm is as follows:

  • The base module produces birth events but does not assign the babies to a mother yet. The baby knows the age of the mother.
  • First birth events of this module flag all women expecting the first birth.
  • The babies are first given to women of the appropriate age flagged for a first birth.
  • The remaining babies are distributed randomly to women of suitable age who are already mothers.

The module initialized the state is_mother at the start of the simulation using the information from links in the starting population file as well as the parameters which allow calculating the expected rates of childlessness by year of birth, education and age. The state is_mother is imputed by the function ImputeIsMother() in the following way:

  • Using family links from the starting population file, all women living with children in the family are marked as mothers.
  • The number of expected mothers by age and education is calculated from the population sizes in the starting population and the first birth and childlessness parameters.
  • If the number of expected mothers is higher than the number of recorded mothers (which should always be the case, as some children are expected to have moved out already) childless women are selected randomly (for a given age and education) and set to be mothers.

// Actor Sets

//EN Potential mothers for first birth by age
actor_set Person asWomenWaitingFirstBirth[fertile_age]
    filter is_alive && is_potential_mother && waits_for_first_baby && is_resident;

//EN Potential mothers for higher order births by age
actor_set Person asPotentialMothersHigherBirths[fertile_age]
    filter is_potential_mother && is_mother && is_resident;

//EN Childless women by year of birt and education
actor_set Person asChildlessWomen[year_of_birth][birth1_group] filter !is_mother && sex==FEMALE && is_resident;

// Types

classification BIRTH1_GROUP                         //EN Population Groups
    B1G_00,                                         //EN Education Low
    B1G_01,                                         //EN Education Medium
    B1G_02                                          //EN Education High

classification SELECTED_FERTILITY_MODEL             //EN Fertility model options
    SFM_MACRO,              //EN Macro model (age only)
    SFM_ALIGNE_AGE          //EN Micro model with aligned number of births by age

// Parameters

    //EN Fertility model selection
    SELECTED_FERTILITY_MODEL selected_fertility_model;

    //EN First Birth Rates
    double  FirstBirthCohortRates[BIRTH1_GROUP][FERTILE_AGE_RANGE][YOB_BIRTH1];

    //EN Calibrated First Birth Rates
    model_generated double  mgFirstBirthCohortRates[BIRTH1_GROUP][FERTILE_AGE_RANGE][YOB_BIRTH1];

    //EN Childlessness in older population (female)
    double ChildlessnessYob[YOB_START50][BIRTH1_GROUP];

    //EN Calibration Targets Cohort Childlessness
    double ChildlessnessYobTargets[YOB_BIRTH1][BIRTH1_GROUP];

    //EN Calibrate cohort childlessness to targets y/n
    logical CalibrateChildlessness;

parameter_group PG03_Fertility_Top              //EN Fertility

parameter_group PG03b_Fertility_Model_B         //EN Fertility: Refined Version

// Actor States and Functions

actor Person
    //EN Population group for modeling of births
    BIRTH1_GROUP birth1_group = (educ_fate == EL3_LOW) ? B1G_00 :
        (educ_fate == EL3_MEDIUM) ? B1G_01 : B1G_02;

    FERTILE_AGE_RANGE   fertile_age = COERCE(FERTILE_AGE_RANGE, integer_age);   //EN Age

    logical is_mother = { FALSE };                          //EN Is Mother
    logical waits_for_first_baby = { FALSE };              //EN Waiting for first birth

    void SetFertilityModelSwitches();                       //EN Initializing model choices
    hook SetFertilityModelSwitches, Start;                  //EN hooked to Start function

    void MakeBaby();                                        //EN Function creating a baby
    event timeRefineModelBirthEvent, RefineModelBirthEvent; //EN Birth event
    event timeFirstBirthFlagEvent, FirstBirthFlagEvent;     //EN First birth flag event

    //int linked_kids = count(mlChild);
    //EN Children in household


actor Clock
    void ImputeIsMother();
    hook ImputeIsMother, StartYearClock;

//// Implementation

void Person::SetFertilityModelSwitches()
    if (selected_fertility_model == SFM_MACRO) // Macro model (age only)
        use_base_fertility_model =  TRUE ;            // Use the base model
        use_base_fertility_for_alignment =  FALSE ;   // Base model not used for alignment
    else                                              // Refined model with aligned births
        use_base_fertility_model =  FALSE ;           // Do not use the base model
        use_base_fertility_for_alignment = TRUE ;     // Base model used for alignment

TIME Person::timeFirstBirthFlagEvent()
    TIME dEventTime = { TIME_INFINITE };
    double dHazard = { 0.0 };
    if (is_potential_mother && !use_base_fertility_model && use_base_fertility_for_alignment
        && !is_mother && !waits_for_first_baby)
        dHazard = mgFirstBirthCohortRates[birth1_group][RANGE_POS(FERTILE_AGE_RANGE, fertile_age)][RANGE_POS(YOB_BIRTH1, year_of_birth)];
        if (dHazard > 0.0 ) dEventTime = WAIT(-log(RandUniform(16)) / dHazard);
    return dEventTime;

void Person::FirstBirthFlagEvent()
    waits_for_first_baby = TRUE;

void Person::MakeBaby()
    parity++;                     // increment parity
    is_mother = TRUE;
    auto peChild = new Person;    // Create and point to a new actor
    peChild->Start(NULL, this, TIME_INFINITE);   // Call Start() function of the new actor and pass own address


TIME Person::timeRefineModelBirthEvent()
    double dEventTime = TIME_INFINITE;
    if (baby_looking_for_mother) //EN The base model to which the model is aligned produced a baby
        dEventTime = WAIT(0);
    return dEventTime;

void Person::RefineModelBirthEvent()
    baby_looking_for_mother = FALSE;

    if (asWomenWaitingFirstBirth[RANGE_POS(FERTILE_AGE_RANGE,integer_age)]->Count() > 0)
        auto peMother = asWomenWaitingFirstBirth[RANGE_POS(FERTILE_AGE_RANGE, integer_age)]->GetRandom(RandUniform(17));
        peMother->is_mother = TRUE;
        peMother->waits_for_first_baby = FALSE;
    else if ( asPotentialMothersHigherBirths[RANGE_POS(FERTILE_AGE_RANGE, integer_age)]->Count() > 0)
        auto peMother = asPotentialMothersHigherBirths[RANGE_POS(FERTILE_AGE_RANGE, integer_age)]->GetRandom(RandUniform(18));
        //this should not happen
        //get the baby herself
        is_mother = TRUE;
        waits_for_first_baby = FALSE;

void Clock::ImputeIsMother()
    if (clock_year == MIN(SIM_YEAR_RANGE))
        int nPopSize;
        int nPersons[SIZE(YOB_START15)][SIZE(BIRTH1_GROUP)];
        int nExpected[SIZE(YOB_START15)][SIZE(BIRTH1_GROUP)];
        int nRecorded[SIZE(YOB_START15)][SIZE(BIRTH1_GROUP)];
        // initialize with 0
        for (int nJ = 0; nJ < SIZE(YOB_START15); nJ++)
            for (int nGroup = 0; nGroup < SIZE(BIRTH1_GROUP); nGroup++)
                nPersons[nJ][nGroup] = 0; nExpected[nJ][nGroup] = 0; nRecorded[nJ][nGroup] = 0;
        nPopSize = asAllResidents->Count();
        for (int nI = 0; nI < nPopSize; nI++)
            auto prPerson = asAllResidents->Item(nI);
            if (WITHIN(YOB_START15, prPerson->year_of_birth) && prPerson->sex == FEMALE)
                int nYOB = prPerson->year_of_birth - MIN(YOB_START15);
                nPersons[nYOB][prPerson->birth1_group] = nPersons[nYOB][prPerson->birth1_group] + 1;
                if (prPerson->children_in_household > 0 || (prPerson->lSpouse && prPerson->lSpouse->children_in_household >0))
                    nRecorded[nYOB][prPerson->birth1_group] = nRecorded[nYOB][prPerson->birth1_group] + 1;
                    prPerson->is_mother = TRUE;
        //calculate expected number of mothers by yob
        for (int nGroup = 0; nGroup < SIZE(BIRTH1_GROUP); nGroup++)
            for (int nJ = 0; nJ < SIZE(YOB_START15); nJ++)
                if (nJ < SIZE(YOB_START50)) // older population
                    nExpected[nJ][nGroup] = round(nPersons[nJ][nGroup] * (1 - ChildlessnessYob[nJ][nGroup]));
                else // still in childbearing age
                    double dChildless = 1.0;
                    for (int nAgeIndex = 0; nAgeIndex < SIZE(FERTILE_AGE_RANGE) && nJ + MIN(YOB_START15) + MIN(FERTILE_AGE_RANGE) + nAgeIndex < MIN(SIM_YEAR_RANGE); nAgeIndex++)
                        dChildless = dChildless * exp(-mgFirstBirthCohortRates[nGroup][nAgeIndex][nJ - SIZE(YOB_START50)]);
                    nExpected[nJ][nGroup] = round(nPersons[nJ][nGroup] * (1 - dChildless));
        //randomly choose childless women to become mothers in order to meet target numbers
        for (int nGroup = 0; nGroup < SIZE(BIRTH1_GROUP); nGroup++)
            for (int nJ = 0; nJ < SIZE(YOB_START15); nJ++)
                if (nExpected[nJ][nGroup] > nRecorded[nJ][nGroup])
                    for (int nI = 0; nI < nExpected[nJ][nGroup] - nRecorded[nJ][nGroup]; nI++)
                        if (asChildlessWomen[RANGE_POS(ALL_YEAR_RANGE, MIN(YOB_START15) + nJ)][nGroup]->Count() > 0)
                            auto prMother = asChildlessWomen[RANGE_POS(ALL_YEAR_RANGE, MIN(YOB_START15) + nJ)][nGroup]->GetRandom(RandUniform(22));
                            prMother->is_mother = TRUE;

// Actor Sets

void PreSimulation()
    if (selected_fertility_model != SFM_MACRO)
        // Copy over values
        for (int nYob = 0; nYob < SIZE(YOB_BIRTH1); nYob++)
            for (int nGroup = 0; nGroup < SIZE(BIRTH1_GROUP); nGroup++)
                for (int nAge = 0; nAge < SIZE(FERTILE_AGE_RANGE); nAge++)

                    mgFirstBirthCohortRates[nGroup][nAge][nYob] =
        // Calibrate to targets if selected
        if (CalibrateChildlessness)
            for (int nYob = 0; nYob < SIZE(YOB_BIRTH1); nYob++)
                for (int nGroup = 0; nGroup < SIZE(BIRTH1_GROUP); nGroup++)
                    double dTargetChildless = ChildlessnessYobTargets[nYob][nGroup];
                    double dCurrentChildless = 1.0;
                    int nIterations = 100000;
                    double dLower = 0.1;
                    double dUpper = 10.0;
                    double dCenter;
                    while (abs(dCurrentChildless - dTargetChildless) > 0.001 && nIterations > 0)
                        dCenter = (dLower + dUpper) / 2.0;
                        dCurrentChildless = 1.0;
                        for (int nAge = 0; nAge < SIZE(FERTILE_AGE_RANGE); nAge++)
                            dCurrentChildless = dCurrentChildless * exp(-mgFirstBirthCohortRates[nGroup][nAge][nYob] * dCenter);
                        if (dCurrentChildless > dTargetChildless) dLower = dCenter;
                        else dUpper = dCenter;

                    for (int nAge = 0; nAge < SIZE(FERTILE_AGE_RANGE); nAge++)
                        mgFirstBirthCohortRates[nGroup][nAge][nYob] = mgFirstBirthCohortRates[nGroup][nAge][nYob] * dCenter;
                        double ddd = 1;


This module decides the lifetime-fate of male childlessness based on two pieces of information: (1) living with children in the starting population file, and (2) a parameter of male cohort childlessness by education fate. Men of the starting population currently living with children are assumed to be parents, thus not childless. In a second step, for men from the starting population who are currently not living with children, a status is assigned randomly in order to meet the cohort targets. For those born in the simulation, the status is assigned by sampling according to the cohort parameter. This assignment happens at the first birthday, as at this time, the final education fate is known.

// Actor Sets

//EN Men fated to stay childless by year of birth and education
actor_set Person asMenNeverFather[year_of_birth][birth1_group] filter never_father && sex == MALE && is_resident;

// Parameters

    double MaleCohortChildlessness[YOB_MALEFERT][BIRTH1_GROUP];     //EN Male cohort childlessness

parameter_group PG_MaleChildlessness                                //EN Male Childlessness

// Actor states and functions

actor Person
    logical never_father = { TRUE };            //EN Person fated never to become father
    void    SetEverFatherFate();                //EN Set fate of ever becoming father
    hook    SetEverFatherFate, BirthdayEvent;   //EN Decide at 1st birthday (education fate known)

actor Clock
    void ImputeEverFather();                    //EN Person is father
    hook ImputeEverFather, ImputeIsMother;      //EN To be run immediately after female imputation

// Implementation

void Person::SetEverFatherFate()
    if (person_type != PT_START && integer_age == 1 && sex==MALE && is_resident)
        never_father = (RandUniform(36)
            < MaleCohortChildlessness[RANGE_POS(YOB_MALEFERT, year_of_birth)][birth1_group]);

void Clock::ImputeEverFather()
    if (clock_year == MIN(SIM_YEAR_RANGE))
        int nPopSize;
        int nPersons[SIZE(YOB_START15)][SIZE(BIRTH1_GROUP)];
        int nExpected[SIZE(YOB_START15)][SIZE(BIRTH1_GROUP)];
        int nRecorded[SIZE(YOB_START15)][SIZE(BIRTH1_GROUP)];
        // initialize with 0
        for (int nJ = 0; nJ < SIZE(YOB_START15); nJ++)
            for (int nGroup = 0; nGroup < SIZE(BIRTH1_GROUP); nGroup++)
                nPersons[nJ][nGroup] = 0; nExpected[nJ][nGroup] = 0; nRecorded[nJ][nGroup] = 0;
        // assign status is_father where there are children in hh
        // count men and known fathers by yob
        nPopSize = asAllResidents->Count();
        for (int nI = 0; nI < nPopSize; nI++)
            auto prPerson = asAllResidents->Item(nI);
            if (WITHIN(YOB_START15, prPerson->year_of_birth) && prPerson->sex == MALE)
                int nYOB = prPerson->year_of_birth - MIN(YOB_START15);
                nPersons[nYOB][prPerson->birth1_group] = nPersons[nYOB][prPerson->birth1_group] + 1;
                if (prPerson->children_in_household > 0 || (prPerson->lSpouse && prPerson->lSpouse->children_in_household >0))
                    nRecorded[nYOB][prPerson->birth1_group] = nRecorded[nYOB][prPerson->birth1_group] + 1;
                    prPerson->never_father = FALSE;
            else if (prPerson->sex == MALE) // those below 15
                prPerson->never_father = (RandUniform(37) < MaleCohortChildlessness[RANGE_POS(YOB_MALEFERT, prPerson->year_of_birth)][prPerson->birth1_group]);
        //calculate expected number of fathers by yob
        for (int nGroup = 0; nGroup < SIZE(BIRTH1_GROUP); nGroup++)
            for (int nJ = 0; nJ < SIZE(YOB_START15); nJ++)
                nExpected[nJ][nGroup] = round(nPersons[nJ][nGroup] * (1 - MaleCohortChildlessness[RANGE_POS(YOB_MALEFERT, nJ+MIN(YOB_START15))][nGroup]));
        //randomly choose childless men to (ever) become fathers in order to meet target numbers
        for (int nGroup = 0; nGroup < SIZE(BIRTH1_GROUP); nGroup++)
            for (int nJ = 0; nJ < SIZE(YOB_START15); nJ++)
                if (nExpected[nJ][nGroup] > nRecorded[nJ][nGroup])
                    for (int nI = 0; nI < nExpected[nJ][nGroup] - nRecorded[nJ][nGroup]; nI++)
                        if (asMenNeverFather[RANGE_POS(ALL_YEAR_RANGE, MIN(YOB_START15) + nJ)][nGroup]->Count() > 0)
                            auto prFather = asMenNeverFather[RANGE_POS(ALL_YEAR_RANGE, MIN(YOB_START15) + nJ)][nGroup]->GetRandom(RandUniform(38));
                            prFather->never_father = FALSE;


This module implements a simple model of mortality. People can die at any moment of time based on age-specific period mortality rates. At death, the state is_alive is set to FALSE, and the Modgen function Finish() is called which clears up memory space.

The module is prepared for being combined with or replaced by a refined model accounting for more detailed personal characteristics than age and sex. For this purpose, a logical state use_base_mortality is introduced and initialized with TRUE; Other modules can override the waiting time function of this module by setting the state to FALSE whenever an alternative model is applied.

// Parameters

    double  MortalityTable[SEX][AGE_RANGE][SIM_YEAR_RANGE];             //EN Mortality hazard by age

parameter_group PG02_OverallMortality                               //EN Overall mortality

// Actor states and functions

actor Person
    logical use_base_mortality = { TRUE };                      //EN Use the base version
    event       timeMortalityEvent, MortalityEvent;                             //EN Mortality event

// Implementation of functions and events

TIME Person::timeMortalityEvent()
    TIME    dEventTime = TIME_INFINITE;
    double  dMortalityHazard
        = MortalityTable[sex][integer_age][RANGE_POS(SIM_YEAR_RANGE, calendar_year)];

    // check if a person is at risk
    if (dMortalityHazard > 0.0 && in_projected_time && ever_resident && use_base_mortality)
        // determine the event time
        // the formula [ -log(rand) / hazard ] calculates an exponentially distributed waiting time
        // based on a uniform distributed random number and a given hazard rate
        dEventTime = WAIT(-log(RandUniform(14)) / dMortalityHazard);
    // return the event time, if the maximum age is not reached at that point
    if (dEventTime < time_of_birth + MAX(AGE_RANGE) + 1.0) return dEventTime;
    // otherwise, return the moment, at which the maximum age is reached
    else return time_of_birth + MAX(AGE_RANGE) + 0.9999;

void Person::MortalityEvent()
    //lPartner = NULL;
    is_alive = FALSE;
    Finish(); // Remove the actor from the simulation.


This module implements differential mortality by population groups. While the grouping is generic, in the current implementation, it refers to educational attainment, but the list can easily be extended or changed. The module is optional, and the user can choose between various options:

  • Disable the module: the overall mortality rates of the base model apply, and this module is switched off.
  • Model without alignment: The base rates are adjusted to meet life expectancy parameters by population group. Parameters are the remaining period life expectancy at age 25 and age 65 by sex. This adjustment is made in the pre-simulation phase, where new parameter tables are generated.
  • Model with alignment: after the initial calibration of rates to meet life expectancy targets by group, the resulting rates are proportionally scaled back in order to keep the overall mortality rates of the base model while accounting for the relative mortality differences by population group. This alignment is performed in yearly intervals during the simulation accounting for the changing population composition by risk group.

How to change or add population groups:

The list of population groups for which relative risks are applied is generic and can be modified and extended easily.

  • The classification CHILD_MORTALITY_GROUP lists all population groups distinguished.
  • The state mortality_group contains the individual group membership and has to be adapted if the list of categories is modified.

Besides these two changes, no coding is required. The calibration routines automatically adjust the hazards according to the population composition by group membership.

// Types

classification SELECTED_MORTALITY_MODEL         //EN Mortality Model Options
    SMM_MACRO,                                  //EN Base model
    SMM_MICRO_NOT_ALIGNED,                      //EN Model by education
    SMM_MICRO_ALIGNED                           //EN Model by education aligned to base model

classification MORTALITY_GROUP                  //EN Population group for mortality
    MG_00,                                      //EN Low education
    MG_01,                                      //EN Medium education
    MG_02                                       //EN High education

classification LIFE_EXPECT                      //EN Life Expectancy Parameters
    LE_25,                                      //EN Life expectancy at 25
    LE_65                                       //EN Life expectancy at 65

// Parameters

    //EN Mortality model selection
    SELECTED_MORTALITY_MODEL  SelectedMortalityModel;

    //EN Period life expectancy

    //EN Mortality Trend
    model_generated double MortalityByGroup[SEX][MORTALITY_GROUP][AGE_RANGE][SIM_YEAR_RANGE];

parameter_group PG02_RefinedMortality               //EN Mortality by Education

parameter_group PG_Mortality                    //EN Mortality


// Actor Globals

actor Globals
    void    MortalityCalibration();           //EN Mortality calibration
    double  CurrentAlignedMortality[MORTALITY_GROUP][AGE_RANGE][SEX];

// Actor Clock

actor Clock
    void CallMortalityCalibration();        //EN Call mortality calibration event
    hook CallMortalityCalibration, StartYearClock;

// Actor Person

actor Person
    //EN Child mortality risk group
    MORTALITY_GROUP mortality_group = (educ_fate == EL3_LOW) ? MG_00 :
        (educ_fate == EL3_MEDIUM) ? MG_01 : MG_02;

    // Current aligned mortality
    double current_aligned_mortality = { 0.0 };

    //EN Activates Module at birth if selected
    void ActivateRefinedMortalityModule(); hook ActivateRefinedMortalityModule, Start;

    event timeRefinedMortalityEvent, RefinedMortalityEvent; //EN Mortality Event

// Person functions implementation

void Person::ActivateRefinedMortalityModule()
    if ( SelectedMortalityModel != SMM_MACRO)  use_base_mortality = FALSE;

TIME Person::timeRefinedMortalityEvent()
    double dEventTime = TIME_INFINITE;

    if ( !use_base_mortality && in_projected_time && ever_resident)
        double dHazard = MortalityByGroup[sex][mortality_group][integer_age]
            [RANGE_POS(SIM_YEAR_RANGE, calendar_year)];

        // aligned model
        if (SelectedMortalityModel == SMM_MICRO_ALIGNED)
            dHazard = current_aligned_mortality;
        // if hazard is positive calculate event time
        if (dHazard > 0) dEventTime = WAIT(-log(RandUniform(15)) / dHazard);
    // return the event time, if the maximum age is not reached at that point
    if (dEventTime < time_of_birth + MAX(AGE_RANGE) + 1.0) return dEventTime;
    // otherwise, return the moment, at which the maximum age is reached
    else if (!use_base_mortality) return time_of_birth + MAX(AGE_RANGE) + 0.9999;
    else return TIME_INFINITE;

void Person::RefinedMortalityEvent()

// Clock functions implementation

void Clock::CallMortalityCalibration()
    if (clock_year >= MIN(SIM_YEAR_RANGE) && SelectedMortalityModel == SMM_MICRO_ALIGNED)

// Globals functions implementation

void Globals::MortalityCalibration()
    // local matrices
    double  dDeaths[SIZE(AGE_RANGE)][SIZE(SEX)];                        // Number expected deaths
    double  dProb[SIZE(AGE_RANGE)][SIZE(SEX)];                          // Death probability
    long    nPop[SIZE(AGE_RANGE)][SIZE(SEX)][SIZE(MORTALITY_GROUP)];    // Pop sizes
    double  dCalibrator[SIZE(AGE_RANGE)][SIZE(SEX)];                    // Baseline Hazard in simulation

    Clock * prClock = asClock->Item(0);
    int     nYear = prClock->clock_year- MIN(SIM_YEAR_RANGE);

    //int     nYear = asClock->Item(0)->clock_year - MIN(SIM_YEAR_RANGE); // Current Yyear since start

    // Initialize matrices
    // Set population sizes nPop and expected deaths nDeaths to 0
    // sets death probabilities dProb by age and sex for the year in which the model is calibrated
    for (int nAge = 0; nAge < SIZE(AGE_RANGE); nAge++)
        for (int nSex = 0; nSex < SIZE(SEX); nSex++)
            dProb[nAge][nSex] = 1.0 - exp(-MortalityTable[nSex][nAge][nYear]);
            dDeaths[nAge][nSex] = 0.0;
            for (int nGroup = 0; nGroup < SIZE(MORTALITY_GROUP); nGroup++)
                nPop[nAge][nSex][nGroup] = 0.0;

    // Population Count
    // calculates population sizes nPop by age, sex, risk group
    // calculates expected deaths dDeaths by age and sex
    for (long nJ = 0; nJ < asAllResidents->Count(); nJ++)
        auto prPerson = asAllResidents->Item(nJ);
        dDeaths[prPerson->integer_age][prPerson->sex] = dDeaths[prPerson->integer_age][prPerson->sex]
            + dProb[prPerson->integer_age][prPerson->sex];

    // find calibrated baselines
    for (int nAge = 0; nAge < SIZE(AGE_RANGE); nAge++)
        for (int nSex = 0; nSex < SIZE(SEX); nSex++)
            double  dUpper = 2.0;
            double  dLower = 0.0;
            double  dCenter = 1.0;
            double  dNumberDeaths = 0.0;
            int     nIterations = 10000;

            while (abs(dNumberDeaths - dDeaths[nAge][nSex]) > 0.0001 && nIterations > 0)
                dCalibrator[nAge][nSex] = (dLower + dUpper) / 2.0;

                dNumberDeaths = 0.0;

                //Calculate numer of deaths for given dCalibrator
                for (int nGroup = 0; nGroup < SIZE(MORTALITY_GROUP); nGroup++)
                    dNumberDeaths = dNumberDeaths + nPop[nAge][nSex][nGroup]
                        * (1 - exp(-dCalibrator[nAge][nSex] * MortalityByGroup[nSex][nGroup][nAge][nYear]));
                // shrink search interval
                if (dNumberDeaths > dDeaths[nAge][nSex]) dUpper = dCalibrator[nAge][nSex];
                else dLower = dCalibrator[nAge][nSex];

    // set global mortality by group, age and sex
    for (int nAge = 0; nAge < SIZE(AGE_RANGE); nAge++)
        for (int nSex = 0; nSex < SIZE(SEX); nSex++)
            for (int nGroup = 0; nGroup < SIZE(MORTALITY_GROUP); nGroup++)
                    = MortalityByGroup[nSex][nGroup][nAge][nYear] * dCalibrator[nAge][nSex];

    for (long nJ = 0; nJ < asAllResidents->Count(); nJ++)
        auto prPerson = asAllResidents->Item(nJ);
            = CurrentAlignedMortality[prPerson->mortality_group][prPerson->integer_age][prPerson->sex];

// Pre-Simulation

void PreSimulation()
    // In the pre-simulation phase mortality rates by population group are found by binary search.
    // For each simulated year, the overall mortality table is adjusted to obtain target life
    // expectancies at age 65 and at age 25 for each distinguished population group.

