

This report is the central delivery of Work Package 1 of the WELTRANSIM project, a project of the Horizon 2020 Joint Program Initiative More Years, Better Live’s second joint transnational call entitled Welfare, Wellbeing, and Demographic Change: Understanding Welfare Models. The report studies the interactions between welfare state regimes, welfare transfers, and population ageing accounting for educational change, life expectancy differentials by education, and changing family patterns. We contribute to existing research by obtaining and using new detailed data on income, consumption and welfare transfers by age, sex, education and family type and by developing and applying innovative modelling tools.

The centrepiece of this research is the development and application of the comparative dynamic microsimulation model microWELT. MicroWELT simultaneously depicts and projects key sociodemographic characteristics of the studied populations, as well as transfer-flows as captured by the National Transfer Account (NTA) accounting framework. The report covers the microWELT platform, sociodemographic projections, the calculation and interpretation of disaggregated NTA profiles, the projection of NTA indicators, and the study of distributional issues within and between population groups over time and between generations.