OENB - Policy Levers and Socio-Demographic Factors of Long-Term Care Needs and Public Costs in an Ageing Society
Ulrike Famira-Mühlberger, Philipp Warum, Martin Spielauer, Thomas Horvath, Viktoria Szenkurök
In the coming decades, the number of people in need of long-term care will rise sharply. The issue of public spending on long-term care is therefore central to the future economic sustainability of the public sector. For this reason, a methodologically adequate approach according to international standards - away from a static analysis towards a dynamic microsimulation capable of simultaneously addressing population ageing, changes in longevity and morbidity, changes in family networks and the availability of informal care as well as policy reform - is the central concern of this research proposal. The proposed modelling approach allows making full use of the rich data on long-term care information contained in the administrative PFIF Database. This is a novel approach as it would be the first time that this wealth of data has been used to project long-term care needs.

Organizations: Austrian Institute of Economic Research (WIFO)
Funding: This 2024-2027 project is funded by the Austrian National Bank (OENB)