    // Local variables
    double  dTarget, dCenter, dResult, dAlive, dDeaths, dLower, dUpper;
    int     nIterations;

    if (SelectedMortalityModel != SMM_MACRO)
        // Find trend factors to fit the life expectancy at 65
        for (int nSex = 0; nSex < SIZE(SEX); nSex++)
            for (int nYear = 0; nYear < SIZE(SIM_YEAR_RANGE); nYear++)
                for (int nGroup = 0; nGroup < SIZE(MORTALITY_GROUP); nGroup++)
                    dTarget = LifeExpectancy[nSex][LE_65][nYear][nGroup];   // Target life expectancy
                    dResult = 0.0;                                          // Search result: life expectancy
                    dLower = 0.1;                                           // Lower limit of calibration factor
                    dUpper = 10.0;                                          // Upper limit of calibration factor
                    nIterations = 100000;                                   // Maximal iterations

                    while (abs(dResult - dTarget) > 0.0001 && nIterations > 0)
                        dCenter = (dLower + dUpper) / 2.0;                  // New calibration factor for probing
                        dResult = 0.0;
                        dAlive = 1.0;                                       // Proportion of people still alive
                        // Life expectancy calculated applying calibration factor
                        for (int nAge = 65; nAge < SIZE(AGE_RANGE); nAge++)
                            // proportion of deaths in year: survival = exp(-hazard)
                            dDeaths = dAlive * (1 - exp(-MortalityTable[nSex][nAge][nYear] * dCenter));
                            dAlive = dAlive - dDeaths;
                            // people dying in this year are assumed to die in the middle of the year
                            dResult = dResult + dDeaths * 0.5 + dAlive;
                        // Moving the search limits for next iteration
                        if (dTarget < dResult) dLower = dCenter;
                        else dUpper = dCenter;
                    // applying the best solution to the mortality parameter
                    for (int nAge = 65; nAge < SIZE(AGE_RANGE); nAge++)
                        MortalityByGroup[nSex][nGroup][nAge][nYear] = dCenter * MortalityTable[nSex][nAge][nYear];

        // Find trend factors to fit the life expectancy at 25 (while keeping the trend for 65+)
        for (int nSex = 0; nSex < SIZE(SEX); nSex++)
            for (int nYear = 0; nYear < SIZE(SIM_YEAR_RANGE); nYear++)
                for (int nGroup = 0; nGroup < SIZE(MORTALITY_GROUP); nGroup++)
                    dTarget = LifeExpectancy[nSex][LE_25][nYear][nGroup];   // Target life expectancy
                    dResult = 0.0;                                          // Search result: life expectancy
                    dLower = 0.1;                                           // Lower limit of calibration factor
                    dUpper = 10.0;                                          // Upper limit of calibration factor
                    nIterations = 100000;                                   // Maximal iterations

                    while (abs(dResult - dTarget) > 0.0001 && nIterations > 0)
                        dCenter = (dLower + dUpper) / 2.0;                  // New calibration factor for probing
                        dResult = 0.0;
                        dAlive = 1.0;                                       // Proportion of people still alive

                        // Life expectancy calculated applying calibration factor
                        for (int nAge = 25; nAge < SIZE(AGE_RANGE); nAge++)
                            // proportion of deaths in year: survival = exp(-hazard)
                            if (nAge < 65) // Apply searched adjustment factor only for ages below 65
                                dDeaths = dAlive * (1 - exp(-MortalityTable[nSex][nAge][nYear] * dCenter));
                            else // apply known factor for ages 65+
                                dDeaths = dAlive * (1 - exp(-MortalityByGroup[nSex][nGroup][nAge][nYear]));
                            dAlive = dAlive - dDeaths;
                            // people dying in this year are assumed to die in the middle of the year
                            dResult = dResult + dDeaths * 0.5 + dAlive;
                        // Moving the search limits for next iteration
                        if (dTarget < dResult) dLower = dCenter;
                        else dUpper = dCenter;
                    // applying the best solution to the mortality parameter
                    for (int nAge = 25; nAge < 65; nAge++)
                        MortalityByGroup[nSex][nGroup][nAge][nYear] = dCenter * MortalityTable[nSex][nAge][nYear];

        // Copy over parameters for age < 25
        for (int nSex = 0; nSex < SIZE(SEX); nSex++)
            for (int nYear = 0; nYear < SIZE(SIM_YEAR_RANGE); nYear++)
                for (int nAge = 0; nAge < 25; nAge++)
                    for (int nGroup = 0; nGroup < SIZE(MORTALITY_GROUP); nGroup++)
                        MortalityByGroup[nSex][nGroup][nAge][nYear] = MortalityTable[nSex][nAge][nYear];


This module sets the base education fate and stores the underlying individual probabilities of education progressions. The education fate is decided at birth. There are three different outcomes: low, medium, high. The module sets three states at birth:

  • educ_fate: the individual outcome in 3 levels low, medium, high.
  • educ_prob1: the individual probability to move from low to medium.
  • educ_prob2: the individual probability to move from medium to high.

Two parameters contain the probabilities to progress from low to medium and from medium to high by year of birth and sex. The way how the education fate is decided depends on the year of birth and the person type.

  • Persons from the starting population: the education outcome is taken from the starting population file if the person was born before the years of birth covered by the parameters. This means, up to two age cut-offs, the information of the starting population is ignored at all or only used to decide the first progression (low to medium, but not medium to high which is modelled).
  • Persons born in the simulation: the education fate is decided based on the parameters.

The function SetEducBaseFate() which decides the fate is hooked to the SetAlive() Event of the PersonCore.mpp module, i.e. is called directly at birth after the actor enters the simulation and all actor sets are available, and family links are operational.

This module is the base version for the education fate. As the probabilities behind the decision are stored, the outcome can be adjusted by a refined model in order to account for additional individual-level characteristics (like parents’ education) and/or to align the aggregated outcome to target rates.

// Types

classification EDUC_LEVEL3              //EN Education level
    EL3_LOW,                            //EN Low
    EL3_MEDIUM,                         //EN Medium
    EL3_HIGH                            //EN High

classification EDUC_LEVEL5              //EN Education Level
    EL5_LOW,                            //EN Low
    EL5_MEDIUMD,                        //EN Medium - dual
    EL5_MEDIUMV,                        //EN Medium - vocational
    EL5_MEDIUMG,                        //EN Medium - general
    EL5_HIGH                            //EN High

aggregation EDUC_LEVEL3, EDUC_LEVEL5    //EN Aggregation of Education Levels
    EL3_LOW,    EL5_LOW,
    EL3_HIGH,   EL5_HIGH

// Parameters

    //EN Education progression probability low -> medium
    double  EducProg1[SEX][YOB_EDUC_PROG1];

    //EN Education progression probability medium -> high
    double  EducProg2[SEX][YOB_EDUC_PROG2];

parameter_group PG_EducBaseFate //EN Education Base Fate Model
    EducProg1,  EducProg2

// Actor States and Events

actor Person
    EDUC_LEVEL3  educ_fate = { EL3_LOW };        //EN Primary Education Fate
    EDUC_LEVEL3  educ_startpop = { EL3_LOW };    //EN Primary Education Fate

    double educ_prob1 = { 0.0 };                 //EN Base prob. progressing low medium
    double educ_prob2 = { 0.0 };                 //EN Base prob. progressing medium high

    void SetEducBaseFate();                      //EN Setting the education fate
    hook SetEducBaseFate, SetAliveEvent, 3;      //EN Hook SetEducBaseFate to SetAlive

// Implementation

void Person::SetEducBaseFate()
    // Person born in simulation
    if ( person_type == PT_CHILD )
        educ_prob1 = EducProg1[sex][RANGE_POS(YOB_EDUC_PROG1,year_of_birth)];
        educ_prob2 = EducProg2[sex][RANGE_POS(YOB_EDUC_PROG2,year_of_birth)];
        EDUC_LEVEL3 eolFate = EL3_LOW;
        if ( RandUniform(5) < educ_prob1 ) eolFate = EL3_MEDIUM;
        if ( eolFate == EL3_MEDIUM && RandUniform(19) < educ_prob2 )  eolFate = EL3_HIGH;
        educ_fate = eolFate;
    // Person from starting population
    else if ( person_type == PT_START )
        // Case 1: take the education from the starting population
        if ( year_of_birth < MIN(YOB_EDUC_PROG2))
            educ_fate = educ_startpop;
        // Case 2: take first progression from the starting population
        else if ( year_of_birth < MIN(YOB_EDUC_PROG1))
            educ_prob2 = EducProg2[sex][RANGE_POS(YOB_EDUC_PROG2,year_of_birth)];
            EDUC_LEVEL3 eolFate = EL3_LOW;
            if ( educ_startpop != EL3_LOW ) eolFate = EL3_MEDIUM;
            if ( eolFate == EL3_MEDIUM && RandUniform(7) < educ_prob2 )  eolFate = EL3_HIGH;
            educ_fate = eolFate;
        // Case 3: model from parameters ignoring starting population values
            educ_prob1 = EducProg1[sex][RANGE_POS(YOB_EDUC_PROG1,year_of_birth)];
            educ_prob2 = EducProg2[sex][RANGE_POS(YOB_EDUC_PROG2,year_of_birth)];
            EDUC_LEVEL3 eolFate = EL3_LOW;
            if ( RandUniform(8) < educ_prob1 ) eolFate = EL3_MEDIUM;
            if ( eolFate == EL3_MEDIUM && RandUniform(9) < educ_prob2 )  eolFate = EL3_HIGH;
            educ_fate = eolFate;


This module allows to add relative factors (odds ratios) to the modeling of education outcomes. Currently, the mother’s education by sex is introduced. The relative factors are used to modify the base probabilities of school progressions. Aggregated outcomes by sex are calibrated in order to match the base model’s outcome. This calibration is performed either (1) for all years of birth, or (2) just once. In the first case, aggregate outcomes by sex are identical, but the model picks different children entering and graduating school, accounting for the relative differences (odds ratios) by mother’s education. In the second case, the calibration is done for a selected year of birth. For all following cohorts, parameters are frozen, and all trends result from composition effects due to the changing educational composition of mothers. The module only affects persons born in the simulation as the mother’s education is unknown for others.


  • Model selection: the three choices are (1) Use Base Model, (2) Use the refined model calibrated for all years of birth, (3) Use the refined model calibrated once.
  • Odds for progressing from low to medium by parents education
  • Odds for progressing from medium to high education by parents education
  • The first birth cohort from which onwards the refined model is used, which can be any year beginning from the starting year of the simulation.

In its core, this module consists of two functions.

  • The function SetEduc1AdjustmentFactors() calculates the required adjustment factors (in the form of log odds by district and sex) to be applied in addition to the relative factors. The calculations are performed at the end of the calendar year. This is when the educational composition of mothers of all born in this year is known. Adjustment factors are either calculated once or updated each year according to the user’s model selection.
  • The function AdjustEducOne() applies the adjustments at the Person level at the first end of the year after birth. Thereby this module modifies the three “fate” states introduced in the base model, namely the two individual progression probabilities educ_prob1 and educ_prob2, as well as random outcome educ_fate based on the new probabilities.

How to change or expand the list of relative factors:

  • The list of population groups is declared in the classification educ_group. The classification can be changed or expanded whereby a person can belong only to one of the groups. (For example, when adding ethnicity, all combinations of ethnicity and mother’s education have to be listed)
  • The individual group membership is a derived state educ_group. When changing the levels of educ_group, the calculation of the derived state has to be updated accordingly.
  • No other code changes are required

// Actor Sets

actor_set Person asSimBornAge0[sex][educ_group]
    filter is_alive && is_resident && integer_age == 0;

// Types

classification EDUC_GROUP           //EN Population Groups
    EG_00,                          //EN Parents education low
    EG_01,                          //EN Parents education medium
    EG_02                           //EN Parents education high

classification EDUC_MODEL           //EN Education Model Selection
    EM_BASE,                        //EN Use base model
    EM_REFINED_ALIGNALL,            //EN Use refined model aligned to base for all birth cohorts
    EM_REFINED_ALIGNONCE            //EN Use refined model aligned to base once

// Parameters

    double      EducProg1Odds[EDUC_GROUP][SEX];     //EN Odds of progressing low->medium
    double      EducProg2Odds[EDUC_GROUP][SEX];     //EN Odds of progressing medium->high
    EDUC_MODEL  EducModel;                          //EN Model Selection
    int         EducFirstCohortRefinedModel;        //EN First birth cohort to apply refined model

parameter_group PG_EducRefinedFate                  //EN Education Fate - Refined Model
    EducProg1Odds, EducProg2Odds,

parameter_group PG_SchoolFate                       //EN Education Fate

// Actor states and functions

actor Globals                                       //EN Actor Globals
    double alignment_educ_medium[SEX];              //EN Education alignment low to medium
    double alignment_educ_high[SEX];                //EN Education alignment medium to high

actor Clock
    void    SetEducAdjustmentFactors();             //EN Function calculating calibration factors
    double  AdjustedProbability(double dProb, double dLogOddEduc, double dLogOddAdjust);

actor Person
    EDUC_LEVEL3  educ_parents = { EL3_LOW };            //EN Parents education
    logical      educ_parents_is_known = { FALSE };     //EN Parents education is known

    //EN Education risk group
    EDUC_GROUP   educ_group = (educ_parents == EL3_LOW) ? EG_00 :
    (educ_parents == EL3_MEDIUM) ? EG_01 : EG_02;

    void AdjustEduc(); hook AdjustEduc, YearEnd;

    void SetEducParents(); hook SetEducParents, SetAliveEvent, 2;

// Implementation

void Person::SetEducParents()
    EDUC_LEVEL3  cEducParents = EL3_LOW;
    if (is_resident && (lHHMother || lHHFather))
        educ_parents_is_known = TRUE;
        if (lHHMother) cEducParents = lHHMother->educ_fate;
        if (lHHFather && lHHFather->educ_fate > cEducParents) cEducParents = lHHFather->educ_fate;
        educ_parents = cEducParents;

void Clock::SetEducAdjustmentFactors()
    if (clock_year >= MIN(SIM_YEAR_RANGE) && (
        (EducModel == EM_REFINED_ALIGNALL && clock_year >= EducFirstCohortRefinedModel) ||
        (EducModel == EM_REFINED_ALIGNONCE && clock_year == EducFirstCohortRefinedModel)))
        for (int nSex = 0; nSex < SIZE(SEX); nSex++)
            // calculate total population for given sex
            double nTotalPop = 0.0;
            for (int dGroup = 0; dGroup < SIZE(EDUC_GROUP); dGroup++)
                nTotalPop = nTotalPop + asSimBornAge0[nSex][dGroup]->Count();

            // Run Adjustment for school entry
            double dFactorEntry = 0.0;
            if (nTotalPop > 0.0)
                int nIterations = 0;
                double dResultProb = 10.0;
                double dTargetProb = EducProg1[nSex][RANGE_POS(YOB_EDUC_PROG1, clock_year)];
                double dLower = -10.0;
                double dUpper = 10.0;
                double dCenter = 0.0;
                while (abs(dResultProb - dTargetProb) > 0.0001 && nIterations < 10000)
                    dCenter = (dLower + dUpper) / 2.0;
                    dResultProb = 0.0;
                    for (int nGroup = 0; nGroup < SIZE(EDUC_GROUP); nGroup++)
                        dResultProb = dResultProb + (asSimBornAge0[nSex][nGroup]->Count() / nTotalPop) *
                            AdjustedProbability(dTargetProb, log(EducProg1Odds[nGroup][nSex]), dCenter);
                    if (dTargetProb > dResultProb) dLower = dCenter;
                    else dUpper = dCenter;
                dFactorEntry = dCenter;
            // set factor
            asGlobals->Item(0)->alignment_educ_medium[nSex] = dFactorEntry;

            // Run Adjustment for medium high progression
            double dFactorGrad = 0.0;
            if (nTotalPop > 0.0)
                int nIterations = 0;
                double dResultProb = 10.0;
                double dTargetProb = EducProg2[nSex][RANGE_POS(YOB_EDUC_PROG2, clock_year)];
                double dLower = -10.0;
                double dUpper = 10.0;
                double dCenter = 0.0;
                while (abs(dResultProb - dTargetProb) > 0.0001 && nIterations < 10000)
                    dCenter = (dLower + dUpper) / 2.0;
                    dResultProb = 0.0;
                    for (int nGroup = 0; nGroup < SIZE(EDUC_GROUP); nGroup++)
                        dResultProb = dResultProb + (asSimBornAge0[nSex][nGroup]->Count() / nTotalPop) *
                            AdjustedProbability(dTargetProb, log(EducProg2Odds[nGroup][nSex]), dCenter);
                    if (dTargetProb > dResultProb) dLower = dCenter;
                    else dUpper = dCenter;
                dFactorGrad = dCenter;
            // set factor
            asGlobals->Item(0)->alignment_educ_high[nSex] = dFactorGrad;

double Clock::AdjustedProbability(double dProb, double dLogOddEduc, double dLogOddAdjust)
    if (dProb >= 0.9999) dProb = 0.9999;
    double dExp = exp(log(dProb / (1 - dProb)) + dLogOddEduc + dLogOddAdjust);
    return dExp / (1 + dExp);

void Person::AdjustEduc()
    // Adjustment for selection of  refined model aligned to base for all birth cohorts
    if (person_type == PT_CHILD && integer_age == 0 && calendar_year >= MIN(SIM_YEAR_RANGE) &&
        calendar_year >= EducFirstCohortRefinedModel && EducModel == EM_REFINED_ALIGNALL)
        educ_prob1 = lClock->AdjustedProbability(
        educ_prob2 = lClock->AdjustedProbability(
        EDUC_LEVEL3 eolFate = EL3_LOW;
        if (RandUniform(10) < educ_prob1) eolFate = EL3_MEDIUM;
        if (eolFate == EL3_MEDIUM && RandUniform(11) < educ_prob2)  eolFate = EL3_HIGH;
        educ_fate = eolFate;
    else if (person_type == PT_CHILD && integer_age == 0 && calendar_year >= MIN(SIM_YEAR_RANGE) &&
        calendar_year >= EducFirstCohortRefinedModel && EducModel == EM_REFINED_ALIGNONCE)
        educ_prob1 = lClock->AdjustedProbability(
            EducProg1[sex][RANGE_POS(YOB_EDUC_PROG1, EducFirstCohortRefinedModel)],
        educ_prob2 = lClock->AdjustedProbability(
            EducProg2[sex][RANGE_POS(YOB_EDUC_PROG2, EducFirstCohortRefinedModel)],
        EDUC_LEVEL3 eolFate = EL3_LOW;
        if (RandUniform(12) < educ_prob1) eolFate = EL3_MEDIUM;
        if (eolFate == EL3_MEDIUM && RandUniform(13) < educ_prob2)  eolFate = EL3_HIGH;
        educ_fate = eolFate;

//table Person PareducTabTest //EN Parents education
//    {
//        value_out(educ_parents_is_known) / unit
//    }
//    * year_of_birth


The module implements patterns of school attendance, school type, and enrolment type for a given education fate. School types correspond to the levels low, medium, high but additionally differentiate between dual, vocational, and general tracks. Attendance can be fulltime or parttime. The model is a ‘fate-model’ where for a given outcome, a pattern is assigned early in life. Patterns depend on the outcome (which itself depends on the year of birth, sex and parents’ characteristics) and sex. For people of the starting population, educational a pattern is imputed using the same model, but if possible, respecting the variables on current school attendance. This is achieved in two steps. First, for a given fate, a pattern is assigned. When all persons of a birth cohort have their fates assigned, these fates and pattern can be ‘traded’ with others in order to match the school attendance status in the starting population. These trades happen within groups by sex and parents’ education, thus do not affect the aggregate modelled school attendance.

Once assigned, the actual school career is updated in yearly schoolyear steps. For a given final fate and education pattern, three states are set:

  • educ_level: the current highest educational attainment.
  • educ_status: the current education status (full-time, part-time, dual, pause etc.)
  • educ_pattern_status: the current school type and level

// Dimensions

classification EDUC_STATUS                              //EN Education Status
    ES_NEVER,                                           //EN Not entered school
    ES_FULLTIME,                                        //EN Fulltime Student
    ES_PARTTIME,                                        //EN Parttime Student
    ES_DUAL,                                            //EN Dual system student
    ES_PAUSE,                                           //EN Pause (interruption e.g. military)
    ES_FIN                                              //EN Finished schooling

classification EDUC_PATTERN                             //EN Education pattern
    EP_LOW,                                             //EN Low
    EP_MED_DUAL,                                        //EN Medium Dual
    EP_MED_VOC,                                         //EN Medium Vocational
    EP_MED_GEN,                                         //EN Medium General
    EP_OUT1,                                            //EN Out of school spell 1
    EP_HIGH1_FT,                                        //EN High Episode 1 (Full-time)
    EP_HIGH1_PT,                                        //EN High Episode 1 (Part-time)
    EP_OUT2,                                            //EN Out of school spell 2
    EP_HIGH2_FT,                                        //EN High Episode 2 (Full-time)
    EP_HIGH2_PT,                                        //EN High Episode 2 (Part-time)
    EP_OUT3,                                            //EN Out of school spell 3
    EP_HIGH3_FT,                                        //EN High Episode 3 (Full-time)
    EP_HIGH3_PT                                         //EN High Episode 3 (Part-time)

range EDUC_PATTERN_RANGE{ 0, 11 };                      //EN Education Pattern

// Parameters

    //EN Education Pattern

    //EN Education Pattern Distribution
    cumrate[1] EducPatternDist[SEX][EDUC_LEVEL3][EDUC_PATTERN_RANGE];

    int        SchoolEntryAge;                          //EN School entry age
    double     StartSchoolYear;                         //EN Start of school year

parameter_group PG_Education                            //EN Education Pattern
    SchoolEntryAge, StartSchoolYear,
    EducPattern, EducPatternDist

// Actor sets

//EN Actor set of all potential students
actor_set Person asAllPotentialStudents
    filter is_alive && integer_age >= SchoolEntryAge && year_finish_school >= calendar_year && is_resident;

//EN Persons who study in startpop and have no matching fate
actor_set Person asWantTradeEducPatternToInSchool[educ_group][sex]
    filter integer_age == 2 && want_trade_educ_pattern_to_inschool && is_resident;

//EN Persons who do not study in startpop and have no matching fate
actor_set Person asWantTradeEducPatternToOutSchool[educ_group][sex]
    filter integer_age == 2 && want_trade_educ_pattern_to_outschool && is_resident;

// Actor declarations

actor Person
    EDUC_LEVEL5 educ_level = { EL5_LOW };               //EN Current education level
    EDUC_STATUS educ_status = { ES_NEVER };             //EN Current Education Status
    logical in_school_startpop = { FALSE };             //EN Attending school in starting population

    int     year_finish_school  = { 9999 };             //EN Year finishing school

    EDUC_PATTERN_RANGE educ_pattern_number = { 0 };     //EN Educ Pattern Number
    EDUC_PATTERN educ_pattern_status = { EP_LOW };      //EN Education pattern status

    void SampleEducPattern();                           //EN Sample education fate and pattern
    hook SampleEducPattern, YearEnd;

    //EN Set Education states for given spell
    void SetCurrentEducLevelPatternStatus(int nSchoolSpell);

    void SchoolYearChange();                            //EN School year change

    logical want_trade_educ_pattern_to_inschool  = { FALSE };
    logical want_trade_educ_pattern_to_outschool = { FALSE };

actor Clock
    void SetNextSchoolYear();
    hook SetNextSchoolYear, StartYearClock;

    void TradeEducationFatesAndPatterns();
    hook TradeEducationFatesAndPatterns, StartYearClock;

    TIME    next_school_year = { TIME_INFINITE };       //EN Next School Year
    event   timeSchoolYearClock, SchoolYearClock;       //EN School year clock event

// Implementation Clock Functions

TIME Clock::timeSchoolYearClock() { return next_school_year; }
void Clock::SchoolYearClock()
    long nPopSize = asAllPotentialStudents->Count();
    for (long nIndex = 0; nIndex < nPopSize; nIndex++)
        Person *prPerson = asAllPotentialStudents->Item(nIndex);
    next_school_year = TIME_INFINITE;

void Clock::TradeEducationFatesAndPatterns()
    for (int nGroup = 0; nGroup < SIZE(EDUC_GROUP); nGroup++)
        for (int nSex = 0; nSex < SIZE(SEX); nSex++)
            while (asWantTradeEducPatternToInSchool[nGroup][nSex]->Count() > 0 && asWantTradeEducPatternToOutSchool[nGroup][nSex]->Count() > 0)
                auto prPersonA = asWantTradeEducPatternToInSchool[nGroup][nSex]->GetRandom(RandUniform(24));
                auto prPersonB = asWantTradeEducPatternToOutSchool[nGroup][nSex]->GetRandom(RandUniform(25));

                EDUC_LEVEL3 cFate = prPersonA->educ_fate;
                EDUC_PATTERN_RANGE cPattern = prPersonA->educ_pattern_number;

                prPersonA->educ_fate = prPersonB->educ_fate;
                prPersonA->educ_pattern_number = prPersonB->educ_pattern_number;
                prPersonA->want_trade_educ_pattern_to_inschool = FALSE;

                prPersonB->educ_fate = cFate;
                prPersonB->educ_pattern_number = cPattern;
                prPersonB->want_trade_educ_pattern_to_outschool = FALSE;

void Clock::SetNextSchoolYear()
    next_school_year = WAIT(StartSchoolYear); // set school year clock

// Implementation Person Functions

void Person::SampleEducPattern()
    if (integer_age == 1 && is_resident)
        int nPattern;
        Lookup_EducPatternDist(RandUniform(6), (int)sex, (int)educ_fate, &nPattern);
        educ_pattern_number = (EDUC_PATTERN_RANGE)nPattern;

        // checks if in_school_startpop contradicts the fate
        if (person_type == PT_START && WITHIN(YOB_CHECK_SCHOOL, year_of_birth))
            int     nSchoolTerm = MIN(SIM_YEAR_RANGE) - year_of_birth - SchoolEntryAge - 1;
            if (educ_status == ES_FULLTIME || educ_status == ES_PARTTIME || educ_status == ES_DUAL)
                if (!in_school_startpop) want_trade_educ_pattern_to_outschool = TRUE;
            else if (in_school_startpop) want_trade_educ_pattern_to_inschool = TRUE;

            // Reset pattern status to never entered

void Person::SetCurrentEducLevelPatternStatus(int nSchoolSpell)
    EDUC_PATTERN    cPreviousPatternStatus = educ_pattern_status; //EN Store the current status

    //Calculate maximal number of spells for a given educ_fate and educ_pattern_number
    int nSumSpells = 0;
    for (int nIndex = 0; nIndex < SIZE(EDUC_PATTERN); nIndex++)
        nSumSpells = nSumSpells + EducPattern[educ_fate][educ_pattern_number][nIndex];

    if (nSchoolSpell == 0)                  // Not Started School
        educ_status = ES_NEVER;
        educ_level  = EL5_LOW;
    else if (nSchoolSpell > nSumSpells)     // Beyond max spells
        educ_status = ES_FIN;               // Finished school
    else                                    // Somewhere in system
        // Find current educ_pattern_status
        bool bFound = FALSE;  int nColumn = 0;  int nItem = 0;  int nCount = 0;
        while (!bFound)
            nItem++; nCount++;
            while (nItem > EducPattern[educ_fate][educ_pattern_number][nColumn])
                nItem = 1; nColumn++;
            if (nCount == nSchoolSpell)     // found current educ_pattern_status
                bFound = TRUE;
                educ_pattern_status = ( EDUC_PATTERN )nColumn;
        // Update educ_status
        if (educ_pattern_status == EP_HIGH1_PT || educ_pattern_status == EP_HIGH2_PT
            || educ_pattern_status == EP_HIGH3_PT )
            educ_status = ES_PARTTIME;
        else if (educ_pattern_status == EP_MED_DUAL )
            educ_status = ES_DUAL;
        else if (educ_pattern_status == EP_OUT1 || educ_pattern_status == EP_OUT2
            || educ_pattern_status == EP_OUT3)
            educ_status = ES_PAUSE;
        else educ_status = ES_FULLTIME;

    // Update current education level
    if (educ_status == ES_FIN) //End of studies reached
        EDUC_LEVEL5 elEducLevel;
        if (educ_fate == EL3_LOW)
            elEducLevel = EL5_LOW;
        else if (educ_fate == EL3_HIGH)
            elEducLevel = EL5_HIGH;
        else if (educ_fate == EL3_MEDIUM && educ_level == EL5_LOW && cPreviousPatternStatus == EP_MED_DUAL)
            elEducLevel = EL5_MEDIUMD;
        else if (educ_fate == EL3_MEDIUM && educ_level == EL5_LOW && cPreviousPatternStatus == EP_MED_VOC)
            elEducLevel = EL5_MEDIUMV;
        else if (educ_fate == EL3_MEDIUM && educ_level == EL5_LOW && cPreviousPatternStatus == EP_MED_GEN)
            elEducLevel = EL5_MEDIUMG;
        else elEducLevel = educ_level;
        educ_level = elEducLevel;
    // Change of school type to high or pause (must have finished medium)
    else if (educ_level == EL5_LOW && (educ_status == ES_PAUSE
        || educ_pattern_status == EP_HIGH1_FT || educ_pattern_status == EP_HIGH1_PT))
        if (cPreviousPatternStatus == EP_MED_DUAL) educ_level = EL5_MEDIUMD;
        else if (cPreviousPatternStatus == EP_MED_VOC) educ_level = EL5_MEDIUMV;
        else if (cPreviousPatternStatus == EP_MED_GEN) educ_level = EL5_MEDIUMG;

void Person::SchoolYearChange()
    if (integer_age >= SchoolEntryAge) SetCurrentEducLevelPatternStatus(integer_age - SchoolEntryAge + 1);
    if (educ_status == ES_FIN && year_finish_school > calendar_year) year_finish_school = calendar_year;


This module allows aligning school attendance to external school enrolment parameters. The module is optional and can be switched off by the user. The module works on top of the education pattern module and does not interfere with the school attendance patterns produced there. Alignment of education rates works in one direction only - namely increasing the number of students. This is to add studies which are not essential to reach the highest grade and to reproduce external enrolment targets. If the expected number of students by age and sex is higher in the alignment targets than produced by the pattern model, additional people are flagged as students by setting the state in_other_education to TRUE. The second state affected is in_school which can be true due to ‘normal’ school attendance (in_regular_school) or due to the additional attendance.

