MicroWELT is implemented in Modgen, a freely available generic microsimulation programming language developed and maintained by Statistics Canada. This report documents the implementation of microWELT step by step and allows to reproduce the model from scratch. Most of the steps correspond to a new module that was added in this step. The documentation includes a description of each module as well as the modelling code. The steps are organized in such a way that basic concepts of modgen programming are introduced first. This allows the use of this documentation as a textbook for the implementation of microsimulation models.
- Step 1: Creating a Population
- Step 2: Birthdays
- Step 3: Base Mortality
- Step 4: Base Fertility
- Step 5: Education Fate Base Model
- Step 6: Primary Education Fate Refined Model
- Step 7: Refined Mortality
- Step 8: Refined Fertility
- Step 9: Male Childlessness
- Step 10: Education Pattern
- Step 11: Female Partnership Status
- Step 12: Partner Matching
- Step 13: Family Links
- Step 14: Education Alignment
- Step 15: Emigration
- Step 16: Immigration
- Step 17: Basic NTA
- Step 18: Basic NTA Indicators (Lee & Mason 2017)
- Step 19: NTA Validation
- Step 20: NTA Full Generational Accounts
- Step 21: Net Migration
- Step 22: Table Output