The development of the microWELT model began in 2017, when it was also decided to design microWELT as a modular modelling platform rather than a single application. This design idea was put to the test shortly afterwards with the development of microDEMS, which builds on this platform. Since then, microWELT was refined, adapted, and extended in various projects covering a broad range of topics.
Current Projects
- JPI MYBL - Caring Over the Lifecycle: the Roles of Families and Welfare States Today and Into the Future (WellCARE)
- HORIZON EUROPE - Sustainable Welfare: Rethinking the Roles of Family, Market and State (SustainWELL)
- OENB - Policy Levers and Socio-Demographic Factors of Long-Term Care Needs and Public Costs in an Ageing Society
Completed Projects
- H2020 - Welfare Transfer Simulation (Weltransim)
- Education and Health as Determinants of Labour Force Participation and the Consequences of Ageing
- NBER - The power of inclusive labor force participation for mitigating population aging: closing gaps at the intersection between race/ethnicity and gender in the United States
- Projecting the future size and composition of the Austrian workforce
- NBER - Projections of Age-Specific US Labor Force Participation Based on a Dynamic Microsimulation Model Accounting for Education and Health
- Socio-economic Inequality and Healthcare Costs Over the Life Course
- Activatable Labour Market Potentials and “Hidden Unemployment” in Austria
- Older people on the labor market: a forecast up to 2040 as a basis for economic policy measures
- Simulating the effects of increasing regular retirement age to 67 on the supply of labor in Austria
- OENB - Long-term integration of immigrants in Austria: a dynamic Microsimulation Model
- microDEMS – A Dynamic Microsimulation Model for Austria. Illustration Using the Example of the Development of Labour Force Participation Until 2040