The algorithm simple: eligible for becoming a student in_other_education are those who have been in this status the school year before or those just finishing regular education. A second criterion is family: those living with children are excluded from the pool. People available for additional studies are defined in the actor set asAvailableForAdditionalStudies which can be easily modified to add realism. Alignments are made by the function AlignAfterSchoolYearChange(). The function does not force alignment if no additional students are found. This could be changed by increasing the pool of potential students, e.g. allowing people resuming studies after having left school before, or by allowing people with parenting obligations continuing or resuming studies.

// Actor sets

//EN People eligible for additional studies after finishing school
actor_set Person asAvailableForAdditionalStudies[sex][integer_age]
    filter (year_finish_school == calendar_year || in_other_education)
    && children_in_household == 0 && !is_flagged_enrol_other_school && is_resident;

//EN All Persons by age and sex
actor_set Person asAllPersonsSexAge[sex][integer_age] filter is_alive && is_resident;

//EN All in regular education
actor_set Person asAllInRegularSchool[sex][integer_age] filter in_regular_school  && is_resident;

range AGE_EDUC_ALIGN { 15,30 }; //EN Age

// Parameters

    //EN School Enrolment rates (for alignment)
    double SchoolEnrolmentRates[SEX][AGE_EDUC_ALIGN][SIM_YEAR_RANGE];

    //EN Align school enrolment rates
    logical AlignSchoolEnrolmentRates;

parameter_group PG_EducAlignment    //EN Education Alignment
  SchoolEnrolmentRates, AlignSchoolEnrolmentRates

// Actor states and functions

actor Person
    //EN Person gegularely enrolled in school
    logical  in_regular_school = (educ_status == ES_FULLTIME || educ_status == ES_PARTTIME
            || educ_status == ES_DUAL) ? TRUE : FALSE;

    //EN Person in other education (used to align in_school rates to higher targets)
    logical in_other_education = { FALSE };

    //EN Person enrolled in school incl. other (alignment)
    logical  in_school = (in_regular_school || in_other_education) ? TRUE : FALSE;

    //EN Person flagged for enrolling in other education
    logical is_flagged_enrol_other_school = { FALSE };

actor Clock
    void AlignAfterSchoolYearChange();                  //EN Align school attendance
    hook AlignAfterSchoolYearChange, SchoolYearClock;   //EN Hook school alignment to clock


// Implementation

void Clock::AlignAfterSchoolYearChange()
    //if (AlignSchoolEnrolmentRates)
    if (AlignSchoolEnrolmentRates)
        for (int nAge = MIN(AGE_EDUC_ALIGN); nAge <= MAX(AGE_EDUC_ALIGN); nAge++)
            for (int nSex = 0; nSex < SIZE(SEX); nSex++)
                long nPopAvailable = asAvailableForAdditionalStudies[nSex][nAge]->Count();
                long nPop = asAllPersonsSexAge[nSex][nAge]->Count();
                long nAllInRegularSchool = asAllInRegularSchool[nSex][nAge]->Count();

                long nMissing = long(nPop * SchoolEnrolmentRates[nSex]
                    [RANGE_POS(AGE_EDUC_ALIGN, nAge)][RANGE_POS(SIM_YEAR_RANGE, clock_year)]
                    - nAllInRegularSchool);

                while (nMissing > 0 && asAvailableForAdditionalStudies[nSex][nAge]->Count() > 0)
                    auto prNewStudent = asAvailableForAdditionalStudies[nSex][nAge]
                    prNewStudent->is_flagged_enrol_other_school = TRUE;
                for (long nIndex = 0; nIndex < nPop; nIndex++)
                    auto prPerson = asAllPersonsSexAge[nSex][nAge]->Item(nIndex);
                    if (prPerson->is_flagged_enrol_other_school) prPerson->in_other_education = TRUE;
                    else  prPerson->in_other_education = FALSE;
                    prPerson->is_flagged_enrol_other_school = FALSE;
        // kick those too old out of school

        for (int nAge = MAX(AGE_EDUC_ALIGN) + 1; nAge <= MAX(AGE_RANGE); nAge++)
            for (int nSex = 0; nSex < SIZE(SEX); nSex++)
                long nPop = asAllPersonsSexAge[nSex][nAge]->Count();
                for (long nIndex = 0; nIndex < nPop; nIndex++)
                    asAllPersonsSexAge[nSex][nAge]->Item(nIndex)->in_other_education = FALSE;


This module implements emigration. Users can choose three approaches:

  • Emigration based on time-invariant emigration rates by age and sex
  • Emigration based on a parameter of total emigration: if this option is chosen, the age- and sex-specific rates of the first model option are proportionally adjusted to meet aggregate totals.
  • Family emigration: This option keeps families together and meets the overall total emigration targets. In the current implementation, the person with the shortest waiting time is chosen and takes the whole family abroad until the total target is met. This approach does not maintain the age-specific rates.

The module is prepared to include individual-level differences in emigration rates (e.g. by migration background) and automatically adjusts individual rates in order to meet aggregate targets. Emigration is decided each mid-year and happens annually at this point of time. Emigrants leave the country and are immediately removed from the simulation.

Emigration is optional and can be switched off by the user. Also, users can choose to model net migration only, which is implemented in a separate module.

// Actor sets

//EN Residents by sex and age group
actor_set Person asResidentSexAge5[sex][age5_index]
    filter is_alive && is_resident && in_projected_time;

//EN Residents by sex and age group - ordered by waiting time
actor_set Person asResidentOrderedSexAge5[sex][age5_index]
    filter is_alive && is_resident && in_projected_time
    order emigr_wait;

//EN Residents by sex - ordered by waiting time
actor_set Person asResidentOrdered
    filter is_alive && is_resident && in_projected_time
    order emigr_wait;

// Types

partition AGE5_PART                                         //EN Age Groups
    5, 10, 15, 20, 25, 30, 35, 40, 45, 50, 55, 60,
    65, 70, 75, 80, 85, 90

range AGE5_INDEX { 0,18 };                                  //EN Age group

classification EMIGR_SET                                    //EN Emigration settings
    ES_AGERATES,                                            //EN Meet rates by age group and sex
    ES_TOTALS,                                              //EN Meet aggregate totals
        ES_FAMILY                                                                   //EN Family Emigration

// Parameters

    model_generated logical     ModelEmigration;            //EN Switch emigration on/off
    EMIGR_SET   EmigrationSettings;                         //EN Emigration model choice
    double      EmigrationRates[SEX][AGE5_PART];            //EN Emigration rates by sex and age
    long        EmigrationTotal[SIM_YEAR_RANGE];            //EN Total number of emigrants

parameter_group PG_Emigration                               //EN Emigration
    EmigrationRates, EmigrationTotal

// Actor states and Events

actor Person
    AGE5_INDEX  age5_index = split(integer_age, AGE5_PART);     //EN Age Group
    logical     is_resident = { TRUE };                         //EN Is resident
    logical     has_emigrated = { FALSE };                      //EN Person has emigrated
    double      emigr_prob = { 0.0 };                           //EN Emigration Probabilty
    void        DoEmigrate();                                   //EN Do emigrate
    TIME        emigr_wait = { TIME_INFINITE };                 //EN Hypothetical waiting time
    integer     DoEmigrateChildren();                           //EN Send children abroad

actor Clock
    void        DoEmigration();                                 //EN Do Emigration
    hook        DoEmigration, MidYearClockEvent, 5;             //EN hook to mid year
    double      AdjustedProb(double dProb, double dFactor);     //EN Adjust Probability
    double      ProbFromOdds(double dOdds);                     //EN Get Probability from Odds
    double      OddsFromProb(double dProb);                     //EN Get Odds from Probability

actor Globals                                                   //EN Actor Globals
    //EN Emigration alignment factors
    double      emigration_alignment[SIM_YEAR_RANGE][SEX][AGE5_PART];

// Implementation

void Clock::DoEmigration()
    if (clock_year >= MIN(SIM_YEAR_RANGE) && ModelEmigration == TRUE && ModelNetMigration == FALSE)
        double dExpectedEmigrants = 0.0;
        long   nExpectedEmigrants = 0;
        double dExpectedEmigrationProb = 0.0;
        double dCurrentEmigrationProb = 0.0;
        long   nGroupSize = 0;
        // for each age group by sex
        // find, record and apply an alignment factor to meet target group emigration rates
        for (int nSex = 0; nSex < SIZE(SEX); nSex++)
            for (int nGroup = 0; nGroup < SIZE(AGE5_INDEX); nGroup++)
                // The expected emigration pribability in this group
                dExpectedEmigrationProb = EmigrationRates[nSex][nGroup];

                // Update the individual emigration probabilities of all members of this group
                dCurrentEmigrationProb = 0.0;
                nGroupSize = asResidentSexAge5[nSex][nGroup]->Count();
                for (long nIndex = 0; nIndex < nGroupSize; nIndex++)
                    auto prPerson = asResidentSexAge5[nSex][nGroup]->Item(nIndex);
                    double dPersonalEmiProb = 0.0;
                    // Calculate the current personal probability to emigrate

                    // /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
                    // At this place, individual level odds can be introduced do adjust individual rates
                    // =================================================================================
                    /* dPersonalEmiProb = ProbFromOdds(OddsFromProb(EmigrationRates[prPerson->sex][prPerson->age5_index])
                        * EmigrationOdds[prPerson->sex][prPerson->nation_agg][prPerson->age5_index] ); */
                    // //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////

                    dPersonalEmiProb = EmigrationRates[prPerson->sex][prPerson->age5_index];
                    prPerson->emigr_prob = dPersonalEmiProb;
                    dCurrentEmigrationProb = dCurrentEmigrationProb + dPersonalEmiProb;
                // This is the current overall probability in the group
                if (nGroupSize > 0) dCurrentEmigrationProb = dCurrentEmigrationProb / nGroupSize;

                // Find alignment factor for individual emigration probabilities
                double dLower = 0.0;
                double dUpper = 200.0;
                double dCenter = 100.0;
                int nMaxIter = 1000000;
                bool bEnterAlignment = FALSE;
                while (abs(dCurrentEmigrationProb - dExpectedEmigrationProb) > 0.00001 && nMaxIter > 0 && nGroupSize > 0)
                    bEnterAlignment = TRUE;
                    dCurrentEmigrationProb = 0.0;
                    dCenter = (dLower + dUpper) / 2.0;
                    for (long nIndex = 0; nIndex < nGroupSize; nIndex++)
                        auto prPerson = asResidentSexAge5[nSex][nGroup]->Item(nIndex);
                        dCurrentEmigrationProb = dCurrentEmigrationProb + AdjustedProb(prPerson->emigr_prob, dCenter);
                    dCurrentEmigrationProb = dCurrentEmigrationProb / nGroupSize;
                    if (dCurrentEmigrationProb > dExpectedEmigrationProb) dUpper = dCenter;
                    else dLower = dCenter;
                // Record it
                if (bEnterAlignment) asGlobals->Item(0)->emigration_alignment[RANGE_POS(SIM_YEAR_RANGE, clock_year)][nSex][nGroup] = dCenter;
                else asGlobals->Item(0)->emigration_alignment[RANGE_POS(SIM_YEAR_RANGE, clock_year)][nSex][nGroup] = 1.0;
                // Apply it to update all individual emigration probabilities
                if (bEnterAlignment)
                    for (long nIndex = 0; nIndex < nGroupSize; nIndex++)
                        auto prPerson = asResidentSexAge5[nSex][nGroup]->Item(nIndex);
                        prPerson->emigr_prob = AdjustedProb(prPerson->emigr_prob, dCenter);
                // set hypothetical waiting times
                for (long nIndex = 0; nIndex < nGroupSize; nIndex++)
                    auto prPerson = asResidentSexAge5[nSex][nGroup]->Item(nIndex);
                    double dProb = prPerson->emigr_prob;
                    if (dProb == 1) prPerson->emigr_wait = 0.0;
                    else if (dProb == 0) prPerson->emigr_wait = TIME_INFINITE;
                    else prPerson->emigr_wait = -log(RandUniform(20)) / -log(1 - dProb);

        // Make people emigrate
        // The model used can be chosen by user
        // (1) Option 1: Individual Emigration meeting rates by age group and sex

        if (EmigrationSettings == ES_AGERATES)
            // for each age group by sex
            for (int nSex = 0; nSex < SIZE(SEX); nSex++)
                for (int nGroup = 0; nGroup < SIZE(AGE5_INDEX); nGroup++)
                    // integer number of emigrants in group
                    dExpectedEmigrants = EmigrationRates[nSex][nGroup] * (asResidentSexAge5[nSex][nGroup]->Count());
                    nExpectedEmigrants = int(dExpectedEmigrants);
                    if (RandUniform(21) < dExpectedEmigrants - (double)nExpectedEmigrants) nExpectedEmigrants++;

                    // Call emigration for persons with shortest waiting time
                    for (int nIndex = 0; nIndex < nExpectedEmigrants; nIndex++)
                        auto prPerson = asResidentOrderedSexAge5[nSex][nGroup]->Item(0);
                // (2) Option 2: Individual emigration meeting aggregate yearly targets
                else if (EmigrationSettings == ES_TOTALS)
                        // integer number of emigrants in group
                        dExpectedEmigrants = (double)EmigrationTotal[RANGE_POS(SIM_YEAR_RANGE, clock_year)] / asGlobals->Item(0)->person_weight;
                        nExpectedEmigrants = int(dExpectedEmigrants);
                        if (RandUniform(23) < dExpectedEmigrants - (double)nExpectedEmigrants) nExpectedEmigrants++;

                        // Call emigration for persons with shortest waiting time
                        for (int nIndex = 0; nIndex < nExpectedEmigrants; nIndex++)
                                auto prPerson = asResidentOrdered->Item(0);
                // (3) Option 3: Family Emigration
                else if (EmigrationSettings == ES_FAMILY)
                        // integer number of emigrants in group
                        dExpectedEmigrants = (double)EmigrationTotal[RANGE_POS(SIM_YEAR_RANGE, clock_year)] / asGlobals->Item(0)->person_weight;
                        nExpectedEmigrants = int(dExpectedEmigrants);
                        if (RandUniform(35) < dExpectedEmigrants - (double)nExpectedEmigrants) nExpectedEmigrants++;

                        // Call emigration for persons with shortest waiting time
                        int nIndex = 0;
                        while ( nIndex < nExpectedEmigrants )
                                auto prPerson = asResidentOrdered->Item(0);
                                // find family head
                                if (prPerson->family_role == FR_SPOUSE && prPerson->lSpouse) prPerson = prPerson->lSpouse;
                                else if (prPerson->family_role == FR_CHILD)
                                        if (prPerson->lHHFather && prPerson->lHHFather->family_role == FR_HEAD) prPerson = prPerson->lHHFather;
                                        else if (prPerson->lHHMother && prPerson->lHHMother->family_role == FR_HEAD) prPerson = prPerson->lHHMother;
                // send children abroad
                if (prPerson->family_role != FR_CHILD)
                   nIndex = nIndex + prPerson->DoEmigrateChildren();
                // send spouse abroad
                                if (prPerson->lSpouse)
                // leave country

integer Person::DoEmigrateChildren()
    int ReturnValue = 0;
    int nChildIndex;
    auto prChild = (sex == FEMALE) ? mlHHMotherChildren->GetNext(0, &nChildIndex) : mlHHFatherChildren->GetNext(0, &nChildIndex);
        while (prChild != NULL)
                prChild = (sex == FEMALE) ? mlHHMotherChildren->GetNext(nChildIndex + 1, &nChildIndex) : mlHHFatherChildren->GetNext(nChildIndex + 1, &nChildIndex);
    return      ReturnValue;

double Clock::AdjustedProb(double dProb, double dFactor)
    return ProbFromOdds(OddsFromProb(dProb) * dFactor);

// Get Probability from Odds
double Clock::ProbFromOdds(double dOdds)
    return dOdds / (1 + dOdds);

// Get Odds from Probability
double Clock::OddsFromProb(double dProb)
    if (dProb < 1) return dProb / (1 - dProb);
    else return TIME_INFINITE;

void Person::DoEmigrate()
    if (has_partner && lSpouse->family_role == FR_SPOUSE) lSpouse->family_role = FR_HEAD;
    has_emigrated = TRUE;
    is_resident = FALSE;


This module implements immigration. It is parameterized by the total number of immigrants and the age-sex distribution of immigrants. Children younger than 18 try to identify a mother in the population of women destined to immigrate in the same year.

Various characteristic, including a set of education states, are sampled from residents of the same age and sex at the moment of immigration in the ImmigrationEvent(). In this model implementation, immigrants do not differ from residents concerning the distributions of most characteristics.

This module is optional and can be switched off by the user. Users can also choose to model net-migration only, which is implemented in a separate module.

// Actor sets

//EN Potential immigrant mothers
actor_set Person asPotentialImmigrantMothers[integer_age][year_of_immigration]
    filter is_alive && sex==FEMALE && parity < 6 && person_type == PT_IMMIGRANT;

//EN All Residents
actor_set Person asAllResidents filter is_alive && is_resident;  //EN Entire resident population

// Parameters

    //EN Total number of immigrants
    long ImmigrationTotal[SIM_YEAR_RANGE];

    //EN Age-Sex distribution of immigrants
    double ImmigrationAgeSexAll[SEX][AGE_RANGE];

    //EN Switch immigration on/off
    model_generated logical ModelImmigration;

    //EN Age distribution of mothers at birth
    cumrate [1] AgeOfImmigrantMother[FERTILE_AGE_RANGE];

parameter_group PG_Immigration                          //EN Immigration

// Actor states and functions

actor Person
   //EN Immigrant
    logical         is_immigrant = (person_type == PT_IMMIGRANT) ? TRUE : FALSE;

    SIM_YEAR_RANGE  year_of_immigration = { 2050 };         //EN Year of immigration
    TIME            time_of_immigration = {TIME_INFINITE};  //EN Time of immigration
    event           timeImmigrationEvent, ImmigrationEvent; //EN Immigration Event
    logical         FindImmigrantMother();                  //EN Find a mother immigrating same year

// Implementation

TIME Person::timeImmigrationEvent()
    if (!ever_resident) return time_of_immigration;
    else return TIME_INFINITE;

logical Person::FindImmigrantMother()
    bool bFoundMother = FALSE;
    double dAgeImmi = time_of_immigration - time_of_birth;
    if (dAgeImmi < 18.0)
        int nAge;
        int nCount = 0;
        bool bFound = FALSE;
        while (!bFound && nCount < 100)
            Lookup_AgeOfImmigrantMother(RandUniform(39), &nAge);
            nAge = nAge + MIN(FERTILE_AGE_RANGE);
            if (asPotentialImmigrantMothers[nAge][RANGE_POS(SIM_YEAR_RANGE, year_of_immigration)]->Count() > 0) bFound = TRUE;
        if (asPotentialImmigrantMothers[nAge][RANGE_POS(SIM_YEAR_RANGE, year_of_immigration)]->Count() > 0)
            auto prMother = asPotentialImmigrantMothers[nAge][RANGE_POS(SIM_YEAR_RANGE, year_of_immigration)]->Item(RandUniform(40));
            lBioMother = prMother;
            lHHMother =  prMother;
            prMother->parity = prMother->parity + 1;
            prMother->is_mother = TRUE;
            bFoundMother = TRUE;
    return bFoundMother;

void Person::ImmigrationEvent()
    // Find a resident host of same sex and age and clone characteristics
    if (asAllPersonsSexAge[sex][integer_age]->Count() > 0)
        auto prHostPerson = asAllPersonsSexAge[sex][integer_age]->GetRandom(RandUniform(45));

        // Clone education states from host
        educ_level              = prHostPerson->educ_level;
        educ_status             = prHostPerson->educ_status;
        educ_pattern_status     = prHostPerson->educ_pattern_status;
        in_other_education      = prHostPerson->in_other_education;
        year_finish_school      = prHostPerson->year_finish_school;
        educ_pattern_number     = prHostPerson->educ_pattern_number;
        educ_fate               = prHostPerson->educ_fate;
        educ_prob1              = prHostPerson->educ_prob1;
        educ_prob2              = prHostPerson->educ_prob2;
        educ_parents            = prHostPerson->educ_parents;
        educ_parents_is_known   = prHostPerson->educ_parents_is_known;

        // Cloneo other characteristics from host
        never_father            = prHostPerson->never_father;
    // Residence status
    is_resident = TRUE;
    ever_resident = TRUE;


This module gives the user an additional option of modeling international migration - net migration - based on a parameter of total net migration by age, sex, and period. This option is useful if only data on net migration are available, as is the case for Eurostat population projections. The module introduces a new selection switch for modelling international migration:

  • Do not model migration
  • Immigration only
  • Emigration only
  • Immigration & Emigration
  • Net Migration

If net migration is chosen, the immigration parameters are overwritten by values based on the new net migration parameter. For emigration, a new Clock function DoNetEmigration() was added which - when selected - replaces the DoEmigration() function.

// Types

classification MIGRATION_SETTINGS //EN Migration Settings
    MSE_NON,            //EN Do not model migration
    MSE_IMMI,           //EN Immigration only
    MSE_EMI,            //EN Emigration only
    MSE_ALL,            //EN Immigration & Emigration
    MSE_NET             //EN Net Migration

// Parameters

    //EN Migration Settings
    MIGRATION_SETTINGS MigrationSettings;

    //EN Model net migration
    model_generated logical ModelNetMigration;

    //EN Net migration by age and sex
    double NetMigrationSexPeriodAge[SEX][SIM_YEAR_RANGE][AGE_RANGE];

    //EN Total number of immigrants
    model_generated long MgImmigrationTotal[SIM_YEAR_RANGE];

    //EN Age-Sex distribution of immigrants
    model_generated cumrate [2] MgImmigrationAgeSexAll[SIM_YEAR_RANGE][SEX][AGE_RANGE];

parameter_group PG_NetMigration                          //EN Net Migration

parameter_group PG_Migration                            //EN International Migration

// States & Functions

actor Clock
    void DoNetEmigration();                                     //EN Net Emigration
    hook DoNetEmigration, MidYearClockEvent, 6;                 //EN hook to mid year

// Implementation

void Clock::DoNetEmigration()
    if (clock_year >= MIN(SIM_YEAR_RANGE) && ModelNetMigration == TRUE)
        // for each age by sex
        for (int nSex = 0; nSex < SIZE(SEX); nSex++)
            for (int nAge = 0; nAge < SIZE(AGE_RANGE); nAge++)
                double dExpectedEmigrants = 0.0;
                long nExpectedEmigrants = 0;

                if (NetMigrationSexPeriodAge[nSex][RANGE_POS(SIM_YEAR_RANGE, clock_year)][nAge] < 0) // there is net emigration
                    // determine number of emigrants
                    dExpectedEmigrants = -NetMigrationSexPeriodAge[nSex][RANGE_POS(SIM_YEAR_RANGE, clock_year)][nAge]
                        / asGlobals->Item(0)->person_weight;
                    nExpectedEmigrants = int(dExpectedEmigrants);
                    if (RandUniform(46) < dExpectedEmigrants - (double)nExpectedEmigrants) nExpectedEmigrants++;

                    // Make somebody emigrate
                    for (int nIndex = 0; nIndex < nExpectedEmigrants; nIndex++)
                        if (asAllPersonsSexAge[nSex][nAge]->Count() > 0)
                            auto prPerson = asAllPersonsSexAge[nSex][nAge]->GetRandom(RandUniform(47));

// Pre-Simulation

void PreSimulation()
    // Settings

    if (MigrationSettings == MSE_NON)                   // Do not model migration
        ModelNetMigration = FALSE;
        ModelImmigration = FALSE;
        ModelEmigration = FALSE;
    else if (MigrationSettings == MSE_IMMI)             //EN Immigration only
        ModelNetMigration = FALSE;
        ModelImmigration = TRUE;
        ModelEmigration = FALSE;
    else if (MigrationSettings == MSE_EMI)              //EN Emigration only
        ModelNetMigration = FALSE;
        ModelImmigration = FALSE;
        ModelEmigration = TRUE;
    else if (MigrationSettings == MSE_ALL)              //EN Immigration & Emigration
        ModelNetMigration = FALSE;
        ModelImmigration = TRUE;
        ModelEmigration = TRUE;
    else                                                //EN Net Migration
        ModelNetMigration = TRUE;
        ModelImmigration = FALSE;
        ModelEmigration = FALSE;

    // Parameters

    for (int nYear = 0; nYear < SIZE(SIM_YEAR_RANGE); nYear++)
        MgImmigrationTotal[nYear] = 0.0;

    if (ModelNetMigration)
        for (int nYear = 0; nYear < SIZE(SIM_YEAR_RANGE); nYear++)
            double dSumImmigrants = 0;
            for (int nSex = 0; nSex < SIZE(SEX); nSex++)
                for (int nAge = 0; nAge < SIZE(AGE_RANGE); nAge++)
                    if (NetMigrationSexPeriodAge[nSex][nYear][nAge] > 0)
                        MgImmigrationAgeSexAll[nYear][nSex][nAge] = NetMigrationSexPeriodAge[nSex][nYear][nAge];
                        dSumImmigrants = dSumImmigrants + NetMigrationSexPeriodAge[nSex][nYear][nAge];
                        MgImmigrationAgeSexAll[nYear][nSex][nAge] = 0.0;
            MgImmigrationTotal[nYear] = dSumImmigrants;
        for (int nYear = 0; nYear < SIZE(SIM_YEAR_RANGE); nYear++)
            MgImmigrationTotal[nYear] = ImmigrationTotal[nYear];

        for (int nYear = 0; nYear < SIZE(SIM_YEAR_RANGE); nYear++)
            for (int nSex = 0; nSex < SIZE(SEX); nSex++)
                for (int nAge = 0; nAge < SIZE(AGE_RANGE); nAge++)
                    MgImmigrationAgeSexAll[nYear][nSex][nAge] = ImmigrationAgeSexAll[nSex][nAge];


This module implements processes for maintaining the partnership status of women over the life course (union formation, dissolution, calls for matching a suitable partner). The female partnership status is updated at yearly according to observed partnership patterns by education, age, and age of the youngest child. The partnership status is modelled for all women within the age range 15-80; no more union formation events are modelled after 80, it is assumed the only union dissolution is due to widowhood.


  • Proportion of women living with dependent children who are in a partnership by education, age group, and age group of the youngest child.
  • Proportion of women not living with dependent children who are in a partnership by education and age.

The model maintains the patterns contained in the parameters in the future. Thus we assume that these patterns are stable and changes in aggregate partnership characteristics only result from compositional changes in the female population like childlessness and timing of births. The model follows a ‘minimum necessary corrections’ approach changing the union status of women only to meet aggregate numbers. In reality, unions are more unstable, i.e. the model does not move women out of a union and others in if the aggregate proportion does not change. It could be refined e.g. by adding a union dissolution module at the micro-level if longitudinal consistency is essential for model applications. The current version is longitudinally consistent only on the cohort level and by lifetime childlessness versus motherhood.

// Actor Sets

//EN Women in a partnership living with dependent children
actor_set Person asPopInUnionWithChildren[educ3_level][child_agegr][moth_agegr]
    filter is_alive && sex == FEMALE && in_projected_time && WITHIN(PART_AGE_RANGE, integer_age) &&
    has_partner && lives_with_dependent_child && is_resident;

//EN Women not in a partnership living with dependent children
actor_set Person asPopNotInUnionWithChildren[educ3_level][child_agegr][moth_agegr]
    filter is_alive && sex == FEMALE && in_projected_time && WITHIN(PART_AGE_RANGE, integer_age) &&
    !has_partner && lives_with_dependent_child && is_resident;

//EN Women living with dependent children
actor_set Person asPopWithChildren[educ3_level][child_agegr][moth_agegr]
    filter is_alive && sex == FEMALE && in_projected_time && WITHIN(PART_AGE_RANGE, integer_age) &&
    lives_with_dependent_child && is_resident;

//EN Women not living with dependent children
actor_set Person PopNoChildren[educ3_level][integer_age]
    filter is_alive && sex == FEMALE && in_projected_time && WITHIN(PART_AGE_RANGE, integer_age) &&
    !lives_with_dependent_child && is_resident;

//EN Women in a partnership not living with dependent children
actor_set Person asPopInUnionNoChildren[educ3_level][integer_age]
    filter is_alive && sex == FEMALE && in_projected_time && WITHIN(PART_AGE_RANGE, integer_age) &&
    has_partner && !lives_with_dependent_child && is_resident;

//EN Women not in a partnership not living with dependent children
actor_set Person asPopNotInUnionNoChildren[educ3_level][integer_age]
    filter is_alive && sex == FEMALE && in_projected_time && WITHIN(PART_AGE_RANGE, integer_age) &&
    !has_partner && !lives_with_dependent_child && is_resident;

// Dimensions

partition   CHILD_AGEGR_PART { 1,3,6,9,12,15 };        //EN Age of youngest child
partition   MOTH_AGEGR_PART { 20, 25, 30, 35, 40 };    //EN Age of mother at last birth
range       PART_AGE_RANGE { 15, 80 };                 //EN Age

classification MOTH_AGEGR //EN Age group mothers at birth
    CMA20,  //EN Below 20
    CMA25,  //EN 20 to 24
    CMA30,  //EN 25 to 19
    CMA35,  //EN 30 to 34
    CMA40,  //EN 35 to 39
    CMA40P  //EN 40+

classification CHILD_AGEGR //EN Age group child
    CA00,  //EN 0
    CA01,  //EN 1 to 2
    CA03,  //EN 3 to 5
    CA06,  //EN 6 to 8
    CA09,  //EN 9 to 11
    CA12,  //EN 12 to 14
    CA15   //EN 15 to 17

// Parameters

    //EN Probability to be in a partnership - Females living with children
    double      InUnionProbWithChildren[EDUC_LEVEL3][CHILD_AGEGR][MOTH_AGEGR];

    //EN Probability to be in a partnership - Females not living with children
    double      InUnionProbNoChildren[PART_AGE_RANGE][EDUC_LEVEL3];

parameter_group PG_FemalePartnerships           //EN Female Partnership Status

// Actor States & Functions

actor Person
    int int_age = integer_age;

    //EN Current education level
    EDUC_LEVEL3 educ3_level = aggregate(educ_level, EDUC_LEVEL3);

    //EN Age of youngest child of women
    double  age_youngest_child = (sex == FEMALE && count(mlHHMotherChildren) > 0) ?
        min_over(mlHHMotherChildren, int_age) : TIME_INFINITE;

    //EN Age group of youngest child of women
    int child_agegr_part = split(age_youngest_child, CHILD_AGEGR_PART);

    //EN Person lives with a child
    logical lives_with_dependent_child = ((sex == FEMALE && count(mlHHMotherChildren) > 0) ||
        (sex == MALE && count(mlHHFatherChildren) > 0)) ? TRUE : FALSE;

    //EN Woman's age at last birth if living with children < 18
    double age_last_birth = (lives_with_dependent_child) ?
        integer_age - age_youngest_child : TIME_INFINITE;

    //EN Age group at last birth
    int moth_agegr_part = split(age_last_birth, MOTH_AGEGR_PART);

    //EN Age group at last birth
    MOTH_AGEGR moth_agegr = (moth_agegr_part == 0) ? CMA20 :
        (moth_agegr_part == 1) ? CMA25 :
        (moth_agegr_part == 2) ? CMA30 :
        (moth_agegr_part == 3) ? CMA35 :
        (moth_agegr_part == 4) ? CMA40 : CMA40P;

    //EN Age group child
    CHILD_AGEGR child_agegr = (child_agegr_part == 0) ? CA00 :
        (child_agegr_part == 1) ? CA01 :
        (child_agegr_part == 2) ? CA03 :
        (child_agegr_part == 3) ? CA06 :
        (child_agegr_part == 4) ? CA09 :
        (child_agegr_part == 5) ? CA12 : CA15;

actor Clock
    void UpdatePartnershipStatus();                     //EN Update Female Partnership Status
    hook UpdatePartnershipStatus, MidYearClockEvent;    //EN hook to mid year

// Implementation

void Clock::UpdatePartnershipStatus()
    long nTarget;
    if (clock_year >= MIN(SIM_YEAR_RANGE))
        // Women with children
        for (int nEduc = 0; nEduc < SIZE(EDUC_LEVEL3); nEduc++)
            for (int nChildAge = 0; nChildAge < SIZE(CHILD_AGEGR); nChildAge++)
                for (int nMothAge = 0; nMothAge < SIZE(MOTH_AGEGR); nMothAge++)
                    nTarget = round(InUnionProbWithChildren[nEduc][nChildAge][nMothAge] *

                    if (nTarget > asPopInUnionWithChildren[nEduc][nChildAge][nMothAge]->Count())
                        long nEmptyRun = 0;
                        while (nTarget > asPopInUnionWithChildren[nEduc][nChildAge][nMothAge]->Count() &&
                            asPopNotInUnionWithChildren[nEduc][nChildAge][nMothAge]->Count() > 0 && nEmptyRun < 100)
                            auto prFam = asPopNotInUnionWithChildren[nEduc][nChildAge][nMothAge]->GetRandom(RandUniform(55));
                            if (!prFam->FindPartner()) nEmptyRun++;
                    else if (nTarget < asPopInUnionWithChildren[nEduc][nChildAge][nMothAge]->Count())
                        while (nTarget < asPopInUnionWithChildren[nEduc][nChildAge][nMothAge]->Count() &&
                            asPopInUnionWithChildren[nEduc][nChildAge][nMothAge]->Count() > 0)
                            auto prFam = asPopInUnionWithChildren[nEduc][nChildAge][nMothAge]->GetRandom(RandUniform(57));
        //Targets for women without children in hh
        for (int nEduc = 0; nEduc < SIZE(EDUC_LEVEL3); nEduc++)
            for (int nAge = 0; nAge < SIZE(PART_AGE_RANGE); nAge++)
                nTarget = round(InUnionProbNoChildren[nAge][nEduc] *
                    PopNoChildren[nEduc][nAge + MIN(PART_AGE_RANGE)]->Count());

                if (nTarget > asPopInUnionNoChildren[nEduc][nAge + MIN(PART_AGE_RANGE)]->Count())
                    long nEmptyRun = 0;
                    while (nTarget > asPopInUnionNoChildren[nEduc][nAge + MIN(PART_AGE_RANGE)]->Count() &&
                        asPopNotInUnionNoChildren[nEduc][nAge + MIN(PART_AGE_RANGE)]->Count() > 0 && nEmptyRun < 100)
                        auto prFam = asPopNotInUnionNoChildren[nEduc][nAge + MIN(PART_AGE_RANGE)]->GetRandom(RandUniform(58));
                        if (!prFam->FindPartner()) nEmptyRun++;
                else if (nTarget < asPopInUnionNoChildren[nEduc][nAge + MIN(PART_AGE_RANGE)]->Count())
                    while (nTarget < asPopInUnionNoChildren[nEduc][nAge + MIN(PART_AGE_RANGE)]->Count() &&
                        asPopInUnionNoChildren[nEduc][nAge + MIN(PART_AGE_RANGE)]->Count() > 0)
                        auto prFam = asPopInUnionNoChildren[nEduc][nAge + MIN(PART_AGE_RANGE)]->GetRandom(RandUniform(61));


Partner matching is modeled by age, education and childlessness. We only model heterosexual couples. Concerning age differences, we follow a “photo approach”, meaning that we assume that the patterns in observed age differences of couples by age persist over time. One difficulty in assigning a partner lies in the changing distribution of age differences by the age at union formation. For example, a young man cannot have a much younger spouse (or vice versa), while the spread of observed age differences is widening with age. As the information on union duration is typically not available in most surveys, and admin data exist only for marriages, we follow an indirect approach oriented on the observed age patterns in existing partnerships. The algorithm is as follows:

  • Based on a parameter on the distribution of the age differences of couples for a given age of the searching female and the cohort size of women in partnerships in the simulation, we calculate the expected number of partners by age.
  • We then calculate the number of existing partners by age in the simulated population.
  • By comparing the expected with the observed numbers, we identify the age with the largest negative gap for which at least one available male spouse is available.

After having identified the pool of available partners, a second criterion is education. In contrast to age, we use the education patterns of currently young couples (age 25-45) for deciding on the spouse’s education. It is assumed that current patterns are persistent and maintainable over time.

// Actor Sets

//EN Males not in a partnership by age
actor_set Person asAvailableMale[integer_age]
    filter is_alive && sex == MALE && !has_partner && in_projected_time
    && WITHIN(MALE_PART_AGE_RANGE, integer_age) && is_resident;

//EN Males not in a partnership by age and education
actor_set Person asAvailableMaleEduc[integer_age][educ_fate]
    filter is_alive && sex == MALE && !has_partner && in_projected_time
    && WITHIN(MALE_PART_AGE_RANGE, integer_age) && is_resident;

//EN Males not in a partnership by age, education and cohort childlessness
actor_set Person asAvailableMaleEducChildless[integer_age][educ_fate][never_father]
    filter is_alive && sex == MALE && !has_partner && in_projected_time
    && WITHIN(MALE_PART_AGE_RANGE, integer_age) && is_resident;

//EN Women in a partnership
actor_set Person asFamInUnion[integer_age][integer_age_partner]
    filter is_alive && sex == FEMALE && in_projected_time && WITHIN(PART_AGE_RANGE, integer_age)
    && has_partner && is_resident;

//EN Single males not never_father
actor_set Person asSingleMaleEverFatherEduc[integer_age][educ_fate]
    filter is_alive && sex == MALE && !has_partner && !never_father && in_projected_time && is_resident;

//EN Couple males not never_father
actor_set Person asCoupleMaleEverFatherEduc[integer_age][educ_fate]
    filter is_alive && sex == MALE && has_partner && !never_father && in_projected_time && !is_blocked && is_resident;

// Dimensions

range       MALE_PART_AGE_RANGE { 15, 105 };                 //EN Age

// Parameters

    //EN Distribution of partner ages by age of female partner
    double PartnerAgeDistribution[PART_AGE_RANGE][MALE_PART_AGE_RANGE];

    //EN Partner Education
    cumrate PartnerEducation[EDUC_LEVEL3][EDUC_LEVEL3];

parameter_group PG_PartnerMatching //EN Partner Matching
    PartnerAgeDistribution, PartnerEducation

// Actor states, events and functions

actor Person
    AGE_RANGE   integer_age_partner = (has_partner) ? lSpouse->integer_age : 0;
    EDUC_LEVEL3 educ_partner = (has_partner) ? lSpouse->educ_fate : EL3_LOW;

    logical     FindPartner();

    //EN Person currently in a union
    logical has_partner = (lSpouse) ? TRUE : FALSE;

    void CheckFatherChildlessStatus(); hook CheckFatherChildlessStatus, MakeBaby;

    logical is_blocked = { FALSE };
    logical ever_father_in_sim = { FALSE }; //MARS TEST

// Implementation

void Person::CheckFatherChildlessStatus()
    if (has_partner && lSpouse->never_father)
        if (asSingleMaleEverFatherEduc[lSpouse->integer_age][lSpouse->educ_fate]->Count() > 0)
            auto prPerson = asSingleMaleEverFatherEduc[lSpouse->integer_age][lSpouse->educ_fate]->GetRandom(RandUniform(30));
            prPerson->never_father = TRUE;
            lSpouse->never_father = FALSE;
        else if (asCoupleMaleEverFatherEduc[lSpouse->integer_age][lSpouse->educ_fate]->Count() > 1)
            lSpouse->is_blocked = TRUE;
            auto prPerson = asCoupleMaleEverFatherEduc[lSpouse->integer_age][lSpouse->educ_fate]->GetRandom(RandUniform(31));
            prPerson->never_father = TRUE;
            lSpouse->never_father = FALSE;
            lSpouse->is_blocked = FALSE;
    if (has_partner) lSpouse->ever_father_in_sim = TRUE; //MARS TEST

logical Person::FindPartner()
    bool   bFoundSpouse = FALSE;
    double dExpectedPartners[SIZE(MALE_PART_AGE_RANGE)];
    double dObservedPartners[SIZE(MALE_PART_AGE_RANGE)];
    double dSumExpectedPartners = 0;
    double dSumObservedPartners = 0;
    double dGap = 0.0;
    double dLargestGap = 0.0;
    int    nAgePartner;
    int    nEducPartner;

    //(1) Partner Age
    for (long nI = 0; nI < SIZE(MALE_PART_AGE_RANGE); nI++)
        dExpectedPartners[nI] = PartnerAgeDistribution[RANGE_POS(PART_AGE_RANGE, integer_age)][nI];
        dObservedPartners[nI] = asFamInUnion[integer_age][MIN(MALE_PART_AGE_RANGE) + nI]->Count();

        dSumExpectedPartners = dSumExpectedPartners + dExpectedPartners[nI];
        dSumObservedPartners = dSumObservedPartners + dObservedPartners[nI];
    for (long nI = 0; nI < SIZE(MALE_PART_AGE_RANGE); nI++)
        if (dSumObservedPartners == 0.0) dSumObservedPartners = 1.0;
        dExpectedPartners[nI] = 1.001 * dExpectedPartners[nI] / dSumExpectedPartners;
        dObservedPartners[nI] = dObservedPartners[nI] / dSumObservedPartners;
        dGap = dExpectedPartners[nI] - dObservedPartners[nI];
        if (dExpectedPartners[nI] > 0.0 && dGap > dLargestGap && asAvailableMale[MIN(MALE_PART_AGE_RANGE)+nI] -> Count() > 0 )
            dLargestGap = dGap;
            bFoundSpouse = TRUE;
            nAgePartner = MIN(MALE_PART_AGE_RANGE) + nI;
    //(2) Partner Education
    if (bFoundSpouse)
        bool    bFoundSpouseByEduc = FALSE;
        int     nTrials = 25;

        while (!bFoundSpouseByEduc && nTrials > 0)
            Lookup_PartnerEducation(RandUniform(27), (int)educ_fate, &nEducPartner);
            if (asAvailableMaleEduc[nAgePartner][nEducPartner]->Count() > 0 && !lGlobals->blocked_single_men[nAgePartner][nEducPartner])
                bFoundSpouseByEduc = TRUE;
        if (!bFoundSpouseByEduc)
            nEducPartner = asAvailableMale[nAgePartner]->GetRandom(RandUniform(28))->educ_fate;

        if (asAvailableMaleEduc[nAgePartner][nEducPartner]->Count() > 0)
            lSpouse =  asAvailableMaleEduc[nAgePartner][nEducPartner]->GetRandom(RandUniform(26));
    return bFoundSpouse;


This module implements birthday events of the person actors. This is a very simple module kept separately for showcasing the implementation of a clock event, as documented in the step-by-step implementation guide.

// Types

range AGE_RANGE { 0, 105 };                                 //EN Age Range

// Actor states and functions

actor Person
    AGE_RANGE   integer_age = { 0 };                        //EN Age

    TIME        time_next_birthday = { TIME_INFINITE };     //EN Time of next birthday
    event       timeBirthdayEvent, BirthdayEvent;           //EN Birthday Event

// Event Implementation

/* NOTE(Person.BirthdayEvent, EN)
   At each birthday integer age is incremented and all code to be performed at birthdays is executed

TIME Person::timeBirthdayEvent()
    if ( integer_age == 0 ) return time_of_birth + 1.0;
    else return time_next_birthday;

void Person::BirthdayEvent()
    // Increment integer age
    if (integer_age < MAX(AGE_RANGE)) integer_age++;

    // Code to be performed at each birthday can be entered here

    // Set clock for next birthday
    time_next_birthday = WAIT(1);


This module handles calendar year changes. Before a year ends, the Person function YearEnd() is called by the Calendar clock actor. This is a point in time in which the model updates accounts and performs other end-of-year routines. Immediately after the year-end, the YearStart() routine is called. This is when the calendar_year state is changed. Other modules use the events of this module as targets for hooks.

// Actor Person states and functions

actor Person
    ALL_YEAR_RANGE  calendar_year = { 2000 };                       //EN Calendar year
    void            YearEnd();                                      //EN Year End Function
    void            YearStart();                                    //EN Year Start Function

// Implementation

/*      NOTE(Person.YearEnd, EN)
    The function YearEnd is called by the Clock actor at the end of each year. The code in this
    function is executed last thing in a given year before the calendar year is incremented

void Person::YearEnd()
    // empty for the moment

/*      NOTE(Person.YearEnd, EN)
    The function YearStart is called by the Clock actor at the start of each year.
    The code in this function is executed first thing in new year
void Person::YearStart()
    calendar_year = lClock->clock_year;

Accounting Modules


This module implements the base NTA parameters and variables by sex, education and family type. For children and students, education refers to parent’s education, for all others the own educational attainment. By age and school enrolment, we distinguish five person-types:

  • Children 0-16
  • Students 17-25
  • Non-students 17-25
  • Adults 26-59
  • Adults 60+

For the non-student population 17-25 and adults 26-59, we distinguish four family-types:

  • Single not living with children
  • Single living with child(ren)
  • Couple not living with children
  • Couple living with child(ren)

For the population 60+ we distinguish four family types:

  • Single childless
  • Single ever parent
  • Couple childless
  • Couple ever parent

The module maintains the individual base NTA variables depending on the current individual characteristics from the corresponding parameters. The list of variables is:

  • Private Consumption Education (CFE)
  • Private Consumption Health (CFH)
  • Private Consumption other than Education and Health (CFX)
  • Public Consumption Education (CGE)
  • Public Consumption Health (CGH)
  • Public Consumption other than Education and Health (CGX)
  • Public Transfers Pensions, Inflows (TGSOAI)
  • Public Transfers Other Cash Inflows (TGXCI)
  • Public Transfers Other In-Kind Inflows (TGXII)
  • Public Transfers Education Inflows (TGEI)
  • Public Transfers Health Inflows (TGHI)
  • Public Transfers Outflows (TGO)
  • Net Interhousehold Transfers (TFB)
  • Net Intrahousehold Transfers (TFW)
  • Private Saving (SF)
  • Public Saving (SG)
  • Labor Income (LY)
  • Private Asset Income (YAF)
  • Public Asset Income (YAG)

The module also contains parameters for published NTA data (by age only, and by age and sex) allowing for comparing simulation results. Users can choose which NTA data to use in the simulation.

// Dimensions

classification NTA_POP_GROUP        //EN NTA Population Group
    NPG_CHILD,                      //EN Child 0-16
    NPG_YOUNG_STUDENT,              //EN Student 17-25
    NPG_YOUNG_WORK,                 //EN Non-student 17-25
    NPG_ADULT_WORK,                 //EN Adult 26-59
    NPG_OLD                         //EN Adult 60+

classification NTA_FAMILY_ACTIVE    //EN Family type of adult non-students
    NFA_SINGLE_NOKI,                //EN Single no (co-resident) children
    NFA_SINGLE_KI,                  //EN Single with (co-resident) children
    NFA_COUPLE_NOKI,                //EN Couple no (co-resident) children
    NFA_COUPLE_KI                   //EN Couple with (co-resident) childen

classification NTA_FAMILY_OLD       //EN Family type of adults 60+
    NFR_SINGLE_NOKI,                //EN Single childless
    NFR_SINGLE_KI,                  //EN Single ever parent
    NFR_COUPLE_NOKI,                //EN Couple childless
    NFR_COUPLE_KI                   //EN Couple ever parent

range NTA_AGE_CHILD { 0, 16 };      //EN NTA child age range
range NTA_AGE_YOUNG { 17, 25 };     //EN NTA young age range
range NTA_AGE_WORK { 26, 59 };      //EN NTA prime work age range
range NTA_AGE_OLD { 60, 105 };      //EN NTA old age range

classification NTA_VARIABLES        //EN NTA Variables
    CFE,            //EN Private Consumption Education (CFE)
    CFH,            //EN Private Consumption Health (CFH)
    CFX,            //EN Private Consumption other than Education and Health (CFX)
    CGE,            //EN Public Consumption Education (CGE)
    CGH,            //EN Public Consumption Health (CGH)
    CGX,            //EN Public Consumption other than Education and Health (CGX)
    TGSOAI,         //EN Public Transfers Pensions, Inflows (TGSOAI)
    TGXCI,          //EN Public Transfers Other Cash Inflows (TGXCI)
    TGXII,          //EN Public Transfers Other In-Kind Inflows (TGXII)
    TGEI,           //EN Public Transfers Education Inflows (TGEI)
    TGHI,           //EN Public Transfers Health Inflows (TGHI)
    TGO,            //EN Public Transfers Outflows (TGO)
    TFB,            //EN Net Interhousehold Transfers (TFB)
    TFW,            //EN Net Intrahousehold Transfers (TFW)
    SF,             //EN Private Saving (SF)
    SG,             //EN Public Saving (SG)
    YL,             //EN Labor Income (YL)
    YAF,            //EN Private Asset Income (YAF)
    YAG             //EN Public Asset Income (YAG)

classification NTA_OWN_EDUC //EN Own education
    NOE_LOW,        //EN Low
    NOE_MEDIUM,     //EN Medium
    NOE_HIGH        //EN High

classification NTA_PAR_EDUC_CHILD  //EN Parents education
    NPEC_LOW,        //EN Low
    NPEC_MEDIUM,     //EN Medium
    NPEC_HIGH        //EN High

classification NTA_PAR_EDUC_STUDENT  //EN Parents education
    NPES_LOW,        //EN Low
    NPES_MEDIUM,     //EN Medium
    NPES_HIGH,       //EN High
    NPES_NN          //EN Unknown (not living with parents)

classification NTA_EDUC
    NE_LOW,        //EN Low
    NE_MEDIUM,     //EN Medium
    NE_HIGH,       //EN High
    NE_NN          //EN Unknown (not living with parents)

classification NTA_EDUC3
    NE3_LOW,        //EN Low
    NE3_MEDIUM,     //EN Medium
    NE3_HIGH        //EN High

classification NTA_SCENARIO //EN NTA scenario
    NS_AGE,         //EN NTA by age
    NS_SEX,         //EN NTA by age and sex
    NS_FAM          //EN NTA by age, sex, education and family type

// Parameters

    //EN NTA Scenario Selection
    NTA_SCENARIO NtaScenario;

    //EN NTA Children 0-16

    //EN NTA Students 17-25

    //EN NTA Non-Students 17-25

    //EN NTA Adults 26-59

    //EN NTA Adults 60+

    //EN NTA by age only
    double NtaAge[AGE_RANGE][NTA_VARIABLES];

    //EN NTA by age and sex only

parameter_group PG_NTA_Published                            //EN Published NTA data
    NtaAge, NtaSex

parameter_group PG_NTA_Refined                              //EN NTA by family and education

    NtaChild, NtaYoungStudent, NtaYoungWork,
    NtaAdultWorkAge, NtaAdultOldAge

parameter_group PG_NTA                                      //EN NTA Variables

// Actor States

actor Person
    //EN NTA Education
    NTA_EDUC nta_educ = (nta_pop_group == NPG_CHILD || (nta_pop_group == NPG_YOUNG_STUDENT && family_role == FR_CHILD)) ?
            (educ_parents == EL3_LOW) ? NE_LOW :
            (educ_parents == EL3_MEDIUM) ? NE_MEDIUM : NE_HIGH

        ) :
        (nta_pop_group == NPG_YOUNG_STUDENT && family_role != FR_CHILD) ? NE_NN :
            (educ_fate == EL3_LOW) ? NE_LOW :
            (educ_fate == EL3_MEDIUM) ? NE_MEDIUM : NE_HIGH

    //EN NTA Education 3 Levels
    NTA_EDUC3 nta_educ3 = (nta_educ == NE_MEDIUM) ? NE3_MEDIUM :
        (nta_educ == NE_HIGH) ? NE3_HIGH : NE3_LOW;

    //EN NTA Population Group
    NTA_POP_GROUP nta_pop_group =
        (WITHIN(NTA_AGE_CHILD,integer_age)) ? NPG_CHILD :
        (WITHIN(NTA_AGE_YOUNG,integer_age) && is_student) ? NPG_YOUNG_STUDENT :
        (WITHIN(NTA_AGE_YOUNG,integer_age)) ? NPG_YOUNG_WORK :
        (WITHIN(NTA_AGE_WORK,integer_age)) ? NPG_ADULT_WORK : NPG_OLD;

    //EN Student
    logical is_student = (educ_status == ES_FULLTIME || educ_status == ES_PARTTIME
        || educ_status == ES_DUAL || in_other_education) ? TRUE : FALSE;

    //EN Age Index
    integer nta_age_index = (WITHIN(NTA_AGE_CHILD, integer_age)) ? integer_age :
        (WITHIN(NTA_AGE_YOUNG, integer_age)) ? integer_age - MIN(NTA_AGE_YOUNG) :
        (WITHIN(NTA_AGE_WORK, integer_age)) ? integer_age - MIN(NTA_AGE_WORK)
        : integer_age - MIN(NTA_AGE_OLD);

    //EN NTA Family Type Index Workers
    integer nta_fam_index = (nta_pop_group == NPG_YOUNG_WORK || nta_pop_group == NPG_ADULT_WORK) ?
        (!has_partner) ?
            (lives_with_dependent_child) ? NFA_SINGLE_KI : NFA_SINGLE_NOKI
        (lives_with_dependent_child) ? NFA_COUPLE_KI : NFA_COUPLE_NOKI
    ) : 0;

    //EN Family Type active age
    NTA_FAMILY_ACTIVE nta_family_active = (!has_partner) ?
        (lives_with_dependent_child) ? NFA_SINGLE_KI : NFA_SINGLE_NOKI
    ) : (lives_with_dependent_child) ? NFA_COUPLE_KI : NFA_COUPLE_NOKI;

    //EN Family Type old
    NTA_FAMILY_OLD nta_family_old = (!has_partner) ?
        (((sex == MALE && never_father) || (sex == FEMALE && !is_mother)) ? NFR_SINGLE_NOKI : NFR_SINGLE_KI) :
        (((sex == MALE && never_father) || (sex == FEMALE && !is_mother)) ? NFR_COUPLE_NOKI : NFR_COUPLE_KI);

    //EN Family index old
    integer nta_old_index = (nta_pop_group == NPG_OLD) ?
         (!has_partner) ?
                ((sex == MALE && never_father) || (sex == FEMALE && !is_mother)) ? NFR_SINGLE_NOKI : NFR_SINGLE_KI
                ((sex == MALE && never_father) || (sex == FEMALE && !is_mother)) ? NFR_COUPLE_NOKI : NFR_COUPLE_KI
    : 0;

    //EN Private Consumption Education (CFE)
    double base_CFE =
        (NtaScenario == NS_AGE) ? NtaAge[integer_age][CFE] :
        (NtaScenario == NS_SEX) ? NtaSex[sex][integer_age][CFE] :
        (nta_pop_group == NPG_CHILD) ? NtaChild[nta_educ3][nta_age_index][CFE] :
        (nta_pop_group == NPG_YOUNG_STUDENT) ? NtaYoungStudent[nta_educ][nta_age_index][CFE] :
        (nta_pop_group == NPG_YOUNG_WORK) ? NtaYoungWork[sex][nta_educ3][nta_fam_index][nta_age_index][CFE] :
        (nta_pop_group == NPG_ADULT_WORK) ? NtaAdultWorkAge[sex][nta_educ3][nta_fam_index][nta_age_index][CFE] :
    //EN Private Consumption Health (CFH)
    double base_CFH =
        (NtaScenario == NS_AGE) ? NtaAge[integer_age][CFH] :
        (NtaScenario == NS_SEX) ? NtaSex[sex][integer_age][CFH] :
        (nta_pop_group == NPG_CHILD) ? NtaChild[nta_educ3][nta_age_index][CFH] :
        (nta_pop_group == NPG_YOUNG_STUDENT) ? NtaYoungStudent[nta_educ][nta_age_index][CFH] :
        (nta_pop_group == NPG_YOUNG_WORK) ? NtaYoungWork[sex][nta_educ3][nta_fam_index][nta_age_index][CFH] :
        (nta_pop_group == NPG_ADULT_WORK) ? NtaAdultWorkAge[sex][nta_educ3][nta_fam_index][nta_age_index][CFH] :

    //EN Private Consumption other than Education and Health (CFX)
    double base_CFX =
        (NtaScenario == NS_AGE) ? NtaAge[integer_age][CFX] :
        (NtaScenario == NS_SEX) ? NtaSex[sex][integer_age][CFX] :
        (nta_pop_group == NPG_CHILD) ? NtaChild[nta_educ3][nta_age_index][CFX] :
        (nta_pop_group == NPG_YOUNG_STUDENT) ? NtaYoungStudent[nta_educ][nta_age_index][CFX] :
        (nta_pop_group == NPG_YOUNG_WORK) ? NtaYoungWork[sex][nta_educ3][nta_fam_index][nta_age_index][CFX] :
        (nta_pop_group == NPG_ADULT_WORK) ? NtaAdultWorkAge[sex][nta_educ3][nta_fam_index][nta_age_index][CFX] :

    //EN Public Consumption Education (CGE)
    double base_CGE =
        (NtaScenario == NS_AGE) ? NtaAge[integer_age][CGE] :
        (NtaScenario == NS_SEX) ? NtaSex[sex][integer_age][CGE] :
        (nta_pop_group == NPG_CHILD) ? NtaChild[nta_educ3][nta_age_index][CGE] :
        (nta_pop_group == NPG_YOUNG_STUDENT) ? NtaYoungStudent[nta_educ][nta_age_index][CGE] :
        (nta_pop_group == NPG_YOUNG_WORK) ? NtaYoungWork[sex][nta_educ3][nta_fam_index][nta_age_index][CGE] :
        (nta_pop_group == NPG_ADULT_WORK) ? NtaAdultWorkAge[sex][nta_educ3][nta_fam_index][nta_age_index][CGE] :

    //EN Public Consumption Health (CGH)
    double base_CGH =
        (NtaScenario == NS_AGE) ? NtaAge[integer_age][CGH] :
        (NtaScenario == NS_SEX) ? NtaSex[sex][integer_age][CGH] :
        (nta_pop_group == NPG_CHILD) ? NtaChild[nta_educ3][nta_age_index][CGH] :
        (nta_pop_group == NPG_YOUNG_STUDENT) ? NtaYoungStudent[nta_educ][nta_age_index][CGH] :
        (nta_pop_group == NPG_YOUNG_WORK) ? NtaYoungWork[sex][nta_educ3][nta_fam_index][nta_age_index][CGH] :
        (nta_pop_group == NPG_ADULT_WORK) ? NtaAdultWorkAge[sex][nta_educ3][nta_fam_index][nta_age_index][CGH] :

    //EN Public Consumption other than Education and Health (CGX)
    double base_CGX =
        (NtaScenario == NS_AGE) ? NtaAge[integer_age][CGX] :
        (NtaScenario == NS_SEX) ? NtaSex[sex][integer_age][CGX] :
        (nta_pop_group == NPG_CHILD) ? NtaChild[nta_educ3][nta_age_index][CGX] :
        (nta_pop_group == NPG_YOUNG_STUDENT) ? NtaYoungStudent[nta_educ][nta_age_index][CGX] :
        (nta_pop_group == NPG_YOUNG_WORK) ? NtaYoungWork[sex][nta_educ3][nta_fam_index][nta_age_index][CGX] :
        (nta_pop_group == NPG_ADULT_WORK) ? NtaAdultWorkAge[sex][nta_educ3][nta_fam_index][nta_age_index][CGX] :

    //EN Public Transfers Pensions, Inflows (TGSOAI)
    double base_TGSOAI =
        (NtaScenario == NS_AGE) ? NtaAge[integer_age][TGSOAI] :
        (NtaScenario == NS_SEX) ? NtaSex[sex][integer_age][TGSOAI] :
        (nta_pop_group == NPG_CHILD) ? NtaChild[nta_educ3][nta_age_index][TGSOAI] :
        (nta_pop_group == NPG_YOUNG_STUDENT) ? NtaYoungStudent[nta_educ][nta_age_index][TGSOAI] :
        (nta_pop_group == NPG_YOUNG_WORK) ? NtaYoungWork[sex][nta_educ3][nta_fam_index][nta_age_index][TGSOAI] :
        (nta_pop_group == NPG_ADULT_WORK) ? NtaAdultWorkAge[sex][nta_educ3][nta_fam_index][nta_age_index][TGSOAI] :

    //EN Public Transfers Other Cash Inflows (TGXCI)
    double base_TGXCI =
        (NtaScenario == NS_AGE) ? NtaAge[integer_age][TGXCI] :
        (NtaScenario == NS_SEX) ? NtaSex[sex][integer_age][TGXCI] :
        (nta_pop_group == NPG_CHILD) ? NtaChild[nta_educ3][nta_age_index][TGXCI] :
        (nta_pop_group == NPG_YOUNG_STUDENT) ? NtaYoungStudent[nta_educ][nta_age_index][TGXCI] :
        (nta_pop_group == NPG_YOUNG_WORK) ? NtaYoungWork[sex][nta_educ3][nta_fam_index][nta_age_index][TGXCI] :
        (nta_pop_group == NPG_ADULT_WORK) ? NtaAdultWorkAge[sex][nta_educ3][nta_fam_index][nta_age_index][TGXCI] :

    //EN Public Transfers Other In-Kind Inflows (TGXII)
    double base_TGXII =
        (NtaScenario == NS_AGE) ? NtaAge[integer_age][TGXII] :
        (NtaScenario == NS_SEX) ? NtaSex[sex][integer_age][TGXII] :
        (nta_pop_group == NPG_CHILD) ? NtaChild[nta_educ3][nta_age_index][TGXII] :
        (nta_pop_group == NPG_YOUNG_STUDENT) ? NtaYoungStudent[nta_educ][nta_age_index][TGXII] :
        (nta_pop_group == NPG_YOUNG_WORK) ? NtaYoungWork[sex][nta_educ3][nta_fam_index][nta_age_index][TGXII] :
        (nta_pop_group == NPG_ADULT_WORK) ? NtaAdultWorkAge[sex][nta_educ3][nta_fam_index][nta_age_index][TGXII] :

    //EN Public Transfers Health Outflows (TGEI)
    double base_TGEI =
        (NtaScenario == NS_AGE) ? NtaAge[integer_age][TGEI] :
        (NtaScenario == NS_SEX) ? NtaSex[sex][integer_age][TGEI] :
        (nta_pop_group == NPG_CHILD) ? NtaChild[nta_educ3][nta_age_index][TGEI] :
        (nta_pop_group == NPG_YOUNG_STUDENT) ? NtaYoungStudent[nta_educ][nta_age_index][TGEI] :
        (nta_pop_group == NPG_YOUNG_WORK) ? NtaYoungWork[sex][nta_educ3][nta_fam_index][nta_age_index][TGEI] :
        (nta_pop_group == NPG_ADULT_WORK) ? NtaAdultWorkAge[sex][nta_educ3][nta_fam_index][nta_age_index][TGEI] :

    //EN Public Transfers Health Outflows (TGHI)
    double base_TGHI =
        (NtaScenario == NS_AGE) ? NtaAge[integer_age][TGHI] :
        (NtaScenario == NS_SEX) ? NtaSex[sex][integer_age][TGHI] :
        (nta_pop_group == NPG_CHILD) ? NtaChild[nta_educ3][nta_age_index][TGHI] :
        (nta_pop_group == NPG_YOUNG_STUDENT) ? NtaYoungStudent[nta_educ][nta_age_index][TGHI] :
        (nta_pop_group == NPG_YOUNG_WORK) ? NtaYoungWork[sex][nta_educ3][nta_fam_index][nta_age_index][TGHI] :
        (nta_pop_group == NPG_ADULT_WORK) ? NtaAdultWorkAge[sex][nta_educ3][nta_fam_index][nta_age_index][TGHI] :

     //EN Public Transfers Education Outflows (TGO)
    double base_TGO =
        (NtaScenario == NS_AGE) ? NtaAge[integer_age][TGO] :
        (NtaScenario == NS_SEX) ? NtaSex[sex][integer_age][TGO] :
        (nta_pop_group == NPG_CHILD) ? NtaChild[nta_educ3][nta_age_index][TGO] :
        (nta_pop_group == NPG_YOUNG_STUDENT) ? NtaYoungStudent[nta_educ][nta_age_index][TGO] :
        (nta_pop_group == NPG_YOUNG_WORK) ? NtaYoungWork[sex][nta_educ3][nta_fam_index][nta_age_index][TGO] :
        (nta_pop_group == NPG_ADULT_WORK) ? NtaAdultWorkAge[sex][nta_educ3][nta_fam_index][nta_age_index][TGO] :

    //EN Net Interhousehold Transfers (TFB)
    double base_TFB =
        (NtaScenario == NS_AGE) ? NtaAge[integer_age][TFB] :
        (NtaScenario == NS_SEX) ? NtaSex[sex][integer_age][TFB] :
        (nta_pop_group == NPG_CHILD) ? NtaChild[nta_educ3][nta_age_index][TFB] :
        (nta_pop_group == NPG_YOUNG_STUDENT) ? NtaYoungStudent[nta_educ][nta_age_index][TFB] :
        (nta_pop_group == NPG_YOUNG_WORK) ? NtaYoungWork[sex][nta_educ3][nta_fam_index][nta_age_index][TFB] :
        (nta_pop_group == NPG_ADULT_WORK) ? NtaAdultWorkAge[sex][nta_educ3][nta_fam_index][nta_age_index][TFB] :

    //EN Net Intrahousehold Transfers (TFW)
    double base_TFW =
        (NtaScenario == NS_AGE) ? NtaAge[integer_age][TFW] :
        (NtaScenario == NS_SEX) ? NtaSex[sex][integer_age][TFW] :
        (nta_pop_group == NPG_CHILD) ? NtaChild[nta_educ3][nta_age_index][TFW] :
        (nta_pop_group == NPG_YOUNG_STUDENT) ? NtaYoungStudent[nta_educ][nta_age_index][TFW] :
        (nta_pop_group == NPG_YOUNG_WORK) ? NtaYoungWork[sex][nta_educ3][nta_fam_index][nta_age_index][TFW] :
        (nta_pop_group == NPG_ADULT_WORK) ? NtaAdultWorkAge[sex][nta_educ3][nta_fam_index][nta_age_index][TFW] :

    //EN Private Saving (SF)
    double base_SF =
        (NtaScenario == NS_AGE) ? NtaAge[integer_age][SF] :
        (NtaScenario == NS_SEX) ? NtaSex[sex][integer_age][SF] :
        (nta_pop_group == NPG_CHILD) ? NtaChild[nta_educ3][nta_age_index][SF] :
        (nta_pop_group == NPG_YOUNG_STUDENT) ? NtaYoungStudent[nta_educ][nta_age_index][SF] :
        (nta_pop_group == NPG_YOUNG_WORK) ? NtaYoungWork[sex][nta_educ3][nta_fam_index][nta_age_index][SF] :
        (nta_pop_group == NPG_ADULT_WORK) ? NtaAdultWorkAge[sex][nta_educ3][nta_fam_index][nta_age_index][SF] :

    //EN Public Saving (SG)
    double base_SG =
        (NtaScenario == NS_AGE) ? NtaAge[integer_age][SG] :
        (NtaScenario == NS_SEX) ? NtaSex[sex][integer_age][SG] :
        (nta_pop_group == NPG_CHILD) ? NtaChild[nta_educ3][nta_age_index][SG] :
        (nta_pop_group == NPG_YOUNG_STUDENT) ? NtaYoungStudent[nta_educ][nta_age_index][SG] :
        (nta_pop_group == NPG_YOUNG_WORK) ? NtaYoungWork[sex][nta_educ3][nta_fam_index][nta_age_index][SG] :
        (nta_pop_group == NPG_ADULT_WORK) ? NtaAdultWorkAge[sex][nta_educ3][nta_fam_index][nta_age_index][SG] :

    //EN Labor Inclome (LY)
    double base_YL =
        (NtaScenario == NS_AGE) ? NtaAge[integer_age][YL] :
        (NtaScenario == NS_SEX) ? NtaSex[sex][integer_age][YL] :
        (nta_pop_group == NPG_CHILD) ? NtaChild[nta_educ3][nta_age_index][YL] :
        (nta_pop_group == NPG_YOUNG_STUDENT) ? NtaYoungStudent[nta_educ][nta_age_index][YL] :
        (nta_pop_group == NPG_YOUNG_WORK) ? NtaYoungWork[sex][nta_educ3][nta_fam_index][nta_age_index][YL] :
        (nta_pop_group == NPG_ADULT_WORK) ? NtaAdultWorkAge[sex][nta_educ3][nta_fam_index][nta_age_index][YL] :

    //EN Private Asset Income (YAF)
    double base_YAF =
        (NtaScenario == NS_AGE) ? NtaAge[integer_age][YAF] :
        (NtaScenario == NS_SEX) ? NtaSex[sex][integer_age][YAF] :
        (nta_pop_group == NPG_CHILD) ? NtaChild[nta_educ3][nta_age_index][YAF] :
        (nta_pop_group == NPG_YOUNG_STUDENT) ? NtaYoungStudent[nta_educ][nta_age_index][YAF] :
        (nta_pop_group == NPG_YOUNG_WORK) ? NtaYoungWork[sex][nta_educ3][nta_fam_index][nta_age_index][YAF] :
        (nta_pop_group == NPG_ADULT_WORK) ? NtaAdultWorkAge[sex][nta_educ3][nta_fam_index][nta_age_index][YAF] :

    //EN Public Asset Income (YAG)
    double base_YAG =
        (NtaScenario == NS_AGE) ? NtaAge[integer_age][YAG] :
        (NtaScenario == NS_SEX) ? NtaSex[sex][integer_age][YAG] :
        (nta_pop_group == NPG_CHILD) ? NtaChild[nta_educ3][nta_age_index][YAG] :
        (nta_pop_group == NPG_YOUNG_STUDENT) ? NtaYoungStudent[nta_educ][nta_age_index][YAG] :
        (nta_pop_group == NPG_YOUNG_WORK) ? NtaYoungWork[sex][nta_educ3][nta_fam_index][nta_age_index][YAG] :
        (nta_pop_group == NPG_ADULT_WORK) ? NtaAdultWorkAge[sex][nta_educ3][nta_fam_index][nta_age_index][YAG] :


This module calculates a set of yearly NTA indicators following the approach presented by Ron Lee (2017) “Some Economic Impacts of Changing Population Age Distributions—Capital, Labor and Transfers”. We model a simple economy with a Cobb Douglas production function without productivity growth in two scenarios: a closed economy where the interest rate and wages are endogenous, and an open economy where wages and interest rates stay constant. The two indicators calculated are the “Support Ratio” and the “Impact Index”. Both measures have the “Effective consumers” - i.e. the age re-weighted consumption based on the reference year - in the denominator. The nominator of the Support Ratio is the projected total labour. In contrast, the “Impact Index” puts the total consumption assuming constant saving rates by age and accounting for the changes in wages and interest rates into the nominator.:


 - yl(x)   Average labor income age x
 - yk(x)   Average capital income age x
 - P(x)    Population age x
 - i(x)    Average savings age x
 - s(x)    Saving rate age x - constant
 - c(x)    Average Consumption age x (reference values for calculation of N) - reference

 - L       Labor
 - K       Capital
 - I       Saving
 - S       Saving rate
 - C       Consumption
 - r       Interest rate
 - w       Wage
 - Yl      Labor Income
 - YK      Capital Income
 - Y       Total Income Yl+Yk
 - α       Alpha – constant
 - N       Effective Consumers (population-weighted base-year consumption)
 - l(x)    Average labor age x – constant
 - k(x)    Average capital age x – constant

 Cobb Douglas:

 Y = L^α K^(1- α)
 Y = wL + rK
 w = αY / L
 r = (1- α) Y / K
 Yl = wL = αY
 Yk = rK = (1- α)Y


 yl(x)   NTA data of reference year
 yk(x)   NTA data of reference year
 i(x)    NTA data of reference year
 c(x)    NTA data of reference year
 P(x)    NTA data of reference year
 r       parameter for the reference year (also used to estimate stock from capital income flow)

 Calculated for the initial year:

 Yl   = ∑ yl(x) * P(x)
 Yk   = ∑ yk(x) * P(x)
 Y    = Yl + Yk
 α    = Yl / Y
 K    = Yk / r
 L    = ( Y / K^(1- α))^(1/α)
 w    = Yl / L
 s(x) = i(x) / (yl(x) + ykx))
 l(x) = yl (x) / w
 k(x) = yk (x) / r
 N    = ∑ cl(x) * P(x)

 Simulation: calculate for an updated population by age P(x)

 Closed Economy

 L     = ∑ l(x)* P(x)
 K     = ∑ k(x)* P(x)
 Y     = L^α K^(1- α)
 Yl    = αY
 YK    = (1- α)Y
 w     = αY / L
 r     = (1- α) Y / K
 N     = ∑ c(x) * P(x)
 yl(x) = w * l(x)
 yk(x) = r * k(x)
 C     = ∑ (1-s(x)) * (yl(x) + yk(x) ) * P(x)

 Open Economy (difference to closed)

 Y     = w * L + r * K
 Yl    = w * L
 YK    = r * K


 SR    = L / N  Support Ratio (same for open and closed economy)
 IMP   = C / N  Impact Index (different for closed and open economy)

This module is optional. It feeds on the NTA variables (by age, sex, education, family) calculated and maintained in the NtaBase.mpp module. The only model parameters are the reference year of the NTA data and the initial interest rate. All calculations are performed in a yearly update event of the actor State.

// Parameters

parameter_group PG_NTA_CONST                        //EN NTA Indicators
    NtaInitialInterestRate, NtaBaseYear

    int    NtaBaseYear;                            //EN NTA Base Year
    double NtaInitialInterestRate;                 //EN Initial Interest Rate

// State Actor states and functions

actor State
    double  nta_initial_Y = { 0.0 };                //EN Initial year total income Y
    double  nta_initial_Yl = { 0.0 };               //EN Initial year labor income Yl
    double  nta_initial_Yk = { 0.0 };               //EN Initial year capital income Yk
    double  nta_initial_K = { 0.0 };                //EN Initial year capital stock
    double  nta_alpha = { 0.0 };                    //EN Alpha of Cobb Douglas Function
    double  nta_initial_L = { 0.0 };                //EN Initial year total labor L
    double  nta_initial_w = { 0.0 };                //EN Initial year wage w
    double  nta_initial_SR = { 1.0 };               //EN Initial Support Ratio
    double  nta_initial_closed_IMP = { 1.0 };       //EN Initial Impact Factor closed economy
    double  nta_initial_open_IMP = { 1.0 };         //EN Initial Impact Factor open economy

    double  nta_current_N = { 0.0 };                //EN Current reference consumers N
    double  nta_current_L = { 0.0 };                //EN Current total Labor N
    double  nta_current_C = { 0.0 };                //EN Current total Consumption
    double  nta_current_C_open = { 0.0 };           //EN Current total Consumption (open economy)
    double  nta_current_Y = { 0.0 };                //EN Current total Y
    double  nta_current_K = { 0.0 };                //EN Current total Capital K
    double  nta_current_w = { 0.0 };                //EN Current wage w
    double  nta_current_r = { 0.0 };                //EN Current interest rate r
    double  nta_current_SR = { 1.0 };               //EN Current Support Ratio
    double  nta_current_closed_IMP = { 1.0 };       //EN Current Impact Factor closed economy
    double  nta_current_open_IMP = { 1.0 };         //EN Current Impact Factor open economy

    logical nta_is_updated = { FALSE };

    TIME    time_nta_update = { 0.0 };              //EN Time of next NTA update
    event   timeUpdateNtaEvent, UpdateNtaEvent;     //EN Update NTA production function

    SIM_YEAR_RANGE tab_state_year = COERCE(SIM_YEAR_RANGE, state_year); //EN Calendar Year

// Implementation

TIME State::timeUpdateNtaEvent()
    if (time_nta_update < NtaBaseYear ) return NtaBaseYear + 0.5;
    else return time_nta_update;

void State::UpdateNtaEvent()
    nta_is_updated = FALSE;

    // Population size
    long nPersons = asAllResidents->Count();

    if (state_year == NtaBaseYear)
        // Values of initial year
        for (long nI = 0; nI < nPersons; nI++)
            auto prPerson = asAllResidents->Item(nI);
            nta_initial_Yl = nta_initial_Yl + prPerson->base_YL;
            nta_initial_Yk = nta_initial_Yk + prPerson->base_YAF + prPerson->base_YAG;
        nta_initial_Y = nta_initial_Yl + nta_initial_Yk;
        nta_initial_K = nta_initial_Yk / NtaInitialInterestRate;
        nta_alpha = nta_initial_Yl / nta_initial_Y;
        nta_initial_L = pow(nta_initial_Y / pow(nta_initial_K,1-nta_alpha), 1.0 / nta_alpha);
        nta_initial_w = nta_initial_Yl / nta_initial_L;

    if (state_year >= NtaBaseYear)
        double dNta_sx = 0.0;          // applicable individual saving rate as in initial year
        double dNta_lx = 0.0;          // applicable individual labor input as in initial year
        double dNta_kx = 0.0;          // applicable individual capital as in initial year
        double dNta_cx = 0.0;          // applicable individual consumption as in initial year

        nta_current_L = 0.0;           // Current total Labor N
        nta_current_K = 0.0;           // Current total Capital K
        nta_current_N = 0.0;           // Current reference consumers N
        nta_current_C = 0.0;           // Current total Consumption
        nta_current_C_open = 0.0;      // Current total Consumption in open economy
        nta_current_Y = 0.0;           // Current total Y

        for (long nI = 0; nI < nPersons; nI++)
            auto prPerson = asAllResidents->Item(nI);
            dNta_lx = prPerson->base_YL / nta_initial_w;
            dNta_kx = (prPerson->base_YAF + prPerson->base_YAG) / NtaInitialInterestRate;
            dNta_cx = prPerson->base_CFE + prPerson->base_CFH + prPerson->base_CFX + prPerson->base_CGE
                + prPerson->base_CGH + prPerson->base_CGX;
            nta_current_L = nta_current_L + dNta_lx;
            nta_current_K = nta_current_K + dNta_kx;
            nta_current_N = nta_current_N + dNta_cx;
        nta_current_Y = pow(nta_current_L, nta_alpha) * pow(nta_current_K, 1 - nta_alpha);
        nta_current_w = nta_alpha * nta_current_Y / nta_current_L;
        nta_current_r = (1 - nta_alpha) * nta_current_Y / nta_current_K;

        for (long nI = 0; nI < nPersons; nI++)
            auto prPerson = asAllResidents->Item(nI);
            dNta_lx = prPerson->base_YL / nta_initial_w;
            dNta_kx = (prPerson->base_YAF + prPerson->base_YAG) / NtaInitialInterestRate;
            dNta_sx = 0.0;
            if (prPerson->base_YL + prPerson->base_YAF + prPerson->base_YAG > 0.0 && prPerson->base_SF + prPerson->base_SG > 0.0 &&
                prPerson->base_YL + prPerson->base_YAF + prPerson->base_YAG > prPerson->base_SF + prPerson->base_SG)
                dNta_sx = (prPerson->base_SF + prPerson->base_SG) / (prPerson->base_YL + prPerson->base_YAF + prPerson->base_YAG);
            nta_current_C = nta_current_C + (1 - dNta_sx) * (nta_current_w * dNta_lx + nta_current_r * dNta_kx);
            nta_current_C_open = nta_current_C_open + (1 - dNta_sx) * (nta_initial_w * dNta_lx + NtaInitialInterestRate * dNta_kx);

    // Indices

    if (state_year == NtaBaseYear)
        nta_initial_SR = nta_initial_L / nta_current_N;
        nta_initial_closed_IMP = nta_current_C / nta_current_N;
        nta_initial_open_IMP = nta_current_C_open / nta_current_N;


    if (state_year >= NtaBaseYear)
        nta_current_SR = (  nta_current_L / nta_current_N   ) / nta_initial_SR;
        nta_current_closed_IMP = ( nta_current_C / nta_current_N ) / nta_initial_closed_IMP;
        nta_current_open_IMP = ( nta_current_C_open / nta_current_N ) / nta_initial_open_IMP;

    // Update Clock
    nta_is_updated = TRUE;
    time_nta_update = WAIT(1.0);


This module introduces Full Generational Accounts (FGAs) as suggested by Lee et.al. 2017 in: Full Generational Accounts: What Do We Give to the Next Generation? Full Generational Accounts are used to study the effect of population ageing on the inter- and intra-generational redistribution of income from a longitudinal perspective, comparing lifetime measures of income and transfers by generation, gender, education and family characteristics. We project, for each generation and sociodemographic group, the net present value of expected transfers. Also, the model incorporates a mechanism to balance budgets over time in response to population ageing. These adjustments are assumed to be symmetric, i.e. taxes and contributions are increased by the same amount as benefits are cut to balance budgets.

Full Generational Accounts are calculated based on the detailed population projections produced by the model, disaggregated NTAs, and a set of parameters, namely economic growth, a discount factor, and cohort weights. Cohort weights are used to determine how many persons a person alive at the start of the simulation represents. The weight is the relation between the size of the birth cohort to the size of the surviving population of this birth cohort.

// Parameters

    double  FgaEconomicGrowth;                                  //EN Economic growth
    double  FgaDiscountFactor;                                  //EN Discount factor
    double  CohortWeight[YOB_1905_2009][SEX];                   //EN Cohort Weight

    model_generated double mgFgaUprateFactor[SIM_YEAR_RANGE];   //EN Uprate factor

    //EN Discount factor for present value at birth
    model_generated double mgFgaDeflationFactor[AGE_RANGE];

    //EN Discount factor for present value 2010
    model_generated double mgFgaDeflation2010[SIM_YEAR_RANGE];

    //EN Discount factor for present value 2040
    model_generated double mgFgaDeflation2040[SIM_YEAR_RANGE];

parameter_group PG_FGA                                          //EN Full Generational Accounts
    FgaEconomicGrowth, FgaDiscountFactor, CohortWeight

// Actor Person

range YEAR_2010_2100 { 2010,2100 }; //EN Year Range 2010-2100
range YOB_1905_2009{ 1905, 2009 };  //EN Year of birth

actor Person
    //EN Cohort Weight
    real cohort_weight = (WITHIN(YOB_1905_2009,year_of_birth)) ?
        CohortWeight[RANGE_POS(YOB_1905_2009,year_of_birth)][sex] : 1.0;

    //EN Ever Parent
    logical ever_parent = ((sex == MALE && !never_father) || (sex == FEMALE && is_mother)) ? TRUE : FALSE;

    logical yob_in_2010_2100 = (year_of_birth >= 2010 && year_of_birth <= 2100);
    YEAR_2010_2100 yob_2010_2100 = COERCE(YEAR_2010_2100, year_of_birth); //EN Year of birth

    // Age in tables
    AGE_RANGE age_2010 = COERCE(AGE_RANGE,2010 - year_of_birth);        //EN Age
    AGE_RANGE age_2040 = COERCE(AGE_RANGE,2040 - year_of_birth);        //EN Age

    real fga_YL = base_YL * mgFgaUprateFactor[RANGE_POS(SIM_YEAR_RANGE,calendar_year)];
    real fga_TF = (base_TFB + base_TFW) * mgFgaUprateFactor[RANGE_POS(SIM_YEAR_RANGE,calendar_year)];
    real fga_TGI = (base_TGSOAI + base_TGXCI + base_TGXII + base_TGEI +  base_TGHI)
        * mgFgaUprateFactor[RANGE_POS(SIM_YEAR_RANGE,calendar_year)];
    real fga_TGO = base_TGO * mgFgaUprateFactor[RANGE_POS(SIM_YEAR_RANGE,calendar_year)];
    real fga_TF_adj = (fga_TF > 0.0) ? fga_TF * lGlobals->adj_factor_TFI
        : fga_TF * lGlobals->adj_factor_TFO;
    real fga_TGI_adj = fga_TGI * lGlobals->adj_factor_TGI;
    real fga_TGO_adj = fga_TGO * lGlobals->adj_factor_TGO;

    real deflation_factor = mgFgaDeflationFactor[integer_age];

    // PV Age 0

    real fga_YL_defl = deflation_factor * fga_YL;
    real fga_YL_pv = weighted_duration(fga_YL_defl);

    real fga_TF_defl = deflation_factor * fga_TF;
    real fga_TF_pv = weighted_duration(fga_TF_defl);

    real fga_TGI_defl = deflation_factor * fga_TGI;
    real fga_TGI_pv = weighted_duration(fga_TGI_defl);

    real fga_TGO_defl = deflation_factor * fga_TGO;
    real fga_TGO_pv = weighted_duration(fga_TGO_defl);

    real fga_TF_adj_defl = deflation_factor * fga_TF_adj;
    real fga_TF_adj_pv = weighted_duration(fga_TF_adj_defl);

    real fga_TGI_adj_defl = deflation_factor * fga_TGI_adj;
    real fga_TGI_adj_pv = weighted_duration(fga_TGI_adj_defl);

    real fga_TGO_adj_defl = deflation_factor * fga_TGO_adj;
    real fga_TGO_adj_pv = weighted_duration(fga_TGO_adj_defl);

    // PV 2010 (only transfers 2010+)

    real deflation_2010 = (calendar_year >= MIN(SIM_YEAR_RANGE)) ?
        mgFgaDeflation2010[RANGE_POS(SIM_YEAR_RANGE,calendar_year)] : 0.0;

    real fga_YL_defl_2010 = deflation_2010 * fga_YL;
    real fga_YL_pv_2010 = weighted_duration(fga_YL_defl_2010);

    real fga_TF_defl_2010 = deflation_2010 * fga_TF;
    real fga_TF_pv_2010 = weighted_duration(fga_TF_defl_2010);

    real fga_TGI_defl_2010 = deflation_2010 * fga_TGI;
    real fga_TGI_pv_2010 = weighted_duration(fga_TGI_defl_2010);

    real fga_TGO_defl_2010 = deflation_2010 * fga_TGO;
    real fga_TGO_pv_2010 = weighted_duration(fga_TGO_defl_2010);

    real fga_TF_adj_defl_2010 = deflation_2010 * fga_TF_adj;
    real fga_TF_adj_pv_2010 = weighted_duration(fga_TF_adj_defl_2010);

    real fga_TGI_adj_defl_2010 = deflation_2010 * fga_TGI_adj;
    real fga_TGI_adj_pv_2010 = weighted_duration(fga_TGI_adj_defl_2010);

    real fga_TGO_adj_defl_2010 = deflation_2010 * fga_TGO_adj;
    real fga_TGO_adj_pv_2010 = weighted_duration(fga_TGO_adj_defl_2010);

     // PV 2040 (only transfers 2040+)

    real deflation_2040 = (calendar_year >= 2040) ?
        mgFgaDeflation2040[RANGE_POS(SIM_YEAR_RANGE,calendar_year)] : 0.0;

    real fga_YL_defl_2040 = deflation_2040 * fga_YL;
    real fga_YL_pv_2040 = weighted_duration(fga_YL_defl_2040);

    real fga_TF_defl_2040 = deflation_2040 * fga_TF;
    real fga_TF_pv_2040 = weighted_duration(fga_TF_defl_2040);

    real fga_TGI_defl_2040 = deflation_2040 * fga_TGI;
    real fga_TGI_pv_2040 = weighted_duration(fga_TGI_defl_2040);

    real fga_TGO_defl_2040 = deflation_2040 * fga_TGO;
    real fga_TGO_pv_2040 = weighted_duration(fga_TGO_defl_2040);

    real fga_TF_adj_defl_2040 = deflation_2040 * fga_TF_adj;
    real fga_TF_adj_pv_2040 = weighted_duration(fga_TF_adj_defl_2040);

    real fga_TGI_adj_defl_2040 = deflation_2040 * fga_TGI_adj;
    real fga_TGI_adj_pv_2040 = weighted_duration(fga_TGI_adj_defl_2040);

    real fga_TGO_adj_defl_2040 = deflation_2040 * fga_TGO_adj;
    real fga_TGO_adj_pv_2040 = weighted_duration(fga_TGO_adj_defl_2040);

// Actor Globals

actor Globals
    real adj_factor_TFI = {1.0};
    real adj_factor_TFO = {1.0};
    real adj_factor_TGI = {1.0};
    real adj_factor_TGO = {1.0};

// Actor State

actor State
    TIME time_update_fga = { 0.0 };                         //EN Time of next FGA udjustment update
    event timeUpdateFgaAdjustEvent, UpdateFgaAdjustEvent;   //EN FGA adjustment update event

// Implementation

TIME State::timeUpdateFgaAdjustEvent()
    if (time_update_fga < MIN(SIM_YEAR_RANGE)) return MIN(SIM_YEAR_RANGE) + 0.5;
    else return time_update_fga;

void State::UpdateFgaAdjustEvent()
    // Population size
    long nPersons = asAllResidents->Count();

    double dTotalTFI = 0.0;
    double dTotalTFO = 0.0;
    double dTotalTGI = 0.0;
    double dTotalTGO = 0.0;
    double dAverage;

    // Loop adding individual NTAs
    for (long nI = 0; nI < nPersons; nI++)
        auto prPerson = asAllResidents->Item(nI);
        if (prPerson->fga_TF > 0.0) dTotalTFI = dTotalTFI + prPerson->fga_TF;
        else dTotalTFO = dTotalTFO - prPerson->fga_TF;
        dTotalTGI = dTotalTGI + prPerson->fga_TGI;
        dTotalTGO = dTotalTGO + prPerson->fga_TGO;
    // Adjust TG
    dAverage = (dTotalTGI + dTotalTGO) / 2.0;
    if (dTotalTGI <= 0.0 || dTotalTGO <= 0.0) // Problem div 0
        lStateToGlobals->adj_factor_TGI = 0.0;
        lStateToGlobals->adj_factor_TGO = 0.0;
    else // OK
        lStateToGlobals->adj_factor_TGI = dAverage / dTotalTGI;
        lStateToGlobals->adj_factor_TGO = dAverage / dTotalTGO;
    // Adjust TF
    dAverage = (dTotalTFI + dTotalTFO) / 2.0;
    if (dTotalTFI <= 0.0 || dTotalTFO <= 0.0) // Problem div 0
        lStateToGlobals->adj_factor_TFI = 0.0;
        lStateToGlobals->adj_factor_TFO = 0.0;
    else // OK
        lStateToGlobals->adj_factor_TFI = dAverage / dTotalTFI;
        lStateToGlobals->adj_factor_TFO = dAverage / dTotalTFO;

    // Program next update event
    time_update_fga = WAIT(1.0);

// Pre-Simulation

void PreSimulation()
    for (int nJ = 0; nJ < SIZE(SIM_YEAR_RANGE); nJ++)
        mgFgaUprateFactor[nJ] = 1.0 * pow((1.0 + FgaEconomicGrowth), nJ);

    for (int nJ = 0; nJ < SIZE(AGE_RANGE); nJ++)
        mgFgaDeflationFactor[nJ] = 1.0 * pow((1.0 / (1.0 + FgaDiscountFactor)), nJ);

    for (int nJ = 0; nJ < SIZE(SIM_YEAR_RANGE); nJ++)
        if (MIN(SIM_YEAR_RANGE) + nJ >= 2010) mgFgaDeflation2010[nJ] = 1.0
            * pow((1.0 / (1.0 + FgaDiscountFactor)), 2010-MIN(SIM_YEAR_RANGE)+nJ);
        else mgFgaDeflation2010[nJ] = 0.0;

    for (int nJ = 0; nJ < SIZE(SIM_YEAR_RANGE); nJ++)
        if (MIN(SIM_YEAR_RANGE) + nJ >= 2040) mgFgaDeflation2040[nJ] = 1.0
            * pow((1.0 / (1.0 + FgaDiscountFactor)), 2040-MIN(SIM_YEAR_RANGE)+nJ);
        else mgFgaDeflation2040[nJ] = 0.0;

Output Modules


This module implements micro data output written to a csv file. Users can specify the time at which a micro-data file is written out and choose a file name. Output can also be produced in fixed time intervals, e.g. every year or every 5 years. The output csv file includes a header line with variable names. The module can be switched on and off.

How to add a new variable to the output?

  • In WriteMicroRecord(), add a line which pushes a new variable into the output record
  • In PreSimulation() add a line to extend the list of variable names written to the file

output_csv out_csv;                                 //EN Microdata output csv object

// Types

classification OUTPUT_TIMES                         //EN Micro-data output times
    OT_FIRST,                                       //EN Time of first output
    OT_LAST,                                        //EN Time of last output
    OT_INTERVAL                                     //EN Time interval (0 for no repetition)

// Parameters

    logical             WriteMicrodata;                     //EN Write micro-data output file Y/N
    double              TimeMicroOutput[OUTPUT_TIMES];      //EN Time(s) of micro-data output
    file                MicroRecordFileName;                //EN File name micro-data output file

parameter_group PG05_Files                          //EN Microdata output
    WriteMicrodata, MicroRecordFileName,

// Actor states, functions and events

actor Person
    TIME  time_microdata_output = {TIME_INFINITE};  //EN Time for microdata output
    void  WriteMicroRecord_Start();                 //EN Initialization for microdata output event
    hook  WriteMicroRecord_Start, Start;            //EN Function Hook
    event timeWriteMicroRecord, WriteMicroRecord;   //EN Write micro-data record event

// Implementation

void Person::WriteMicroRecord_Start()
    double dFirstOutput = TimeMicroOutput[OT_FIRST];
    while (WriteMicrodata && dFirstOutput <= TimeMicroOutput[OT_LAST] && dFirstOutput < time)
        dFirstOutput = dFirstOutput + TimeMicroOutput[OT_INTERVAL];
        if ( TimeMicroOutput[OT_INTERVAL] <= 0 ) dFirstOutput = TIME_INFINITE;

    if (WriteMicrodata && dFirstOutput >= time && dFirstOutput <= TimeMicroOutput[OT_LAST])
        time_microdata_output = dFirstOutput;
    else time_microdata_output = TIME_INFINITE;

TIME Person::timeWriteMicroRecord()
    if (GetReplicate()==0)  return time_microdata_output;
    else return TIME_INFINITE;

void Person::WriteMicroRecord()
    // create output variables for linked actors
    long nSpouseID = -1; if (has_partner) nSpouseID = lSpouse->actor_id;
    long nBioMotherID = -1; if (lBioMother) nBioMotherID = lBioMother->actor_id;
    long nBioFatherID = -1; if (lBioFather) nBioFatherID = lBioFather->actor_id;
    long nHHMotherID = -1; if (lHHMother) nHHMotherID = lHHMother->actor_id;
    long nHHFatherID = -1; if (lHHFather) nHHFatherID = lHHFather->actor_id;

    // Push the fields into the output record.

    // ==============================================================
    // When adding additional variables, this list has to be extended
    // ==============================================================
    out_csv << actor_id;            // Actor ID
    out_csv << actor_weight;        // Weight
    out_csv << time;                // Time
    out_csv << nSpouseID;           // Spouse ID
    out_csv << nHHMotherID;         // Mother in HH
    out_csv << nHHFatherID;         // Father in HH
    out_csv << time_of_birth;       // Time of birth
    out_csv << (int)sex;            // Sex
    out_csv << (int)educ3_level;    // Education
    out_csv << (int)family_role;    // Family Role
    out_csv << (int)in_school;      // Any school
    out_csv << (int)in_regular_school;      // Regular school

    // All fields have been pushed, now write the record.
    if (is_resident) out_csv.write_record();

    // set next output
    if (time_microdata_output + TimeMicroOutput[OT_INTERVAL] > time &&
        time_microdata_output + TimeMicroOutput[OT_INTERVAL] <= TimeMicroOutput[OT_LAST])
        time_microdata_output = time_microdata_output + TimeMicroOutput[OT_INTERVAL];
        time_microdata_output = TIME_INFINITE;

// Pre- and Post-Simulation

void PreSimulation()
    // In the pre-simulation phase of MicroDataOutput.mpp module, the micro-data file is prepared
    // for writing records in the simulation. If the user selects micro-data output, a file is
    // opened and the header row is written containing all selected states

    if (WriteMicrodata)
        // ==============================================================
        // When adding additional variables, this list has to be extended
        // ==============================================================
        std_string myString = "ID,";        // Actor ID
        myString = myString + "WEIGHT,";    // Weight
        myString = myString + "TIME,";      // Time
        myString = myString + "SPOUSE_ID,"; // Spouse
        myString = myString + "MOTHER_ID,"; // Parent
        myString = myString + "FATHER_ID,"; // Parent
        myString = myString + "BIRTH,";     // Time of birth
        myString = myString + "MALE,";      // Sex
        myString = myString + "EDUC,";      // Education
        myString = myString + "ROLE,";      // Role
        myString = myString + "ANYSCHOOL,";  // In School
        myString = myString + "REGSCHOOL,";  // In regularSchool


void PostSimulation()
    if (WriteMicrodata) { out_csv.close(); } // closing the file


This module implements table output related to the total population and its composition

// Table Groups

table_group TG_POPULATION_TABLES            //EN Population

// Tables

table Person tabTotalPopulationAgeSexEduc   //EN Population by age, sex and education
[is_resident && is_alive && in_projected_time]
    sex + *
    educ3_level+ *
        duration()                          //EN Population
    * integer_age
    * sim_year


This module implements a set of tables related to education.

// Table Dimensions

partition AGE_530 { 5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13,14,15,16,17,18,19,20,21,22,23,24,25,26,27,28,29,30 }; //EN Age

classification YEAR10       //EN Year
    YEAR_2010,              //EN 2010
    YEAR_2020,              //EN 2020
    YEAR_2030,              //EN 2030
    YEAR_2040,              //EN 2040
    YEAR_2050,              //EN 2050
    YEAR_2060,              //EN 2060
    YEAR_2070,              //EN 2070
    YEAR_2080,              //EN 2080
    YEAR_2090,              //EN 2090
    YEAR_2100               //EN 2100

classification YEAR05       //EN Year
    YEAR5_2010,              //EN 2010
    YEAR5_2015,              //EN 2015
    YEAR5_2020,              //EN 2020
    YEAR5_2025,              //EN 2025
    YEAR5_2030,              //EN 2030
    YEAR5_2035,              //EN 2035
    YEAR5_2040,              //EN 2040
    YEAR5_2045,              //EN 2045
    YEAR5_2050,              //EN 2050
    YEAR5_2055,              //EN 2055
    YEAR5_2060,              //EN 2060
    YEAR5_2065,              //EN 2065
    YEAR5_2070,              //EN 2070
    YEAR5_2075,              //EN 2075
    YEAR5_2080,              //EN 2080
    YEAR5_2085,              //EN 2085
    YEAR5_2090,              //EN 2090
    YEAR5_2095,              //EN 2095
    YEAR5_2100               //EN 2100

partition AGE_5100  //EN Age Groups
    5, 10, 15, 20, 25, 30, 35, 40, 45, 50, 55, 60,
    65, 70, 75, 80, 85, 90, 95, 100

// Table States

actor Person
    //EN Year
    YEAR10 year10 = (calendar_year == 2010) ? YEAR_2010 :
    (calendar_year == 2020) ? YEAR_2020 :
    (calendar_year == 2030) ? YEAR_2030 :
    (calendar_year == 2040) ? YEAR_2040 :
    (calendar_year == 2050) ? YEAR_2050 :
    (calendar_year == 2060) ? YEAR_2060 :
    (calendar_year == 2070) ? YEAR_2070 :
    (calendar_year == 2080) ? YEAR_2080 :
    (calendar_year == 2090) ? YEAR_2090 : YEAR_2100;

    //EN Year
    YEAR05 year05 = (calendar_year == 2010) ? YEAR5_2010 :
    (calendar_year == 2015) ? YEAR5_2015 :
    (calendar_year == 2020) ? YEAR5_2020 :
    (calendar_year == 2025) ? YEAR5_2025 :
    (calendar_year == 2030) ? YEAR5_2030 :
    (calendar_year == 2035) ? YEAR5_2035 :
    (calendar_year == 2040) ? YEAR5_2040 :
    (calendar_year == 2045) ? YEAR5_2045 :
    (calendar_year == 2050) ? YEAR5_2050 :
    (calendar_year == 2055) ? YEAR5_2055 :
    (calendar_year == 2060) ? YEAR5_2060 :
    (calendar_year == 2065) ? YEAR5_2065 :
    (calendar_year == 2070) ? YEAR5_2070 :
    (calendar_year == 2075) ? YEAR5_2075 :
    (calendar_year == 2080) ? YEAR5_2080 :
    (calendar_year == 2085) ? YEAR5_2085 :
    (calendar_year == 2090) ? YEAR5_2090 :
    (calendar_year == 2095) ? YEAR5_2095 : YEAR5_2100;

    logical is_year05 = (calendar_year == 2010 || calendar_year == 2020 || calendar_year == 2030 || calendar_year == 2040
        || calendar_year == 2050 || calendar_year == 2060 || calendar_year == 2070
        || calendar_year == 2080 || calendar_year == 2090 || calendar_year == 2100
        || calendar_year == 2015 || calendar_year == 2025 || calendar_year == 2035 || calendar_year == 2045
        || calendar_year == 2055 || calendar_year == 2065 || calendar_year == 2075
        || calendar_year == 2085 || calendar_year == 2095) ? TRUE : FALSE;

    logical is_year10 = (calendar_year == 2010 || calendar_year == 2020 || calendar_year == 2030 || calendar_year == 2040
        || calendar_year == 2050 || calendar_year == 2060 || calendar_year == 2070
        || calendar_year == 2080 || calendar_year == 2090 || calendar_year == 2100) ? TRUE : FALSE;


// Table Groups

table_group TG_EDUCATION_TABLES                         //EN Education

// Tables

table Person tabEducSchoolEnrolment                     //EN School enrolment
[is_resident && in_projected_time]
        duration(in_school, TRUE) / duration(),         //EN In any school decimals=2
        duration(in_regular_school, TRUE) / duration(), //EN In regular school decimals=2
        duration(in_other_education, TRUE) / duration() //EN In other school decimals=2
    * split(integer_age, AGE_530)                       //EN Age
    * sim_year

table Person tabPopulationByEducation                   //EN Population by age group and education
[is_resident && is_year10]
    year10 *
    sex+ *
    * split(integer_age, AGE_5100)+                     //EN Age
    * educ3_level+

table Person tabPopulationByEducation2059              //EN Population 20-59 by education
[is_resident && is_year05 && integer_age > 19 && integer_age < 60]
    sex+ *
    * year05
    * educ3_level+

table Person tabEducationYob                //EN Education distribution at 30 by year of birth
[is_resident && integer_age == 30]
    sex+ *
    * year_of_birth
    * educ_fate+

table Person tabEducationParentsYob          //EN Education of parents by year of birth
[is_resident && integer_age == 0]
    sex+ *
    * year_of_birth
    * educ_parents+


This module implements a set of tables related to families

// Table Dimensions

partition   SHORT_TIME{ 0.01 };
partition   AGE_1025{ 10, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26 }; //EN Age

// Table States

actor Person
    //EN Single, no dependent children at home
    logical is_single_alone = (!has_partner && children_in_household == 0) ? TRUE : FALSE;

    //EN Single, dependent children at home
    logical is_single_child = (!has_partner && children_in_household > 0) ? TRUE : FALSE;

    //EN In partnership, no dependent children at home
    logical is_couple_alone = (has_partner && children_in_household == 0) ? TRUE : FALSE;

    //EN In partnership, dependent children at home
    logical is_couple_child = (has_partner && children_in_household > 0) ? TRUE : FALSE;

    //EN Person ever parent
    logical is_ever_parent = (entrances(lives_with_dependent_child,TRUE) > 0) ;

    //EN Lifetime spent single, no dependent children at home
    real time_is_single_alone = duration(is_single_alone, TRUE);

    //EN Lifetime spent single, with dependent children at home
    real time_is_single_child = duration(is_single_child, TRUE);

    //EN Lifetime spent in partnership, no dependent children at home
    real time_is_couple_alone = duration(is_couple_alone, TRUE);

    //EN Lifetime spent in partnership, with dependent children at home
    real time_is_couple_child = duration(is_couple_child, TRUE);

// Table Groups

table_group TG_FAMILY_TABLES    //EN Family

// Tables

table Person tabFamilyType                              //EN Population by age and family type
[is_alive && is_resident && is_year10]
    year10 *
    sex + *
    educ_fate+ *
    split(integer_age, AGE5_PART) *
        duration(is_single_alone,TRUE) / duration(),    //EN Single, no dependent children at home decimals=3
        duration(is_single_child,TRUE) / duration(),    //EN Single, dependent children at home decimals=3
        duration(is_couple_alone,TRUE) / duration(),    //EN In partnership, no dependent children at home decimals=3
        duration(is_couple_child,TRUE) / duration()     //EN In partnership, dependent children at home decimals=3

table Person tabCohortFamilyExperience20102014          //EN Cohort 2010-2014 family experience
[is_resident && trigger_transitions(is_alive,TRUE,FALSE) && year_of_birth >= 2010 && year_of_birth < 2015 && person_type==PT_CHILD]
    sex + *
    is_ever_parent+ *
    educ_fate+ *
        value_in(time_is_single_alone) / unit,          //EN Average time lived single, no dependent children at home decimals=3
        value_in(time_is_single_child) / unit,          //EN Average time lived single, dependent children at home decimals=3
        value_in(time_is_couple_alone) / unit,          //EN Average time lived in partnership, no dependent children at home decimals=3
        value_in(time_is_couple_child) / unit           //EN Average time lived in partnership, dependent children at home decimals=3

table Person tabLivingWithParents                       //EN Living with parents
[is_resident && in_projected_time && is_year10]
    sex + *
    year10 *
        duration(family_role,FR_CHILD) / duration()     //EN Living with parent(s) decimals=3
    * split(integer_age, AGE_1025)
    * educ_fate +


This module implements a collection of tables related to fertility.

// Table Groups

table_group TG_FERTILITY_TABLES     //EN Fertility

// Tables

table Person tabFertilityBirths //EN Births
[is_alive && in_projected_time && is_resident && sex==FEMALE && WITHIN(FERTILE_AGE_RANGE,integer_age)]
        parity,                                                         //EN Births
        transitions(parity,0,1),                                        //EN First births
        parity/duration(),                                              //EN Birth rate decimals=4
        transitions(parity,0,1)/duration()                              //EN First birth rate decimals=4
    * educ_fate+
    * fertile_age+
    * sim_year

table Person tabFertilityAgeBirth //EN Age at birth
[is_alive && in_projected_time && is_resident && sex==FEMALE && WITHIN(FERTILE_AGE_RANGE,integer_age)]
        value_at_changes(parity,age) / changes(parity),                 //EN Average age birth decimals=2
        value_at_transitions(parity,0,1,age) / transitions(parity,0,1)  //EN Average age 1st birth decimals=2
    * educ_fate+
    * sim_year

actor Person
    YOB_BIRTH1 yob1 = COERCE(YOB_BIRTH1,year_of_birth); //EN Year of birth

table Person tabFertilityCohortChildlessness                            //EN Cohort childlessness
[is_alive && integer_age==50 && is_resident && sex==FEMALE && WITHIN(YOB_BIRTH1,year_of_birth)]
        duration(parity,0) / duration()                                 //EN Female cohort Childlessness decimals=2
    * educ_fate+
    * yob1

table Person tabFertilityFemaleChildlessness                            //EN Female period childlessness
[is_alive && is_resident && sex==FEMALE && is_year10]
    year10 *
        duration(parity,0) / duration()                                 //EN Cohort Childlessness decimals=2
    * integer_age
    * educ_fate+

table Person tabFertilityMaleCohortChildlesness     //EN Male Cohort Childlessness (at death - run to 2150!)
[sex == MALE && is_resident && trigger_transitions(is_alive,TRUE,FALSE) && WITHIN(YOB_BIRTH1,year_of_birth)]
        value_in(never_father) / unit               //EN Childlessenss decimals=2
    * yob1
    * educ_fate +


This module implements table output related to international migration

// Table Groups

table_group TG_MIGRATION_TABLES  //EN Migration

// Tables

table Person tabNumberMigrants                        //EN Number of migrants
[is_alive && in_projected_time]
    sex + *
        //EN Immigrants

        //EN Emigrants

        //EN Net migration
        transitions(ever_resident,FALSE,TRUE) - transitions(is_resident,TRUE,FALSE)
    * integer_age+
    * sim_year


This module implements a collection of tables related to mortality.

// Table States

actor Person
    logical is_ever_60 = (entrances(integer_age,60) > 0); //EN Ever 60
    logical is_ever_65 = (entrances(integer_age,65) > 0); //EN Ever 65
    logical is_ever_70 = (entrances(integer_age,70) > 0); //EN Ever 70
    logical is_ever_75 = (entrances(integer_age,75) > 0); //EN Ever 75
    logical is_ever_80 = (entrances(integer_age,80) > 0); //EN Ever 80
    logical is_ever_85 = (entrances(integer_age,85) > 0); //EN Ever 85
    logical is_ever_90 = (entrances(integer_age,90) > 0); //EN Ever 90
    logical is_ever_95 = (entrances(integer_age,95) > 0); //EN Ever 95
    logical is_ever_100 = (entrances(integer_age,100) > 0); //EN Ever 100

// Table Groups

table_group TG_MORTALITY_TABLES //EN Mortality

// Tables

table Person tabCohortLifeExpectancy20102014    //EN Cohort 2010-2014 Life Expectancy
[is_resident && trigger_transitions(is_alive,TRUE,FALSE)
&& year_of_birth >= 2010 && year_of_birth < 2015 && person_type==PT_CHILD]
    sex + *
    educ_fate+ *
        value_in(age) / unit,                       //EN Life expectancy decimals=3
        value_in(is_ever_60) / unit,                //EN Proportion surviving until 60 decimals=3
        value_in(is_ever_65) / unit,                //EN Proportion surviving until 65 decimals=3
        value_in(is_ever_70) / unit,                //EN Proportion surviving until 70 decimals=3
        value_in(is_ever_75) / unit,                //EN Proportion surviving until 75 decimals=3
        value_in(is_ever_80) / unit,                //EN Proportion surviving until 80 decimals=3
        value_in(is_ever_85) / unit,                //EN Proportion surviving until 85 decimals=3
        value_in(is_ever_90) / unit,                //EN Proportion surviving until 90 decimals=3
        value_in(is_ever_95) / unit,                //EN Proportion surviving until 95 decimals=3
        value_in(is_ever_100) / unit                //EN Proportion surviving until 100 decimals=3

table Person tabPeriodMortality                     //EN Period mortality rates
[is_resident && in_projected_time && is_year10]
    sex + *
    year10 *
        transitions(is_alive,TRUE,FALSE) / duration() //EN Mortality rate decimals=3
    * integer_age
    * educ_fate+

table Person tabMortalityNumberDeaths                     //EN Number of deaths
[is_resident && in_projected_time]
        transitions(is_alive,TRUE,FALSE)                //EN Deaths
    * sim_year


This module implements a set of output tables related to National Transfer Accounts (NTAs). Tables include national totlas for all NTA variables, average age profiles, and measures of the Life Course Deficit.

// Table Dimensions

partition AGE5105_PART                                         //EN Age Groups
    5, 10, 15, 20, 25, 30, 35, 40, 45, 50, 55, 60,
    65, 70, 75, 80, 85, 90, 95, 100

// Table States

actor Person
    SIM_YEAR_RANGE sim_year = COERCE(SIM_YEAR_RANGE, calendar_year); //EN Year

// Groups

table_group TG_BasicNtaTabs //EN Basic NTA Tables
    TabBasicNta, TabBasicNtaByAge, tabLCDperCap, tabPopulationByAgeNta

// Tables

table Person TabBasicNta                        //EN Basic NTA totals
[WITHIN(SIM_YEAR_RANGE, calendar_year) && is_resident]
        duration(),                             //EN Population
        weighted_duration(base_CFE),            //EN Private Consumption Education (CFE)
        weighted_duration(base_CFH),            //EN Private Consumption Health (CFH)
        weighted_duration(base_CFX),            //EN Private Consumption other than Education and Health (CFX)
        weighted_duration(base_CGE),            //EN Public Consumption Education (CGE)
        weighted_duration(base_CGH),            //EN Public Consumption Health (CGH)
        weighted_duration(base_CGX),            //EN Public Consumption other than Education and Health (CGX)
        weighted_duration(base_TGSOAI),         //EN Public Transfers Pensions, Inflows (TGSOAI)
        weighted_duration(base_TGXCI),          //EN Public Transfers Other Cash Inflows (TGXCI)
        weighted_duration(base_TGXII),          //EN Public Transfers Other In-Kind Inflows (TGXII)
        weighted_duration(base_TGEI),           //EN Public Transfers Education Inflows (TGEI)
        weighted_duration(base_TGHI),           //EN Public Transfers Health Inflows (TGHI)
        weighted_duration(base_TGO),            //EN Public Transfers Outflows (TGO)
        weighted_duration(base_TFB),            //EN Net Interhousehold Transfers (TFB)
        weighted_duration(base_TFW),            //EN Net Intrahousehold Transfers (TFW)
        weighted_duration(base_SF),             //EN Private Saving (SF)
        weighted_duration(base_SG),             //EN Public Saving (SG)
        weighted_duration(base_YL),             //EN Labor Income (LY)
        weighted_duration(base_YAF),            //EN Private Asset Income (YAF)
        weighted_duration(base_YAG)             //EN Public Asset Income (YAG)
    * sim_year

table Person TabBasicNtaByAge                   //EN NTA by age
[WITHIN(SIM_YEAR_RANGE, calendar_year) && is_resident]
        duration(),                                          //EN Population
        weighted_duration(base_CFE) / duration(),            //EN Private Consumption Education (CFE)
        weighted_duration(base_CFH) / duration(),            //EN Private Consumption Health (CFH)
        weighted_duration(base_CFX) / duration(),            //EN Private Consumption other than Education and Health (CFX)
        weighted_duration(base_CGE) / duration(),            //EN Public Consumption Education (CGE)
        weighted_duration(base_CGH) / duration(),            //EN Public Consumption Health (CGH)
        weighted_duration(base_CGX) / duration(),            //EN Public Consumption other than Education and Health (CGX)
        weighted_duration(base_TGSOAI) / duration(),         //EN Public Transfers Pensions, Inflows (TGSOAI)
        weighted_duration(base_TGXCI) / duration(),          //EN Public Transfers Other Cash Inflows (TGXCI)
        weighted_duration(base_TGXII) / duration(),          //EN Public Transfers Other In-Kind Inflows (TGXII)
        weighted_duration(base_TGEI) / duration(),           //EN Public Transfers Education Inflows (TGEI)
        weighted_duration(base_TGHI) / duration(),           //EN Public Transfers Health Inflows (TGHI)
        weighted_duration(base_TGO) / duration(),            //EN Public Transfers Outflows (TGO)
        weighted_duration(base_TFB) / duration(),            //EN Net Interhousehold Transfers (TFB)
        weighted_duration(base_TFW) / duration(),            //EN Net Intrahousehold Transfers (TFW)
        weighted_duration(base_SF) / duration(),             //EN Private Saving (SF)
        weighted_duration(base_SG) / duration(),             //EN Public Saving (SG)
        weighted_duration(base_YL) / duration(),             //EN Labor Income (LY)
        weighted_duration(base_YAF) / duration(),            //EN Private Asset Income (YAF)
        weighted_duration(base_YAG) / duration()             //EN Public Asset Income (YAG)
    * integer_age

table Person tabLCDperCap                                    //EN Life Course Deficit
[WITHIN(SIM_YEAR_RANGE, calendar_year) && is_resident]
        (weighted_duration(base_CFE) + weighted_duration(base_CFH) + weighted_duration(base_CFX) + weighted_duration(base_CGE) + weighted_duration(base_CGH) + weighted_duration(base_CGX)) / duration(), //EN average consumption
        weighted_duration(base_YL) / duration(),             //EN Average labor Income (LY)
        -(weighted_duration(base_CFE) + weighted_duration(base_CFH) + weighted_duration(base_CFX) + weighted_duration(base_CGE) + weighted_duration(base_CGH) + weighted_duration(base_CGX) - weighted_duration(base_YL)) / duration() //EN Average gap
* sim_year

table Person tabPopulationByAgeNta                   //EN Population by age group and NTA type
[is_resident && is_year10]
    year10 *
    tab_fam_index *
    sex *
    * nta_pop_group                     //EN Population Group
    * nta_educ+


This modules produces output tables related to NTA indicators, including the Support Ration, the Imapct Index, and aggregate measures of effective labour, consumers, income, capital, as well as wages in dthe interest rate in a closed economy.

// Groups

table_group TG_NTAIndicators                    //EN NTA Indicators and Impact Index Lee 2017

// Tables

table State TabNTAIndicators                    //EN NTA Indicators and Impact Index Lee 2017
[WITHIN(SIM_YEAR_RANGE,state_year) && nta_is_updated]
        max_value_in(nta_current_SR),           //EN Support Ratio SR decimals=4
        max_value_in(nta_current_closed_IMP),   //EN Impact Index IMP closed economy decimals=4
        max_value_in(nta_current_open_IMP),     //EN Impact Index IMP open economy decimals=4
        max_value_in(nta_current_N),            //EN Current reference consumers N
        max_value_in(nta_current_L),            //EN Current total Labor L
        max_value_in(nta_current_C),            //EN Current total Consumption
        max_value_in(nta_current_Y),            //EN Current total Income Y
        max_value_in(nta_current_K),            //EN Current total Capital K
        max_value_in(nta_current_w),            //EN Current wage w closed economy decimals=4
        max_value_in(nta_current_r)             //EN Current interest rate r closed economy decimals=4
    * tab_state_year


This module implements table output related to Full General Accounts (FGAs).

// Table Groups

table_group TG_FullGenerationalAccounts             //EN NTA Full Generational Accounts

// Tables

table Person tabFgaUnadjustedTotals                 //EN FGA Totals
[is_resident && in_projected_time]
        weighted_duration(fga_YL),                  //EN YL total
        weighted_duration(fga_TF),                  //EN TF total
        weighted_duration(fga_TGI),                 //EN TGI total
        weighted_duration(fga_TGO),                 //EN TGO total
        weighted_duration(fga_TF_adj),              //EN TF total adjusted
        weighted_duration(fga_TGI_adj),             //EN TGI total adjusted
        weighted_duration(fga_TGO_adj)              //EN TGO total adjusted
    * sim_year

table Person tabFgaPV                               //EN FGA PV
[is_resident && person_type == PT_CHILD
&& trigger_transitions(is_alive,TRUE,FALSE)]
    educ_fate+ *
        value_in(fga_YL_pv) / unit,                 //EN Present Value YL at birth
        value_in(fga_TF_pv) / unit,                 //EN Present Value TF at birth
        value_in(fga_TGI_pv) / unit,                //EN Present Value TGI at birth
        value_in(fga_TGO_pv) / unit,                //EN Present Value TGO at birth
        value_in(fga_TF_adj_pv) / unit,             //EN Present Value TF adjusted at birth
        value_in(fga_TGI_adj_pv) / unit,            //EN Present Value TGI adjsuted at birth
        value_in(fga_TGO_adj_pv) / unit             //EN Present Value TGO adjusted at birth
    * year_of_birth

table Person tabFgaPVDetail                         //EN FGA PV by detailed Group
[is_resident && person_type == PT_CHILD && yob_in_2010_2100
&& trigger_transitions(is_alive,TRUE,FALSE)]
    educ_fate+ *
    sex+ *
    ever_parent+ *
        value_in(fga_YL_pv) / unit,                 //EN Present Value YL at birth
        value_in(fga_TF_pv) / unit,                 //EN Present Value TF at birth
        value_in(fga_TGI_pv) / unit,                //EN Present Value TGI at birth
        value_in(fga_TGO_pv) / unit,                //EN Present Value TGO at birth
        value_in(fga_TF_adj_pv) / unit,             //EN Present Value TF adjusted at birth
        value_in(fga_TGI_adj_pv) / unit,            //EN Present Value TGI adjsuted at birth
        value_in(fga_TGO_adj_pv) / unit,            //EN Present Value TGO adjusted at birth
        unit                                        //EN Persons
    * yob_2010_2100

table Globals tabAdjustmentFga                      //EN FGA Adjustment factors
        max_value_in(adj_factor_TFI),               //EN Adjustment TFI decimals=3
        max_value_in(adj_factor_TFO),               //EN Adjustment TFO decimals=3
        max_value_in(adj_factor_TGI),               //EN Adjustment TGI decimals=3
        max_value_in(adj_factor_TGO)                //EN Adjustment TGO decimals=3
    * global_tab_sim_year

table Person tabFgaPV_2010CW                          //EN FGA PV 2010
[is_resident && person_type != PT_IMMIGRANT
&& trigger_transitions(is_alive,TRUE,FALSE)
&& year_of_birth <= 2010]
    educ_fate+ *
        value_in(fga_YL_pv_2010) / value_in(cohort_weight),            //EN Present Value YL 2010
        value_in(fga_TF_pv_2010) / value_in(cohort_weight),            //EN Present Value TF 2010
        value_in(fga_TGI_pv_2010) / value_in(cohort_weight),           //EN Present Value TGI 2010
        value_in(fga_TGO_pv_2010) / value_in(cohort_weight),           //EN Present Value TGO 2010
        value_in(fga_TF_adj_pv_2010) / value_in(cohort_weight),        //EN Present Value TF adjusted 2010
        value_in(fga_TGI_adj_pv_2010) / value_in(cohort_weight),       //EN Present Value TGI adjusted 2010
        value_in(fga_TGO_adj_pv_2010) / value_in(cohort_weight)        //EN Present Value TGO adjusted 2010
    * age_2010

table Person tabFgaPV_2040CW                        //EN FGA PV 2040
[is_resident && person_type != PT_IMMIGRANT
&& trigger_transitions(is_alive,TRUE,FALSE)
&& year_of_birth <= 2040]
    educ_fate+ *
        value_in(fga_YL_pv_2040) / value_in(cohort_weight),            //EN Present Value YL 2040
        value_in(fga_TF_pv_2040) / value_in(cohort_weight),            //EN Present Value TF 2040
        value_in(fga_TGI_pv_2040) / value_in(cohort_weight),           //EN Present Value TGI 2040
        value_in(fga_TGO_pv_2040) / value_in(cohort_weight),           //EN Present Value TGO 2040
        value_in(fga_TF_adj_pv_2040) / value_in(cohort_weight),        //EN Present Value TF adjusted 2040
        value_in(fga_TGI_adj_pv_2040) / value_in(cohort_weight),       //EN Present Value TGI adjusted 2040
        value_in(fga_TGO_adj_pv_2040) / value_in(cohort_weight)        //EN Present Value TGO adjusted 2040
    * age_2040

table Person tabFgaPV_2010CWdetail                          //EN FGA PV 2010 - detailed
[is_resident && person_type != PT_IMMIGRANT
&& trigger_transitions(is_alive,TRUE,FALSE)
&& year_of_birth <= 2010]
    educ_fate+ *
    sex+ *
    ever_parent+ *
        value_in(fga_YL_pv_2010) / value_in(cohort_weight),            //EN Present Value YL 2010
        value_in(fga_TF_pv_2010) / value_in(cohort_weight),            //EN Present Value TF 2010
        value_in(fga_TGI_pv_2010) / value_in(cohort_weight),           //EN Present Value TGI 2010
        value_in(fga_TGO_pv_2010) / value_in(cohort_weight),           //EN Present Value TGO 2010
        value_in(fga_TF_adj_pv_2010) / value_in(cohort_weight),        //EN Present Value TF adjusted 2010
        value_in(fga_TGI_adj_pv_2010) / value_in(cohort_weight),       //EN Present Value TGI adjusted 2010
        value_in(fga_TGO_adj_pv_2010) / value_in(cohort_weight)        //EN Present Value TGO adjusted 2010
    * age_2010

table Person tabFgaPV_2040CWdetail                        //EN FGA PV 2040 - detailed
[is_resident && person_type != PT_IMMIGRANT
&& trigger_transitions(is_alive,TRUE,FALSE)
&& year_of_birth <= 2040]
    educ_fate+ *
    sex+ *
    ever_parent+ *
        value_in(fga_YL_pv_2040) / value_in(cohort_weight),            //EN Present Value YL 2040
        value_in(fga_TF_pv_2040) / value_in(cohort_weight),            //EN Present Value TF 2040
        value_in(fga_TGI_pv_2040) / value_in(cohort_weight),           //EN Present Value TGI 2040
        value_in(fga_TGO_pv_2040) / value_in(cohort_weight),           //EN Present Value TGO 2040
        value_in(fga_TF_adj_pv_2040) / value_in(cohort_weight),        //EN Present Value TF adjusted 2040
        value_in(fga_TGI_adj_pv_2040) / value_in(cohort_weight),       //EN Present Value TGI adjusted 2040
        value_in(fga_TGO_adj_pv_2040) / value_in(cohort_weight)        //EN Present Value TGO adjusted 2040
    * age_2040


The NTA Validation Module is an optional module introducing a set of validation tables comparing the aggregate outcome of NTA variables by education and family type with published aggregates by sex a/o age. For each of the 19 NTA variables, a table is produced comparing aggregated simulated values in the starting year with published NTA values and providing aggregate simulated outcomes by education group. Also a table of the population composition by all considered dimensions (age, sex, education, family type) is produced. This module can be removed to save memory space.

// Dimensions

range TAB_FAM_INDEX { 0,5 }; //EN Family Index

// Actor states

actor Person
    //EN Family Index
    TAB_FAM_INDEX tab_fam_index = (nta_pop_group == NPG_OLD) ?
        COERCE(TAB_FAM_INDEX, nta_old_index) : COERCE(TAB_FAM_INDEX, nta_fam_index);

    // NTA by age only
    double age_CFE = NtaAge[integer_age][CFE];              //EN CFE by age
    double age_CFH = NtaAge[integer_age][CFH];              //EN CFH by age
    double age_CFX = NtaAge[integer_age][CFX];              //EN CFX by age
    double age_CGE = NtaAge[integer_age][CGE];              //EN CGE by age
    double age_CGH = NtaAge[integer_age][CGH];              //EN CGH by age
    double age_CGX = NtaAge[integer_age][CGX];              //EN CGX by age
    double age_TGSOAI = NtaAge[integer_age][TGSOAI];        //EN TGSOAI by age
    double age_TGXCI = NtaAge[integer_age][TGXCI];          //EN TGXCI by age
    double age_TGXII = NtaAge[integer_age][TGXII];          //EN TGXII by age
    double age_TGEI = NtaAge[integer_age][TGEI];            //EN TGEI by age
    double age_TGHI = NtaAge[integer_age][TGHI];            //EN TGHI by age
    double age_TGO = NtaAge[integer_age][TGO];              //EN TGO by age
    double age_TFB = NtaAge[integer_age][TFB];              //EN TFB by age
    double age_TFW = NtaAge[integer_age][TFW];              //EN TFW by age
    double age_SF = NtaAge[integer_age][SF];                //EN SF by age
    double age_SG = NtaAge[integer_age][SG];                //EN SG by age
    double age_YL = NtaAge[integer_age][YL];                //EN LY by age
    double age_YAF = NtaAge[integer_age][YAF];              //EN YAF by age
    double age_YAG = NtaAge[integer_age][YAG];              //EN YAG by age

    // NTA by age and sex
    double sex_CFE = NtaSex[sex][integer_age][CFE];         //EN CFE by age and sex
    double sex_CFH = NtaSex[sex][integer_age][CFH];         //EN CFH by age and sex
    double sex_CFX = NtaSex[sex][integer_age][CFX];         //EN CFX by age and sex
    double sex_CGE = NtaSex[sex][integer_age][CGE];         //EN CGE by age and sex
    double sex_CGH = NtaSex[sex][integer_age][CGH];         //EN CGH by age and sex
    double sex_CGX = NtaSex[sex][integer_age][CGX];         //EN CGX by age and sex
    double sex_TGSOAI = NtaSex[sex][integer_age][TGSOAI];   //EN TGSOAI by age and sex
    double sex_TGXCI = NtaSex[sex][integer_age][TGXCI];     //EN TGXCI by age and sex
    double sex_TGXII = NtaSex[sex][integer_age][TGXII];     //EN TGXII by age and sex
    double sex_TGEI = NtaSex[sex][integer_age][TGEI];       //EN TGEI by age and sex
    double sex_TGHI = NtaSex[sex][integer_age][TGHI];       //EN TGHI by age and sex
    double sex_TGO = NtaSex[sex][integer_age][TGO];         //EN TGO by age and sex
    double sex_TFB = NtaSex[sex][integer_age][TFB];         //EN TFB by age and sex
    double sex_TFW = NtaSex[sex][integer_age][TFW];         //EN TFW by age and sex
    double sex_SF = NtaSex[sex][integer_age][SF];           //EN SF by age and sex
    double sex_SG = NtaSex[sex][integer_age][SG];           //EN SG by age and sex
    double sex_YL = NtaSex[sex][integer_age][YL];           //EN LY by age and sex
    double sex_YAF = NtaSex[sex][integer_age][YAF];         //EN YAF by age and sex
    double sex_YAG = NtaSex[sex][integer_age][YAG];         //EN YAG by age and sex

// Validation Tables

table_group TG_NTA_ValidationTables     //EN NTA Validation Tables
    TabNtaValidation_CFE, TabNtaValidation_CFH, TabNtaValidation_CFX, TabNtaValidation_CGE,
    TabNtaValidation_CGH, TabNtaValidation_CGX, TabNtaValidation_TGSOAI, TabNtaValidation_TGXCI,
    TabNtaValidation_TGXII, TabNtaValidation_TGEI, TabNtaValidation_TGHI, TabNtaValidation_TGO,
    TabNtaValidation_TFB, TabNtaValidation_TFW, TabNtaValidation_SF, TabNtaValidation_SG,
    TabNtaValidation_YL, TabNtaValidation_YAF, TabNtaValidation_YAG, TabNtaPopulation2010

table Person TabNtaValidation_CFE                                               //EN CFE Validation
[calendar_year == MIN(SIM_YEAR_RANGE) && is_resident]
        weighted_duration(base_CFE) / duration(),                               //EN CFE
        weighted_duration(sex,FEMALE, base_CFE) / duration(sex,FEMALE),         //EN CFE female
        weighted_duration(sex,MALE, base_CFE) / duration(sex,MALE),             //EN CFE male

        weighted_duration(nta_educ,NE_LOW, base_CFE) / duration(nta_educ,NE_LOW),     //EN CFE educ low
        weighted_duration(nta_educ,NE_MEDIUM, base_CFE) / duration(nta_educ,NE_MEDIUM),  //EN CFE educ medium
        weighted_duration(nta_educ,NE_HIGH, base_CFE) / duration(nta_educ,NE_HIGH),    //EN CFE educ high
        weighted_duration(nta_educ,NE_NN, base_CFE) / duration(nta_educ,NE_NN),    //EN CFE educ nn

        weighted_duration(sex,FEMALE,sex_CFE) / duration(sex,FEMALE),           //EN Agenta CFE female
        weighted_duration(sex,MALE,sex_CFE) / duration(sex,MALE),               //EN Agenta CFE male
        weighted_duration(age_CFE) / duration()                                 //EN Agenta CFE by age
    * integer_age

table Person TabNtaValidation_CFH                                               //EN CFH Validation
[calendar_year == MIN(SIM_YEAR_RANGE) && is_resident]
        weighted_duration(base_CFH) / duration(),                               //EN CFH
        weighted_duration(sex,FEMALE, base_CFH) / duration(sex,FEMALE),         //EN CFH female
        weighted_duration(sex,MALE, base_CFH) / duration(sex,MALE),             //EN CFH male

        weighted_duration(nta_educ,NE_LOW, base_CFH) / duration(nta_educ,NE_LOW),     //EN CFE educ low
        weighted_duration(nta_educ,NE_MEDIUM, base_CFH) / duration(nta_educ,NE_MEDIUM),  //EN CFE educ medium
        weighted_duration(nta_educ,NE_HIGH, base_CFH) / duration(nta_educ,NE_HIGH),    //EN CFE educ high
        weighted_duration(nta_educ,NE_NN, base_CFH) / duration(nta_educ,NE_NN),    //EN CFE educ nn

        weighted_duration(sex,FEMALE,sex_CFH) / duration(sex,FEMALE),           //EN Agenta CFH female
        weighted_duration(sex,MALE,sex_CFH) / duration(sex,MALE),               //EN Agenta CFH male
        weighted_duration(age_CFH) / duration()                                 //EN Agenta CFH by age
    * integer_age

table Person TabNtaValidation_CFX                                               //EN CFX Validation
[calendar_year == MIN(SIM_YEAR_RANGE) && is_resident]
        weighted_duration(base_CFX) / duration(),                               //EN CFX
        weighted_duration(sex,FEMALE, base_CFX) / duration(sex,FEMALE),         //EN CFX female
        weighted_duration(sex,MALE, base_CFX) / duration(sex,MALE),             //EN CFX male

        weighted_duration(nta_educ,NE_LOW, base_CFX) / duration(nta_educ,NE_LOW),     //EN CFE educ low
        weighted_duration(nta_educ,NE_MEDIUM, base_CFX) / duration(nta_educ,NE_MEDIUM),  //EN CFE educ medium
        weighted_duration(nta_educ,NE_HIGH, base_CFX) / duration(nta_educ,NE_HIGH),    //EN CFE educ high
        weighted_duration(nta_educ,NE_NN, base_CFX) / duration(nta_educ,NE_NN),    //EN CFE educ nn

        weighted_duration(sex,FEMALE,sex_CFX) / duration(sex,FEMALE),           //EN Agenta CFX female
        weighted_duration(sex,MALE,sex_CFX) / duration(sex,MALE),               //EN Agenta CFX male
        weighted_duration(age_CFX) / duration()                                 //EN Agenta CFX by age
    * integer_age

table Person TabNtaValidation_CGE                                               //EN CGE Validation
[calendar_year == MIN(SIM_YEAR_RANGE) && is_resident]
        weighted_duration(base_CGE) / duration(),                               //EN CGE
        weighted_duration(sex,FEMALE, base_CGE) / duration(sex,FEMALE),         //EN CGE female
        weighted_duration(sex,MALE, base_CGE) / duration(sex,MALE),             //EN CGE male

        weighted_duration(nta_educ,NE_LOW, base_CGE) / duration(nta_educ,NE_LOW),     //EN CFE educ low
        weighted_duration(nta_educ,NE_MEDIUM, base_CGE) / duration(nta_educ,NE_MEDIUM),  //EN CFE educ medium
        weighted_duration(nta_educ,NE_HIGH, base_CGE) / duration(nta_educ,NE_HIGH),    //EN CFE educ high
        weighted_duration(nta_educ,NE_NN, base_CGE) / duration(nta_educ,NE_NN),    //EN CFE educ nn

        weighted_duration(sex,FEMALE,sex_CGE) / duration(sex,FEMALE),           //EN Agenta CGE female
        weighted_duration(sex,MALE,sex_CGE) / duration(sex,MALE),               //EN Agenta CGE male
        weighted_duration(age_CGE) / duration()                                 //EN Agenta CGE by age
    * integer_age

table Person TabNtaValidation_CGH                                               //EN CGH Validation
[calendar_year == MIN(SIM_YEAR_RANGE) && is_resident]
        weighted_duration(base_CGH) / duration(),                               //EN CGH
        weighted_duration(sex,FEMALE, base_CGH) / duration(sex,FEMALE),         //EN CGH female
        weighted_duration(sex,MALE, base_CGH) / duration(sex,MALE),             //EN CGH male

        weighted_duration(nta_educ,NE_LOW, base_CGH) / duration(nta_educ,NE_LOW),     //EN CFE educ low
        weighted_duration(nta_educ,NE_MEDIUM, base_CGH) / duration(nta_educ,NE_MEDIUM),  //EN CFE educ medium
        weighted_duration(nta_educ,NE_HIGH, base_CGH) / duration(nta_educ,NE_HIGH),    //EN CFE educ high
        weighted_duration(nta_educ,NE_NN, base_CGH) / duration(nta_educ,NE_NN),    //EN CFE educ nn

        weighted_duration(sex,FEMALE,sex_CGH) / duration(sex,FEMALE),           //EN Agenta CGH female
        weighted_duration(sex,MALE,sex_CGH) / duration(sex,MALE),               //EN Agenta CGH male
        weighted_duration(age_CGH) / duration()                                 //EN Agenta CGH by age
    * integer_age

table Person TabNtaValidation_CGX                                               //EN CGX Validation
[calendar_year == MIN(SIM_YEAR_RANGE) && is_resident]
        weighted_duration(base_CGX) / duration(),                               //EN CGX
        weighted_duration(sex,FEMALE, base_CGX) / duration(sex,FEMALE),         //EN CGX female
        weighted_duration(sex,MALE, base_CGX) / duration(sex,MALE),             //EN CGX male

        weighted_duration(nta_educ,NE_LOW, base_CGX) / duration(nta_educ,NE_LOW),     //EN CFE educ low
        weighted_duration(nta_educ,NE_MEDIUM, base_CGX) / duration(nta_educ,NE_MEDIUM),  //EN CFE educ medium
        weighted_duration(nta_educ,NE_HIGH, base_CGX) / duration(nta_educ,NE_HIGH),    //EN CFE educ high
        weighted_duration(nta_educ,NE_NN, base_CGX) / duration(nta_educ,NE_NN),    //EN CFE educ nn

        weighted_duration(sex,FEMALE,sex_CGX) / duration(sex,FEMALE),           //EN Agenta CGX female
        weighted_duration(sex,MALE,sex_CGX) / duration(sex,MALE),               //EN Agenta CGX male
        weighted_duration(age_CGX) / duration()                                 //EN Agenta CGX by age
    * integer_age

table Person TabNtaValidation_TGSOAI                                               //EN TGSOAI Validation
[calendar_year == MIN(SIM_YEAR_RANGE) && is_resident]
        weighted_duration(base_TGSOAI) / duration(),                               //EN TGSOAI
        weighted_duration(sex,FEMALE, base_TGSOAI) / duration(sex,FEMALE),         //EN TGSOAI female
        weighted_duration(sex,MALE, base_TGSOAI) / duration(sex,MALE),             //EN TGSOAI male

        weighted_duration(nta_educ,NE_LOW, base_TGSOAI) / duration(nta_educ,NE_LOW),        //EN CFE educ low
        weighted_duration(nta_educ,NE_MEDIUM, base_TGSOAI) / duration(nta_educ,NE_MEDIUM),  //EN CFE educ medium
        weighted_duration(nta_educ,NE_HIGH, base_TGSOAI) / duration(nta_educ,NE_HIGH),    //EN CFE educ high
        weighted_duration(nta_educ,NE_NN, base_TGSOAI) / duration(nta_educ,NE_NN),    //EN CFE educ nn

        weighted_duration(sex,FEMALE,sex_TGSOAI) / duration(sex,FEMALE),           //EN Agenta TGSOAI female
        weighted_duration(sex,MALE,sex_TGSOAI) / duration(sex,MALE),               //EN Agenta TGSOAI male
        weighted_duration(age_TGSOAI) / duration()                                 //EN Agenta TGSOAI by age
    * integer_age

table Person TabNtaValidation_TGXCI                                               //EN TGXCI Validation
[calendar_year == MIN(SIM_YEAR_RANGE) && is_resident]
        weighted_duration(base_TGXCI) / duration(),                               //EN TGXCI
        weighted_duration(sex,FEMALE, base_TGXCI) / duration(sex,FEMALE),         //EN TGXCI female
        weighted_duration(sex,MALE, base_TGXCI) / duration(sex,MALE),             //EN TGXCI male

        weighted_duration(nta_educ,NE_LOW, base_TGXCI) / duration(nta_educ,NE_LOW),     //EN CFE educ low
        weighted_duration(nta_educ,NE_MEDIUM, base_TGXCI) / duration(nta_educ,NE_MEDIUM),  //EN CFE educ medium
        weighted_duration(nta_educ,NE_HIGH, base_TGXCI) / duration(nta_educ,NE_HIGH),    //EN CFE educ high
        weighted_duration(nta_educ,NE_NN, base_TGXCI) / duration(nta_educ,NE_NN),    //EN CFE educ nn

        weighted_duration(sex,FEMALE,sex_TGXCI) / duration(sex,FEMALE),           //EN Agenta TGXCI female
        weighted_duration(sex,MALE,sex_TGXCI) / duration(sex,MALE),               //EN Agenta TGXCI male
        weighted_duration(age_TGXCI) / duration()                                 //EN Agenta TGXCI by age
    * integer_age

table Person TabNtaValidation_TGXII                                               //EN TGXII Validation
[calendar_year == MIN(SIM_YEAR_RANGE) && is_resident]
        weighted_duration(base_TGXII) / duration(),                               //EN TGXII
        weighted_duration(sex,FEMALE, base_TGXII) / duration(sex,FEMALE),         //EN TGXII female
        weighted_duration(sex,MALE, base_TGXII) / duration(sex,MALE),             //EN TGXII male

        weighted_duration(nta_educ,NE_LOW, base_TGXII) / duration(nta_educ,NE_LOW),     //EN CFE educ low
        weighted_duration(nta_educ,NE_MEDIUM, base_TGXII) / duration(nta_educ,NE_MEDIUM),  //EN CFE educ medium
        weighted_duration(nta_educ,NE_HIGH, base_TGXII) / duration(nta_educ,NE_HIGH),    //EN CFE educ high
        weighted_duration(nta_educ,NE_NN, base_TGXII) / duration(nta_educ,NE_NN),    //EN CFE educ nn

        weighted_duration(sex,FEMALE,sex_TGXII) / duration(sex,FEMALE),           //EN Agenta TGXII female
        weighted_duration(sex,MALE,sex_TGXII) / duration(sex,MALE),               //EN Agenta TGXII male
        weighted_duration(age_TGXII) / duration()                                 //EN Agenta TGXII by age
    * integer_age

table Person TabNtaValidation_TGEI                                               //EN TGEI Validation
[calendar_year == MIN(SIM_YEAR_RANGE) && is_resident]
        weighted_duration(base_TGEI) / duration(),                               //EN TGEI
        weighted_duration(sex,FEMALE, base_TGEI) / duration(sex,FEMALE),         //EN TGEI female
        weighted_duration(sex,MALE, base_TGEI) / duration(sex,MALE),             //EN TGEI male

        weighted_duration(nta_educ,NE_LOW, base_TGEI) / duration(nta_educ,NE_LOW),     //EN CFE educ low
        weighted_duration(nta_educ,NE_MEDIUM, base_TGEI) / duration(nta_educ,NE_MEDIUM),  //EN CFE educ medium
        weighted_duration(nta_educ,NE_HIGH, base_TGEI) / duration(nta_educ,NE_HIGH),    //EN CFE educ high
        weighted_duration(nta_educ,NE_NN, base_TGEI) / duration(nta_educ,NE_NN),    //EN CFE educ nn

        weighted_duration(sex,FEMALE,sex_TGEI) / duration(sex,FEMALE),           //EN Agenta TGEI female
        weighted_duration(sex,MALE,sex_TGEI) / duration(sex,MALE),               //EN Agenta TGEI male
        weighted_duration(age_TGEI) / duration()                                 //EN Agenta TGEI by age
    * integer_age

table Person TabNtaValidation_TGHI                                               //EN TGHI Validation
[calendar_year == MIN(SIM_YEAR_RANGE) && is_resident]
        weighted_duration(base_TGHI) / duration(),                               //EN TGHI
        weighted_duration(sex,FEMALE, base_TGHI) / duration(sex,FEMALE),         //EN TGHI female
        weighted_duration(sex,MALE, base_TGHI) / duration(sex,MALE),             //EN TGHI male

        weighted_duration(nta_educ,NE_LOW, base_TGHI) / duration(nta_educ,NE_LOW),     //EN CFE educ low
        weighted_duration(nta_educ,NE_MEDIUM, base_TGHI) / duration(nta_educ,NE_MEDIUM),  //EN CFE educ medium
        weighted_duration(nta_educ,NE_HIGH, base_TGHI) / duration(nta_educ,NE_HIGH),    //EN CFE educ high
        weighted_duration(nta_educ,NE_NN, base_TGHI) / duration(nta_educ,NE_NN),    //EN CFE educ nn

        weighted_duration(sex,FEMALE,sex_TGHI) / duration(sex,FEMALE),           //EN Agenta TGHI female
        weighted_duration(sex,MALE,sex_TGHI) / duration(sex,MALE),               //EN Agenta TGHI male
        weighted_duration(age_TGHI) / duration()                                 //EN Agenta TGHI by age
    * integer_age

table Person TabNtaValidation_TGO                                               //EN TGO Validation
[calendar_year == MIN(SIM_YEAR_RANGE) && is_resident]
        weighted_duration(base_TGO) / duration(),                               //EN TGO
        weighted_duration(sex,FEMALE, base_TGO) / duration(sex,FEMALE),         //EN TGO female
        weighted_duration(sex,MALE, base_TGO) / duration(sex,MALE),             //EN TGO male

        weighted_duration(nta_educ,NE_LOW, base_TGO) / duration(nta_educ,NE_LOW),     //EN CFE educ low
        weighted_duration(nta_educ,NE_MEDIUM, base_TGO) / duration(nta_educ,NE_MEDIUM),  //EN CFE educ medium
        weighted_duration(nta_educ,NE_HIGH, base_TGO) / duration(nta_educ,NE_HIGH),    //EN CFE educ high
        weighted_duration(nta_educ,NE_NN, base_TGO) / duration(nta_educ,NE_NN),    //EN CFE educ nn

        weighted_duration(sex,FEMALE,sex_TGO) / duration(sex,FEMALE),           //EN Agenta TGO female
        weighted_duration(sex,MALE,sex_TGO) / duration(sex,MALE),               //EN Agenta TGO male
        weighted_duration(age_TGO) / duration()                                 //EN Agenta TGO by age
    * integer_age

table Person TabNtaValidation_TFB                                               //EN TFB Validation
[calendar_year == MIN(SIM_YEAR_RANGE) && is_resident]
        weighted_duration(base_TFB) / duration(),                               //EN TFB
        weighted_duration(sex,FEMALE, base_TFB) / duration(sex,FEMALE),         //EN TFB female
        weighted_duration(sex,MALE, base_TFB) / duration(sex,MALE),             //EN TFB male

        weighted_duration(nta_educ,NE_LOW, base_TFB) / duration(nta_educ,NE_LOW),     //EN CFE educ low
        weighted_duration(nta_educ,NE_MEDIUM, base_TFB) / duration(nta_educ,NE_MEDIUM),  //EN CFE educ medium
        weighted_duration(nta_educ,NE_HIGH, base_TFB) / duration(nta_educ,NE_HIGH),    //EN CFE educ high
        weighted_duration(nta_educ,NE_NN, base_TFB) / duration(nta_educ,NE_NN),    //EN CFE educ nn

        weighted_duration(sex,FEMALE,sex_TFB) / duration(sex,FEMALE),           //EN Agenta TFB female
        weighted_duration(sex,MALE,sex_TFB) / duration(sex,MALE),               //EN Agenta TFB male
        weighted_duration(age_TFB) / duration()                                 //EN Agenta TFB by age
    * integer_age

table Person TabNtaValidation_TFW                                               //EN TFW Validation
[calendar_year == MIN(SIM_YEAR_RANGE) && is_resident]
        weighted_duration(base_TFW) / duration(),                               //EN TFW
        weighted_duration(sex,FEMALE, base_TFW) / duration(sex,FEMALE),         //EN TFW female
        weighted_duration(sex,MALE, base_TFW) / duration(sex,MALE),             //EN TFW male

        weighted_duration(nta_educ,NE_LOW, base_TFW) / duration(nta_educ,NE_LOW),     //EN CFE educ low
        weighted_duration(nta_educ,NE_MEDIUM, base_TFW) / duration(nta_educ,NE_MEDIUM),  //EN CFE educ medium
        weighted_duration(nta_educ,NE_HIGH, base_TFW) / duration(nta_educ,NE_HIGH),    //EN CFE educ high
        weighted_duration(nta_educ,NE_NN, base_TFW) / duration(nta_educ,NE_NN),    //EN CFE educ nn

        weighted_duration(sex,FEMALE,sex_TFW) / duration(sex,FEMALE),           //EN Agenta TFW female
        weighted_duration(sex,MALE,sex_TFW) / duration(sex,MALE),               //EN Agenta TFW male
        weighted_duration(age_TFW) / duration()                                 //EN Agenta TFW by age
    * integer_age

table Person TabNtaValidation_SF                                               //EN SF Validation
[calendar_year == MIN(SIM_YEAR_RANGE) && is_resident]
        weighted_duration(base_SF) / duration(),                               //EN SF
        weighted_duration(sex,FEMALE, base_SF) / duration(sex,FEMALE),         //EN SF female
        weighted_duration(sex,MALE, base_SF) / duration(sex,MALE),             //EN SF male

        weighted_duration(nta_educ,NE_LOW, base_SF) / duration(nta_educ,NE_LOW),     //EN CFE educ low
        weighted_duration(nta_educ,NE_MEDIUM, base_SF) / duration(nta_educ,NE_MEDIUM),  //EN CFE educ medium
        weighted_duration(nta_educ,NE_HIGH, base_SF) / duration(nta_educ,NE_HIGH),    //EN CFE educ high
        weighted_duration(nta_educ,NE_NN, base_SF) / duration(nta_educ,NE_NN),    //EN CFE educ nn

        weighted_duration(sex,FEMALE,sex_SF) / duration(sex,FEMALE),           //EN Agenta SF female
        weighted_duration(sex,MALE,sex_SF) / duration(sex,MALE),               //EN Agenta SF male
        weighted_duration(age_SF) / duration()                                 //EN Agenta SF by age
    * integer_age

table Person TabNtaValidation_SG                                               //EN SG Validation
[calendar_year == MIN(SIM_YEAR_RANGE) && is_resident]
        weighted_duration(base_SG) / duration(),                               //EN SG
        weighted_duration(sex,FEMALE, base_SG) / duration(sex,FEMALE),         //EN SG female
        weighted_duration(sex,MALE, base_SG) / duration(sex,MALE),             //EN SG male

        weighted_duration(nta_educ,NE_LOW, base_SG) / duration(nta_educ,NE_LOW),     //EN CFE educ low
        weighted_duration(nta_educ,NE_MEDIUM, base_SG) / duration(nta_educ,NE_MEDIUM),  //EN CFE educ medium
        weighted_duration(nta_educ,NE_HIGH, base_SG) / duration(nta_educ,NE_HIGH),    //EN CFE educ high
        weighted_duration(nta_educ,NE_NN, base_SG) / duration(nta_educ,NE_NN),    //EN CFE educ nn

        weighted_duration(sex,FEMALE,sex_SG) / duration(sex,FEMALE),           //EN Agenta SG female
        weighted_duration(sex,MALE,sex_SG) / duration(sex,MALE),               //EN Agenta SG male
        weighted_duration(age_SG) / duration()                                 //EN Agenta SG by age
    * integer_age

table Person TabNtaValidation_YL                                               //EN YL Validation
[calendar_year == MIN(SIM_YEAR_RANGE) && is_resident]
        weighted_duration(base_YL) / duration(),                               //EN YL
        weighted_duration(sex,FEMALE, base_YL) / duration(sex,FEMALE),         //EN YL female
        weighted_duration(sex,MALE, base_YL) / duration(sex,MALE),             //EN YL male

        weighted_duration(nta_educ,NE_LOW, base_YL) / duration(nta_educ,NE_LOW),     //EN CFE educ low
        weighted_duration(nta_educ,NE_MEDIUM, base_YL) / duration(nta_educ,NE_MEDIUM),  //EN CFE educ medium
        weighted_duration(nta_educ,NE_HIGH, base_YL) / duration(nta_educ,NE_HIGH),    //EN CFE educ high
        weighted_duration(nta_educ,NE_NN, base_YL) / duration(nta_educ,NE_NN),    //EN CFE educ nn

        weighted_duration(sex,FEMALE,sex_YL) / duration(sex,FEMALE),           //EN Agenta YL female
        weighted_duration(sex,MALE,sex_YL) / duration(sex,MALE),               //EN Agenta YL male
        weighted_duration(age_YL) / duration()                                 //EN Agenta YL by age
    * integer_age

table Person TabNtaValidation_YAF                                               //EN YAF Validation
[calendar_year == MIN(SIM_YEAR_RANGE) && is_resident]
        weighted_duration(base_YAF) / duration(),                               //EN YAF
        weighted_duration(sex,FEMALE, base_YAF) / duration(sex,FEMALE),         //EN YAF female
        weighted_duration(sex,MALE, base_YAF) / duration(sex,MALE),             //EN YAF male

        weighted_duration(nta_educ,NE_LOW, base_YAF) / duration(nta_educ,NE_LOW),     //EN CFE educ low
        weighted_duration(nta_educ,NE_MEDIUM, base_YAF) / duration(nta_educ,NE_MEDIUM),  //EN CFE educ medium
        weighted_duration(nta_educ,NE_HIGH, base_YAF) / duration(nta_educ,NE_HIGH),    //EN CFE educ high
        weighted_duration(nta_educ,NE_NN, base_YAF) / duration(nta_educ,NE_NN),    //EN CFE educ nn

        weighted_duration(sex,FEMALE,sex_YAF) / duration(sex,FEMALE),           //EN Agenta YAF female
        weighted_duration(sex,MALE,sex_YAF) / duration(sex,MALE),               //EN Agenta YAF male
        weighted_duration(age_YAF) / duration()                                 //EN Agenta YAF by age
    * integer_age

table Person TabNtaValidation_YAG                                               //EN YAG Validation
[calendar_year == MIN(SIM_YEAR_RANGE) && is_resident]
        weighted_duration(base_YAG) / duration(),                               //EN YAG
        weighted_duration(sex,FEMALE, base_YAG) / duration(sex,FEMALE),         //EN YAG female
        weighted_duration(sex,MALE, base_YAG) / duration(sex,MALE),             //EN YAG male

        weighted_duration(nta_educ,NE_LOW, base_YAG) / duration(nta_educ,NE_LOW),     //EN CFE educ low
        weighted_duration(nta_educ,NE_MEDIUM, base_YAG) / duration(nta_educ,NE_MEDIUM),  //EN CFE educ medium
        weighted_duration(nta_educ,NE_HIGH, base_YAG) / duration(nta_educ,NE_HIGH),    //EN CFE educ high
        weighted_duration(nta_educ,NE_NN, base_YAG) / duration(nta_educ,NE_NN),    //EN CFE educ nn

        weighted_duration(sex,FEMALE,sex_YAG) / duration(sex,FEMALE),           //EN Agenta YAG female
        weighted_duration(sex,MALE,sex_YAG) / duration(sex,MALE),               //EN Agenta YAG male
        weighted_duration(age_YAG) / duration()                                 //EN Agenta YAG by age
    * integer_age

table Person TabNtaPopulation2010                           //EN NTA POPULATION
[calendar_year == MIN(SIM_YEAR_RANGE) && is_resident]
    nta_pop_group *
    tab_fam_index + *
    sex + *
        duration() //EN Duration
    * integer_age
    * nta_educ +

table Person TabTestRole                           //EN ROLE OF STUDENTS
[in_school && is_resident && integer_age>=17 && integer_age <=25]
        duration() //EN Duration
    * calendar_year
    * family_role+

table Person TabRoleTest2 //EN Role test 2
[calendar_year == MIN(SIM_YEAR_RANGE) && is_resident && nta_pop_group==NPG_YOUNG_STUDENT]
        duration() //EN Duration
    * nta_educ+

table Person TabRoleTest3 //EN Role test 3
[calendar_year == MIN(SIM_YEAR_RANGE) && is_resident && integer_age>=17 && integer_age <=25]
    in_school+ *
    in_school_startpop+ *
        duration() //EN Duration
    * nta_educ+

table Person TabRoleTest4 //EN Role test 4
[calendar_year == MIN(SIM_YEAR_RANGE) && is_resident && integer_age>=17 && integer_age <=25]
    in_school_startpop+ *
        duration() //EN Duration
*    in_school+
* family_role+

table Person TabRoleTest6 //EN Role test 6
[calendar_year == MIN(SIM_YEAR_RANGE) && is_resident && integer_age>=18 && integer_age <=25 && person_type==PT_START]
        duration() //EN Duration
*    in_school_startpop+
* in_school+


This module implements table output as base of the online NTA visualisation tool. The module is optional and can be removed from the application. Table output is produced for two points in time - the starting year and the calendar year 50 years later. Currently, the output for the future is a dummy output only.

// Dimensions

classification NTA_VISULAL_YEAR         //EN Year
    NVY_BASE,                           //EN Base year
    NVY_BASEP50                         //EN Projected year

// States used in the table output

actor Person
    double current_CFE =  (calendar_year == MIN(SIM_YEAR_RANGE)) ? base_CFE : base_CFE * 1.5;         //EN Private Consumption Education (CFE)
    double current_CFH =  (calendar_year == MIN(SIM_YEAR_RANGE)) ? base_CFH : base_CFH * 1.5;         //EN Private Consumption Health (CFH)
    double current_CFX = (calendar_year == MIN(SIM_YEAR_RANGE)) ? base_CFX : base_CFX * 1.5;         //EN Private Consumption other than Education and Health (CFX)
    double current_CGE =  (calendar_year == MIN(SIM_YEAR_RANGE)) ? base_CGE : base_CGE * 1.5;         //EN Public Consumption Education (CGE)
    double current_CGH = (calendar_year == MIN(SIM_YEAR_RANGE)) ? base_CGH : base_CGH * 1.5;         //EN Public Consumption Health (CGH)
    double current_CGX = (calendar_year == MIN(SIM_YEAR_RANGE)) ? base_CGX : base_CGX * 1.5;         //EN Public Consumption other than Education and Health (CGX)
    double current_TGSOAI = (calendar_year == MIN(SIM_YEAR_RANGE)) ? base_TGSOAI : base_TGSOAI * 1.5;   //EN Public Transfers Pensions, Inflows (TGSOAI)
    double current_TGXCI = (calendar_year == MIN(SIM_YEAR_RANGE)) ? base_TGXCI : base_TGXCI * 1.5;     //EN Public Transfers Other Cash Inflows (TGXCI)
    double current_TGXII = (calendar_year == MIN(SIM_YEAR_RANGE)) ? base_TGXII : base_TGXII * 1.5;     //EN Public Transfers Other In-Kind Inflows (TGXII)
    double current_TGEI = (calendar_year == MIN(SIM_YEAR_RANGE)) ? base_TGEI : base_TGEI * 1.5;       //EN Public Transfers Education Inflows (TGEI)
    double current_TGHI = (calendar_year == MIN(SIM_YEAR_RANGE)) ? base_TGHI : base_TGHI * 1.5;       //EN Public Transfers Health Inflows (TGHI)
    double current_TGO = (calendar_year == MIN(SIM_YEAR_RANGE)) ? base_TGO : base_TGO * 1.5;         //EN Public Transfers Outflows (TGO)
    double current_TFB = (calendar_year == MIN(SIM_YEAR_RANGE)) ? base_TFB : base_TFB * 1.5;   //EN Net Interhousehold Transfers (TFB)
    double current_TFW = (calendar_year == MIN(SIM_YEAR_RANGE)) ? base_TFW : base_TFW * 1.5;//EN Net Intrahousehold Transfers (TFW)
    double current_SF = (calendar_year == MIN(SIM_YEAR_RANGE)) ? base_SF : base_SF * 1.5;           //EN Private Saving (SF)
    double current_SG = (calendar_year == MIN(SIM_YEAR_RANGE)) ? base_SG : base_SG * 1.5;           //EN Public Saving (SG)
    double current_YL = (calendar_year == MIN(SIM_YEAR_RANGE)) ? base_YL : base_YL * 1.5;           //EN Labor Income (LY)
    double current_YAF = (calendar_year == MIN(SIM_YEAR_RANGE)) ?  base_YAF : base_YAF * 1.5;         //EN Private Asset Income (YAF)
    double current_YAG = (calendar_year == MIN(SIM_YEAR_RANGE)) ?  base_YAG : base_YAG * 1.5;         //EN Public Asset Income (YAG)

    logical in_nta_visualisation_year = (calendar_year == MIN(SIM_YEAR_RANGE) || calendar_year == MIN(SIM_YEAR_RANGE) + 50);
    NTA_VISULAL_YEAR nta_visual_year = (calendar_year == MIN(SIM_YEAR_RANGE)) ? NVY_BASE : NVY_BASEP50;     //EN Year

// Table Groups

table_group TG_NTA_VISAL //EN NTA Visualisations

// Tables

table Person tabNtaVisualisationChild       //EN NTA Visualisation Children
[ in_nta_visualisation_year && nta_pop_group == NPG_CHILD && is_resident]
        duration(), //EN Population
        weighted_duration(current_CFE) / duration(),    //EN Private Consumption Education (CFE)
        weighted_duration(current_CFH) / duration(),    //EN Private Consumption Health (CFH)
        weighted_duration(current_CFX) / duration(),    //EN Private Consumption other than Education and Health (CFX)
        weighted_duration(current_CGE) / duration(),    //EN Public Consumption Education (CGE)
        weighted_duration(current_CGH) / duration(),    //EN Public Consumption Health (CGH)
        weighted_duration(current_CGX) / duration(),    //EN Public Consumption other than Education and Health (CGX)
        weighted_duration(current_TGSOAI) / duration(), //EN Public Transfers Pensions, Inflows (TGSOAI)
        weighted_duration(current_TGXCI) / duration(),  //EN Public Transfers Other Cash Inflows (TGXCI)
        weighted_duration(current_TGXII) / duration(),  //EN Public Transfers Other In-Kind Inflows (TGXII)
        weighted_duration(current_TGEI) / duration(),   //EN Public Transfers Education Inflows (TGEI)
        weighted_duration(current_TGHI) / duration(),   //EN Public Transfers Health Inflows (TGHI)
        weighted_duration(current_TGO) / duration(),    //EN Public Transfers Outflows (TGO)
        weighted_duration(current_TFB) / duration(),    //EN Net Interhousehold Transfers (TFB)
        weighted_duration(current_TFW) / duration(),    //EN Net Intrahousehold Transfers (TFW)
        weighted_duration(current_SF) / duration(),     //EN Private Saving (SF)
        weighted_duration(current_SG) / duration(),     //EN Public Saving (SG)
        weighted_duration(current_YL) / duration(),     //EN Labor Income (LY)
        weighted_duration(current_YAF) / duration(),    //EN Private Asset Income (YAF)
        weighted_duration(current_YAG) / duration()     //EN Public Asset Income (YAG)
    *educ_parents +

table Person tabNtaVisualisationStudent       //EN NTA Visualisation Young Students
[ in_nta_visualisation_year && nta_pop_group == NPG_YOUNG_STUDENT  && is_resident]
        duration(),                                     //EN Population
        duration(sex,FEMALE) / duration(),              //EN Proportion Female
        weighted_duration(current_CFE) / duration(),    //EN Private Consumption Education (CFE)
        weighted_duration(current_CFH) / duration(),    //EN Private Consumption Health (CFH)
        weighted_duration(current_CFX) / duration(),    //EN Private Consumption other than Education and Health (CFX)
        weighted_duration(current_CGE) / duration(),    //EN Public Consumption Education (CGE)
        weighted_duration(current_CGH) / duration(),    //EN Public Consumption Health (CGH)
        weighted_duration(current_CGX) / duration(),    //EN Public Consumption other than Education and Health (CGX)
        weighted_duration(current_TGSOAI) / duration(), //EN Public Transfers Pensions, Inflows (TGSOAI)
        weighted_duration(current_TGXCI) / duration(),  //EN Public Transfers Other Cash Inflows (TGXCI)
        weighted_duration(current_TGXII) / duration(),  //EN Public Transfers Other In-Kind Inflows (TGXII)
        weighted_duration(current_TGEI) / duration(),   //EN Public Transfers Education Inflows (TGEI)
        weighted_duration(current_TGHI) / duration(),   //EN Public Transfers Health Inflows (TGHI)
        weighted_duration(current_TGO) / duration(),    //EN Public Transfers Outflows (TGO)
        weighted_duration(current_TFB) / duration(),    //EN Net Interhousehold Transfers (TFB)
        weighted_duration(current_TFW) / duration(),    //EN Net Intrahousehold Transfers (TFW)
        weighted_duration(current_SF) / duration(),     //EN Private Saving (SF)
        weighted_duration(current_SG) / duration(),     //EN Public Saving (SG)
        weighted_duration(current_YL) / duration(),     //EN Labor Income (LY)
        weighted_duration(current_YAF) / duration(),    //EN Private Asset Income (YAF)
        weighted_duration(current_YAG) / duration()     //EN Public Asset Income (YAG)
    * nta_educ +

table Person tabNtaVisualisationYoung       //EN NTA Visualisation Young Workers
[ in_nta_visualisation_year && nta_pop_group == NPG_YOUNG_WORK  && is_resident]
    sex+ *
    nta_family_active+ *
        duration(), //EN Population
        weighted_duration(current_CFE) / duration(),    //EN Private Consumption Education (CFE)
        weighted_duration(current_CFH) / duration(),    //EN Private Consumption Health (CFH)
        weighted_duration(current_CFX) / duration(),    //EN Private Consumption other than Education and Health (CFX)
        weighted_duration(current_CGE) / duration(),    //EN Public Consumption Education (CGE)
        weighted_duration(current_CGH) / duration(),    //EN Public Consumption Health (CGH)
        weighted_duration(current_CGX) / duration(),    //EN Public Consumption other than Education and Health (CGX)
        weighted_duration(current_TGSOAI) / duration(), //EN Public Transfers Pensions, Inflows (TGSOAI)
        weighted_duration(current_TGXCI) / duration(),  //EN Public Transfers Other Cash Inflows (TGXCI)
        weighted_duration(current_TGXII) / duration(),  //EN Public Transfers Other In-Kind Inflows (TGXII)
        weighted_duration(current_TGEI) / duration(),   //EN Public Transfers Education Inflows (TGEI)
        weighted_duration(current_TGHI) / duration(),   //EN Public Transfers Health Inflows (TGHI)
        weighted_duration(current_TGO) / duration(),    //EN Public Transfers Outflows (TGO)
        weighted_duration(current_TFB) / duration(),    //EN Net Interhousehold Transfers (TFB)
        weighted_duration(current_TFW) / duration(),    //EN Net Intrahousehold Transfers (TFW)
        weighted_duration(current_SF) / duration(),     //EN Private Saving (SF)
        weighted_duration(current_SG) / duration(),     //EN Public Saving (SG)
        weighted_duration(current_YL) / duration(),     //EN Labor Income (LY)
        weighted_duration(current_YAF) / duration(),    //EN Private Asset Income (YAF)
        weighted_duration(current_YAG) / duration()     //EN Public Asset Income (YAG)
    * educ_fate +

table Person tabNtaVisualisationAdults       //EN NTA Visualisation Adult Workers
[ in_nta_visualisation_year && nta_pop_group == NPG_ADULT_WORK  && is_resident]
    sex+ *
    nta_family_active+ *
        duration(), //EN Population
        weighted_duration(current_CFE) / duration(),    //EN Private Consumption Education (CFE)
        weighted_duration(current_CFH) / duration(),    //EN Private Consumption Health (CFH)
        weighted_duration(current_CFX) / duration(),    //EN Private Consumption other than Education and Health (CFX)
        weighted_duration(current_CGE) / duration(),    //EN Public Consumption Education (CGE)
        weighted_duration(current_CGH) / duration(),    //EN Public Consumption Health (CGH)
        weighted_duration(current_CGX) / duration(),    //EN Public Consumption other than Education and Health (CGX)
        weighted_duration(current_TGSOAI) / duration(), //EN Public Transfers Pensions, Inflows (TGSOAI)
        weighted_duration(current_TGXCI) / duration(),  //EN Public Transfers Other Cash Inflows (TGXCI)
        weighted_duration(current_TGXII) / duration(),  //EN Public Transfers Other In-Kind Inflows (TGXII)
        weighted_duration(current_TGEI) / duration(),   //EN Public Transfers Education Inflows (TGEI)
        weighted_duration(current_TGHI) / duration(),   //EN Public Transfers Health Inflows (TGHI)
        weighted_duration(current_TGO) / duration(),    //EN Public Transfers Outflows (TGO)
        weighted_duration(current_TFB) / duration(),    //EN Net Interhousehold Transfers (TFB)
        weighted_duration(current_TFW) / duration(),    //EN Net Intrahousehold Transfers (TFW)
        weighted_duration(current_SF) / duration(),     //EN Private Saving (SF)
        weighted_duration(current_SG) / duration(),     //EN Public Saving (SG)
        weighted_duration(current_YL) / duration(),     //EN Labor Income (LY)
        weighted_duration(current_YAF) / duration(),    //EN Private Asset Income (YAF)
        weighted_duration(current_YAG) / duration()     //EN Public Asset Income (YAG)
    * educ_fate +

table Person tabNtaVisualisationOld       //EN NTA Visualisation Old
[ in_nta_visualisation_year && nta_pop_group == NPG_OLD  && is_resident]
    sex+ *
    nta_family_old+ *
        duration(), //EN Population
        weighted_duration(current_CFE) / duration(),    //EN Private Consumption Education (CFE)
        weighted_duration(current_CFH) / duration(),    //EN Private Consumption Health (CFH)
        weighted_duration(current_CFX) / duration(),    //EN Private Consumption other than Education and Health (CFX)
        weighted_duration(current_CGE) / duration(),    //EN Public Consumption Education (CGE)
        weighted_duration(current_CGH) / duration(),    //EN Public Consumption Health (CGH)
        weighted_duration(current_CGX) / duration(),    //EN Public Consumption other than Education and Health (CGX)
        weighted_duration(current_TGSOAI) / duration(), //EN Public Transfers Pensions, Inflows (TGSOAI)
        weighted_duration(current_TGXCI) / duration(),  //EN Public Transfers Other Cash Inflows (TGXCI)
        weighted_duration(current_TGXII) / duration(),  //EN Public Transfers Other In-Kind Inflows (TGXII)
        weighted_duration(current_TGEI) / duration(),   //EN Public Transfers Education Inflows (TGEI)
        weighted_duration(current_TGHI) / duration(),   //EN Public Transfers Health Inflows (TGHI)
        weighted_duration(current_TGO) / duration(),    //EN Public Transfers Outflows (TGO)
        weighted_duration(current_TFB) / duration(),    //EN Net Interhousehold Transfers (TFB)
        weighted_duration(current_TFW) / duration(),    //EN Net Intrahousehold Transfers (TFW)
        weighted_duration(current_SF) / duration(),     //EN Private Saving (SF)
        weighted_duration(current_SG) / duration(),     //EN Public Saving (SG)
        weighted_duration(current_YL) / duration(),     //EN Labor Income (LY)
        weighted_duration(current_YAF) / duration(),    //EN Private Asset Income (YAF)
        weighted_duration(current_YAG) / duration()     //EN Public Asset Income (YAG)
    * educ_fate +